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Hey, everyone!

Thought I had a few posts queued up to be posted automatically for the past few weeks. Apparently I did not. That's okay though, gives me a few more weeks to focus on the game.

Above are a couple of renders I wanted to show. There were several assets I really wanted to use for the broken watch branch, namely the cruise ship Leah is standing in front of, and the cruise ship pool. I had a few scenes planned for them, but I couldn't access them.

Then, last year when I figured out how to reload all my assets, I was able to use those and a lot of others, basically doubling my environments and assets. So in future updates we'll revisit the cruise ship ending of the broken watch ending a bit, not so much for full scenes but to check in on the girls as they continue growing.

As I mentioned in the last update, I knew when it finished several of you would want to see the girls even bigger and we'd inevitably revisit it. And I know some of you are done with it (especially when the girls are already bigger than your preferences), so I won't be spending much time on it, just enough to check in from time to time.

As always, I'll mention when new content appears and how to find it. There will also be new character endings with new updates, and I'll link to them accordingly.

Meanwhile, how's the next update coming along?

Still working on visuals for the most part. There will be a few variations I'm still writing as I go, but it's coming together in a way I'm happy with.

I'll let you know when it's ready for beta testing, although I'm trying to make the testing version far more complete this time around so there isn't as long of a wait before it's finished.

For my next main post, I want to create an update character guide for everyone. Part of the challenge of this update was trying to remind everyone where things are at since it's been a while since we left off at Episode 13.

So I realized a more complete character guide will help remind us where everyone is at and where the story is currently. I'll release that in the future, and it will likely be an ongoing thing.

Meanwhile, for renders this upcoming month I'd like to pick up the Mayternity theme and continue it from last year.

Also, the last animated image of Leah was made by Liška!

Thanks, everyone!

