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Hey everyone! 

I've been trying to learn a new 3D modeling program called Virt-A-Mate to use for future projects. Originally, I wanted to make a little comic, but I'm not there yet and figured a short story with visuals would be the next best thing.

I'll get there one day, but for now most of my time and energy is still spent on the games and this is more of a side project in an attempt to improve my craft.

So I finished this little short story for you as side content while I'm finishing up the next game update. It's three chapters and a total of 25 pages in length.

The story includes light breast expansion through lactation and impregnation and several sex scenes.

"You don't know the Beatles?" Alice asked me. 

"I know the hits. I just never explored their discography." 

"That's insane! We need to fix that right now!" 

I grinned. "Sounds great. But let me get a refill. Need one?" 

"No, I've had enough gin and tonics for now. Do you mind if I smoke instead?"

"It's your beach house," I said.

"Thanks. It helps me enjoy the music."

I climbed the stairs to the second level of the house and made myself a drink in the kitchen as I enjoyed the view. This was my first time here, as I'd only been dating Alice for around a month.

I still wasn't sure about her as a person, but with the current view I couldn't regret being here. Plus, the petite blonde was out of my league hot. So what if she gave off typical red flags I'd usually run from?

I grabbed a water bottle for her and descended the stairs.

As I entered the basement she dropped the needle on the record theatrically.

"Aww, you brought me a water? You deserve a reward. Let's snuggle!"

She talked slow enough I had assumed she was always a little altered. Still, as a school teacher who was always busy, the first week of summer made her a lot more fun to be around. I sat on the bed next to her as the music picked up.

"Mmm," she said as she rested her head on my shoulder. "I love how tall you are. Are you sure you don't mind if I smoke? I know you don't do it."

"That's because it doesn't really affect me," I said. "I tried all day with my roommate once and never felt anything."

"This is medical grade shit," she said as she lit up her pipe. "Could I shotgun a hit to you?"

"Sure," I said as I moved to kiss her and she blew smoke in my open mouth. "Hey, that tastes pretty good."

"You like it!" she said with a toothy smile. She could look at me with eyes halfway closed and still be outrageously pretty. It wasn't fair.

Several minutes passed before she turned back to me. "What do you think of this album? It's Abbey Road. Doesn't the record sound so much brighter than digital music?"

"Actually, yeah," I said. "Since I've actually heard this song before, but… it's like I can hear the colors."

She giggled. "Are you high?"

"Oh, shit," I said. "It's this what it's like?"

"We did it! Hey, are you ready for another hit?"

"If that means getting to kiss you again, sure."

"You're cute," she said as she breathed in another puff and blew it into my mouth. I took advantage of the moment by kissing her sensually, feeling more sensation than I was used to.

The kiss turned into more and soon I was climbing on top of her as the next song began.

She moaned, encouraging me to continue, but I was at a loss. She wore a little floral patterned romper and I had no idea how it came off. Toward the bottom, I guessed, so I pulled down her shoulder straps to reveal her small tits for the first time.

They were cute and perky, but I still tried not to look disappointed. I'd always loved big breasts, and these would not even qualify as medium. Still, she had tattoos running down the side of her ribcage and I was happy to keep exploring.

I removed her romper and she helped me out of my clothes. I felt each touch more than usual as I kissed down her body. Alice was wet already, and I didn't need to spend much time warming her up.

I returned back to kiss her as our hips brushed against each other. My cock had a mind of its own as it moved in place to penetrate her.

I pulled my head back to gauge her reaction. She was biting her lip.

"Do we need a condom?" I asked.



I thrusted forward, finding her far smaller and tighter than I'd expected. I nibbled on her ear and wrapped my arms around her dainty waist, attempting to elevate things beyond typical missionary.

"Fuck!" she yelled. "You're really big!"

"And you're really small," I said as I pushed into her gently. I was almost a foot taller than her, but I'd never felt it more than at this moment.

She wrapped her legs around mine and pulled me in, speeding us up and assuring me I wasn’t hurting her. Her beautiful face became one of pleasure, and I sped up to attempt to give her what she wanted.

