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Hey everyone!

Here's Jenn trying out some bigger boobs for a V-day photoshoot. What do you think of her more top heavy look?

I thought I'd also throw in Grace's shots from a few months back on the same bed, because why not? Either way, happy Valentine's Day!

This was meant to be posted yesterday. Not sure why the timed post didn't post, but I haven't been having the best luck with Patreon since their last site refresh. My main issue is not seeing or getting any notifications for comments, so my apologies for not responding lately. 

I was looking at recent posts and noticed lots of comments that I never saw emails or other notifications for, which is frustrating because it used to be the first thing I saw logging into the sight right in the notifications panel, and now there is nothing there about comments at all. With hundreds of posts now, I really hope they fix their system going forward.

As to the comments themselves, it seems most of them were asking about the Android build, which is fair enough since it's been over a month now. I was being optimistic and was hoping to have this latter section of the update finished sooner, but if I knew it would be this long I would have finished it sooner. 

It's taken longer than usual for the Android build since this update was rather large and made the size limit for APK files more difficult to fit. The game was already getting pretty close to 2gb before this, so compressing it all down has taken some time. I'll be trying different compression software going forward to make sure it all still looks good, but I imagine this will continue to be a challenge going forward as the game gets bigger and bigger.

As to the game itself, I'm working on the last scene currently, and although I still have a few other things to finish up, I should have it up for testing here in the next few days and posted to the $5 tier when it's all polished up.

What's next after this update? I'll probably put it up to a poll to see if you guys want to pick back up on Endowed or jump right into the next Hypnosis update, but we'll finish this up first before we get into it.

Thanks, everyone!




ITS TOO BIG!!! Thats what she said...but never what he said. Lol. Dude, take whatever time you need. You haven't let us down yet, I sincerely doubt you are going to this time. I have only one issue. A poll? Noooo...I have this image in my head of endowed not getting worked on till next year. 😢


Hey there bud 🙋‍♂️ I already have helped some other creators with the image compression for their games so if you want we could do a discord call some time and talk about this topic... I wrote a pretty simple tool specifically for the compression of images for Renpy games.. Hit me up in DMs for details if you want the help 😁

The Magical Gurl

Hope all has been well, Expando. :)


Not sure if this is what Steelmaker was talking about, but one option for larger games is to put all the files in one large .rpa file, and then having a small launcher that opens the archive and runs the game. Users have to copy the .rpa file to a folder under Documents. A House in the Rift does it this way, among others.


Honestly I'd like the broken watch ending to continue, plus an alternative through the game where we could get all the girls to grow even if the main character doesn't get with them. It'd also be interesting if we could choose various expansions at some point, like height growth, or hyper lactation, muscle growth and yes it is scientifically possible for muscle to grow like the girl's breasts do in the game. Also make Jenn hyper-fertile potentially, it'd be nice for her to get her way. Possibly have something that hits the watch damaging it but not breaking it allowing for new commands provided they don't cancel out previous commands that way the girls are still stuck growing but more can join in.