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Dear Diary,

Hello, I’m Jenn!

I’m starting this for a class assignment, and I’ve never had a diary before! I feel like a girl from the old times. Except that would be with pencil and notepad! That sounds more authentic, but the assignment calls for being digital so we can show page counts. Plus, this way no one can read you, which is cool!

Actually, since no one will read it, how is Mr. West going to know whether we did it? I could probably just write a bunch of nonsense and he’d never know! All work and no play make Jenn a dull girl! All work and no plaaaaay

Speaking of playing, I’m going to go hang out with Haley!

Dear Diary,

I tried on a few dresses today. It's for a school thing, and I was thinking this one but it probably shows too much skin and the other girls would make fun of me.

On a happier note, I had fun with Haley yesterday! I was house sitting for Grandma’s friends again and she came over. We stayed up late watching movies and eating snacks. I think Haley might have a problem with her diet, but I would never tell her that. She’s the only girl at my school who is actually nice to me!

Well ,not all of the girls are mean, but I think some of them feel sorry for me and how much I get bullied by LAURA and her dumb sidekick Grace. I still don’t know what I ever did to make them hate me so much. It makes school pretty unbearable, but at least I have Haley now! She can eat all the ice cream she wants and I won’t say a thing.

Okay bye for now!

Hey there Diary, Jenn again.

I mentioned Laura yesterday (actually that wasn’t yesterday, I haven’t written in three days, oops) and today was… UGGGH! She makes me want to pull my hair out! Actually, screw that. I want to pull her hair out! And maybe strangle her with it! Or at least stuff it down her stupid throat!

Man, I hope no one ever reads this. But anyway, here’s what happened:

We had a school thing. Leah and Ashley suggested we all dress up like it was the 1950s. So we all dressed up and went… bowling? I don’t know if the idea was all there, but at least we tried. Anyway, I’m bowling with Haley when Laura convinces this guy to tell me I have a big ass.

Grace even told him that if he did, she'd be his girlfriend. I found out all about all this later. Apparently they are getting other people to bully for them now. So that’s something to look forward to. Even when I’m not at school. Yayyy.

Thing is, I met him a few years ago too! I don't think he remembers but he was really nice to me. We were at a basketball game and we played tic tac toe and he beat me every time but he was always nice about it.

So, another day ruined. Sigh.

Dear Diary,

So the boy called me to apologize. He was kind of rude about it, so I texted him back and he got mad. Oops. But what do I have to lose? I don’t think his apology was even real, he probably had to do it.

Anyway, thought I looked kind of cute today so I took another selfie. At least you get to see it since no one else wants to.

Dear Diary,

I just took that photo as an experiment.

Today was weird. Leah and Ashley's boobs are bigger, and it's supposedly because the guy I'm dating hypnotized them and told them their boobs would grow and it worked?

So anyway I ran into him at school and he offered to do the same for me? I said yes, but I really don't think it will work. I looked it up online and there was nothing about it.

Still, I don't want to be the only girl in my class with small boobs! Laura and Grace also asked him to, and he did. I don't know what's going on there. He lives with Leah and she's friends with Ashley so that makes sense, but Grace? She calls him her enemy.

I don't get it. But I'm going to text him now!

Well, that was a mistake. He says he asked me to stop talking to him, so I did. But he was nice to me at school, so I thought I would message him again to thank him, but apparently he was mad at me again? It’s… I hate my life.

What is going on? Do I have such low self esteem I just keep texting a boy, even when he asks me not to? What is wrong me? I feel like I would do anything to get his attention. Should I send him a picture of my boobs? I could say it's to compare to see if they get any bigger? 

Uggggh. So stupid.

Dear Diary,


Things happened.

Okay so I was house sitting and I invited him over, and he came. Should I write his name? No, I don’t want to. He’s the only guy in my life, so it’s not like it’s confusing. So he came over, Haley was there, and the three of us went on a walk to get ice cream. Easy enough, right?

So Haley walked off to give us alone time, and he kissed me? I thought he didn’t like me, and he’s kissing me? A little weird, but okay.

