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If you are currently subbed to my patreon I want to ask you to pleas unsub. Reason for this is because im going to be making some changes and well the pricing will be changing as well as a few other things. So please unsub before you get charged again.

The stuff I showed previews for will be dm'd through the messages on here once they are done. The stuff are the cyber kitty chair, the moon choker, and the male clothes. I know I have not been as active in working on all of this stuff but I promise that once they are done you guys will have it first.

For now I will need you to unsub and I will ping on my discord again once my patreon changes are made and everything is set. Please do not think that I do not want you subbed to me >.< All of you guys who have subbed I am truly greatful to you guys yall have helped me and my family so much with this and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will sub again once patreon is up and running again.

I am sorry to have to tell you guys this but I have been thinking for a while about the changes and i think now is the right time to make them. Also most of you know that my computer was down for 4 days and well when I got it back I had to work on installing everything all over again cause most of it didnt transfer fully to my hard drive.

Again I am sorry but I promise that my patreon will be down max a month im hoping that by next month around this same date I will have it all set up and running... Once changes are made I will ping on my discord and inform everyone of the changes that were made to my patreon. Until then I hope you understand, I do promise that the stuff I still need to finish will be sent to you directly once I have a chance to get to it.


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