We get our ice cream, and as we are walking back, something comes over me.

A different version of me took over. It was like I was watching myself from above as the other version of me got down on her knees and gave him a BLOW JOB???


No, it was me, because I can still taste it. I had more ice cream but it doesn’t matter, I still taste it. It tastes dirty, it tastes slutty… that’s what I’ll call the other version of me.

Slut Jenn.

Where did she come from?

But I want to see him again. So I think I'm going to invite a few more friends over on Friday. I'm not supposed to really have anyone over but it will just be a few people like Haley’s friend Rachel. Just enough to make it fun so he'll come.

Also, my boobs are definitely bigger.

Dear Diary,

Slut Jenn is definitely real.

Don't believe me? Just look at my selfie. Yep. That's her.

I invited him over again, this time just the two of us. We were just hanging out, when that bitch went and GAVE HIM MY VIRGINITY

I’m not even kidding! His cock. My vagina. This bitch just gave it away for free!

Did it hurt? I think so? I don’t know, once again, I felt like I was just watching it happen, floating above, thinking my face looked kind of goofy when he gave me my first orgasm.

Yeah, that happened. How could I see my face? I don’t even know.

But he has it now. He took it. My virginity, and he’s not going to give it back.

Does that make me his slut now?

He didn’t say he’s with me or anything, and I’ve heard from the other girls he’s been hooking up with some of them too. So why did I give it to him? No, why did SHE give it to him?

Stupid Slut Jenn.

How do I feel about it? I’m still not even sure.

It was… it was… really good, actually.

I can’t stop thinking about it.

I just put my finger inside and pulled it out to lick the juices, and it tastes just like him.

I should probably wash my keyboard now.

Okay saying dear diary sounds dumb, so I'm just going to tell you what day it is.

It's Friday! It's my party tonight!

I invited over Haley, Rachel, their friend Valerie, and a couple of Rachel's guy friends who are supposed to bring over some drinks. But I don't really care as long as he comes over. I think I'm going to surprise him with something... something big. I'm not going to say it, but if all goes well... fingers crossed!

Also, my chest is bigger by the way. Check out the two pictures to see the difference.

It's Suturday morning, and a ton of stuff has happened and I wasn't able to write in here until now.

It's been crazy! 

So we had the party. It was fun, and I was there for part of it, but Slut Jenn kind of took over for parts of it. I dragged him upstairs and rode him. Being on top is fun!

So I was on cloud nine, happy as could be. He even finished inside me without a condom. He knows I’m not on birth control, so does that mean he loves me? Or does he just like Slut Jenn? I’m so confused.

I’m also not jealous, apparently? Because I know he had sex with Haley’s friend Rachel and I was just okay with it, because he still ended the night with me.

Then… I can’t believe this happened.

He woke me up with sex again, which was great, because now apparantly I REALLY LIKE SEX or at least that slutty bitch does? Anyway, he finished on my face, and I walked downstairs to show everybody. No, that was her. Definitely her.

Cum dripping down my face, me showing everyone how I was his. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I want everyone to know. I’m his. His little slut.

And then he invited all of us to Laura's house for a pool party. I didn't want to go, but he convinced us. He said it would help us all get along.

So now I should go get ready for it, even though I’m not very excited.

But at least I have a cute swimsuit to wear! Here's a pic.

Okay, I’m back. And it turns out, I’m not the only slut.

Guess who else?


Okay, I’ll you.


Me. Haley, Leah, Ashley, Grace, Laura. Especially him. He’s the biggest slut of all, because he’s hooked up with all of us.

Am I mad?

I don’t even know what to feel. The nice thing about Slut Jenn as I can just let her deal with this.

Oh, turns out she has a solution, and we’re going to go masturbate wildly.

OH! Before I go, he took me upstairs into Laura’s room and we had sex… on her bed… and he pulled out and came on her pillow.


Maybe I don’t hate him, even after everything today.

Dear Diary,

He came over to the house with Grace and Daphne, and they asked a bunch of annoying questions. Obviously none of us stole it. Obviously it was probably stupid Laura.

But he took me right upstairs and gave it to me hard. It was dirty. And Grace’s friend Daphne watched us for some reason? And having an audience is wild.

She said she doesn’t even like sex, and it was like I was on a mission to show her how fun it could be. I’m pretty sure they all heard us downstairs. I didn’t know I could even be that loud. Or that she could be.

At least Grace was cool today. When she wasn’t around Laura she was kind of… not terrible. It made me wonder if they brought out the worst in each other, or if it was just that bitch once again.

Anyway, they went to confront Laura after we all told them to, and I haven’t heard back yet, but I’d bet ten bucks she at least had something to do with it.

OH! So I just got a phone call, and things went wild! Not only was I right, Laura actually tried to use the watch to steal my boy!! But he outsmarted her and got the watch back. Tomorrow is going to be crazy at school, apparently she hypnotized Leah and Ashley and told them to hate him? So now we’re all united against her! Finally everyone sees what a bitch she is, it’s not just me and Haley. Even Grace won’t be friends with her after this.

By the way, I shouldn’t really call him my boy, since he’s not only with me. Although technically, he could still be my boy even if he’s still dating other girls, couldn’t he?

Also, my boobs are getting huge. Here’s another picture. 

Oh, I guess she took those, sorry.

But... right?

Dear Diary,

I can’t think of anything else except getting with him again. I am thoroughly addicted! I woke up not being able to think about anything else. So I called him and Haley are going to his college and I don’t care where we go, even if it’s a broom closet. I’m getting it.

But no more dirty pictures.

Dear Diary,

There we go. All covered up, right? 

Haaaa. So, here’s an update. We found an empty classroom and did some role playing. I was the teacher, he was the student… IT WAS SO HOT!!

Like… FUCK!

And as soon as he filled me with his cum, I forgave him for everything. He wants to keep hooking up with Ashley and Leah? Whatever! As long as he saves some for me. I even told Haley to hook up with him, and she did.

Then he took me out on a date, just the two of us, and we went out for pizza. Then we hooked up at a park at night, and no one caught us but it was incredibly intense.

Back to his uncle’s apartment, and we just kept going, and going, and going. Literally for hours. I woke up in a sticky puddle, and my stomach was sticking out THAT'S HOW MUCH SEMEN WAS STILL INSIDE ME!

I don’t think that’s normal. Not at all.

But every neuron in my brain was firing off at once like a heroin addict getting their sweet fix. I’ve never slept better in my life, and I woke up with a smile on my face. Even though when I woke up he wasn’t there and on a date with Haley. Did I care? Nope!

I just rolled over to the dry side of the bed and passed out. When I woke up, there was a new puddle on that side. Oops.

Dear Diary,

Okay so the "no more dirty pictures" thing didn't last very long.

Today I’m meeting up with him and he’s going to hypnotize us to make our boobs stop growing. Mine are seriously big! Like, I’m surprised my back doesn’t hurt! But at least I’m balanced out finally from this big ol’ caboose.

Alright, I’m back from school. He told us all to control our own bodies, and supposedly it works, because Grace’s friend said it worked for her? So I don’t even know what I want. I’m so used to having the biggest booty of my class, do I want to keep that going?

I know Haley is going for the titty queen title, and I think she’ll win. But guess what else?

I told him I wanted to get pregnant, and that I want to be able to lactate. Why did I say that? I don’t think I even realized it until I said it. I can’t even imagine it, spraying milk out of my nipples… crazy. But it’s part of what the whole experience is to be a mom. And I really want to be.

I want to be the mom I never had. I know it won’t fix my childhood, but at least I’ll know I was able to give my future kid one. The love, the attention, everything. How many kids will I have? I don’t even care. I just want a family.

And I really wish I had him to myself because I know he will make a great dad. But will he still step up and still want to make a family with me? Can that work, if he is still seeing other girls too? I don’t even know.

But even if I have to raise our kids mostly by myself, I don’t even care. I mean, I don’t have a way to make a lot of money, but I’ll figure it out. I’m sure Grandma will still let me live with her, even when she’s too old to help me out and I’ll be taking care of her too. Plus, Haley will help me!

And am I crazy, or would the other girls possibly help out too? I’m actually starting to wonder if they could be my actual friends. Like, I used to be jealous of Haley’s friend Rachel because they’re basically best friends, but now I’m starting to think of her as my friend too. It’s weird.

Also, I gave him a blowjob in the locker room of the gym. I think that’s all he wanted, but I made him give me a creampie and I do not regret it.

You know what I just realized? I don’t think I’m going to get to be in charge of my body anymore. I think Slut Jenn is going to be the one in charge, and she’s going to turn me into a walking wet dream, one of those girls who causes traffic accidents when she walks down the street because people can’t stop staring at her ridiculously huge ass and giant tits bouncing everywhere in her slutty clothes.

Dear Diary,

Today I was hanging out with Haley and was browsing Instagram and saw Leah post a picture with him and her sister at the mall, so we kind of did a dumb thing. We decided to “crash” their date and act like it was an accident.

So we went to the mall and walked around until we found them at the food court. We thought we were being sneaky, but I’m pretty sure they knew exactly what we were doing. I thought I was going to be jealous seeing him on a date with Leah, but honestly, it felt pretty normal. They were just hanging out, what’s the big deal?

Plus, he gave me a kiss when we left, which I did not expect, and it basically gave me butterflies for the rest of the day!

Also, I’m no longer addicted to him, which is a relief. It means my body doesn’t have to be craving him 24/7. Now it’s just my mind, still thinking about him, all the time, every day… so maybe it’s not that different after all.

But I was able to walk away without getting any sex and now I’m still fine.

I played with myself for several hours when I got home, but I’m fine.

Maybe getting rid of the addiction got rid of Slut Jenn?

That would be good, right?

But I think I would miss her.

I’m going to go get my vibrator.

Dear Diary,

I asked him to take me out for Halloween. We’re all doing a costume contest, and the winner gets a date with him so of course I’m bringing my A game.

We went to a haunted house. Haley didn’t want to go and he was only going along with it to make me happy, and… I messed up.


You seriously couldn’t pay me to go back. If someone gave me a giant pile of money I would light it on fire before I’d ever go near that place again.

On the plus side, he cream pied me again. I think that might be my favorite thing, actually. Creampies!

That and being an exhibitionist. I love having sex in public! Laura’s room was one thing, but we did it at his college, in the middle of the park, and now in a haunted house where I’m sure there were cameras. I can’t even tell you how wet it made me thinking of some nerdy girl watching the tapes and fingering herself while she watched.

Actually, why does it have to be a girl? What’s weird.

I kind of like it? The risk of getting caught had me so nervous, but it made it more exciting. Is that what girls are talking about when they say they like to be choked? Maybe I can see the appeal, at least a little.

Creampie. Mmm. I’ll take those forever.

Dear Diary,

He’s taking us to a cabin for the weekend. I’m trying not to get too excited, but, I’m just going to say it. I couldn’t be any more excited if I tried!

I’m going to show him how slutty I really am. No one else can beat me there. Leah can be wholesome, Ashley can be bisexual or whatever, Haley can be sweet, Grace can be a little slutty, but no one can beat me with how I’m willing to do literally anything he wants.

He can fuck me in the middle of the cabin with everything watching and I won’t even care. Actually, I’m going to ask him to. I’m going to prove that I’m the only one he needs, because I’m the horniest, dirtiest, sluttiest girl he has. And if he wants nice or wholesome I can do that too. But I’ll be the one with his cum dripping off me the whole trip. I’ll be the one waking him up in the middle of the night for one more round.

The other girls are going to hate me because he’s not going to have any energy for them by the time I’m done with him. Why? Because I’ll never be done with him. I’ll always want another round, another orgasm, another hole filled and another layer of his precious semen on my tits.

I wonder how many creampies I can get from him this time with all the other girls to compete with? I guess Haley can have one, but the rest are mine.

Who am I kidding?

They are Slut Jenn’s.