‘This is going better than expected,’ I thought to myself. ‘She’s out of the romper, she looks incredible naked, she feels amazing, and I’m feeling the effects of the weed. Maybe I should play some music during sex more often…”

There was no warning sign. My orgasm appeared with all the surprise I would have felt if a cat had sneaked up on me and began licking my balls. One moment we were getting started. Next, I was filling this tattooed beauty underneath me with cum.

I was too surprised to speak, only a grunt to acknowledge that I’d begun blasting her insides. I tried to continue, hoping to bring her off, but the intensity threw me off and I lost the rhythm.

“Fuck!” I finally said. “I just… I’ve never…”

She chuckled. “Enjoy yourself?"

"You're too powerful," I said.

"How so?"

"The way your hips flare into your waist, these tattoos… in ten years of being sexually active, I've never been premature before. You're too damn sexy."

She giggled. "Then I'll take that as a compliment."

"Well that's a relief," I said as I climbed off her. "I'll make it up to you."

"Sure, next time."

"Honestly? Give me ten minutes and I-"

The door behind me opened, causing me to jump in the air. I found the sheet in my hands and placed it over my lap as I landed, sitting upright.

"Wow!" an attractive brunette said as she entered the room. "What are you, a gymnast?"

"Yeah," Alice said next to me. "That was impressive."

"It wasn't the way I wanted to meet Alice's dad," I admitted.

"Well, I'm Bethany, Alice's best friend. And just so you know, I still got an eyeful of your junk."

"Nice to meet you," I said.

"And you're Andrew?"

"Glad you got that right,” I admitted.

"Yeah, girl! What if you got it wrong?” Alice asked.

“Would have been awkward, I suppose. Almost as much as if I walked in on the two of you having sex.”

“We finished,” I said. “Well, at least I did.”

“Good. Because your mom was pulling up behind me in the driveway.”

“Shit, really?” Alice said.

"Yep! Come on, this is the first time I've gotten away from my evil offspring. Let's get drunk!"

I met both of Alice’s parents who seemed nice enough. We all had dinner together, a nice Italian feast which sobered me back up. I stayed that way in an attempt to make a good impression.

After dinner the three of us sat out on the back deck and watched the sun get closer to the water.

“Damn, Beth,” Alice said. “I don’t think that top was meant for tits that size.”

Bethany looked down at the cleavage on display in her low cut red V-neck top. “I know, right? They’re getting ridiculous.”

“Aren’t her tits gorgeous, Andrew?”

I didn’t know what to say. Either she was being jealous, or she was simply complimenting her friend. “Totally!”

“You’re so lucky,” Alice continued.

“Yeah, well. Start breastfeeding and I’m sure you’ll have similar results. Plus, you’re one to talk,” Bethany said. “You have the ass of a goddess!”

“Yeah she does,” I said as I took a sip of my lemonade with a straight face.

“Hey, I need to go to the store.”

“You’ve been drinking,” Alice said. “Are you sober, Andrew?”

“Yeah, I could drive. How far is it?”

“Not too bad, about ten minutes into town. If you leave now you’ll be back before sunset.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Bethany stood up shakily. “Come on! We’ll get to know each other!”

“Can’t wait. Hey, does anyone else need anything?” I asked.


"Nice car," Bethany said five minutes later.

"Thanks," I said, not quite sure if she was being sarcastic or polite. "So how long have you known Alice?"

"Third grade. She borrowed a yellow marker to draw a sun, then some other kid tried to take it from her and I intervened."

"Were you a big kid?"

"No, but I was tough. And she was so little."

"So you bonded over a feeling of being protective over her? I guess I could relate."

"Yeah? She gave you the Damsel In Distress vibes and you swung in all Captain Save A Ho?"

I grinned. "Exactly like that."

"So what did she say to make you want to protect her?"

"It was what she didn't say. She kept skipping over things and underplaying important details."


"Well, you're her friend, but I don't want to overshare anything…"

"I'm sure I've heard it."

"Well then. I guess it doesn't need to be said."

She sighed. "Yeah. She can be a lot. But if it helps, that means she trusts you. Also, she let you hit it. Not a lot of people in this world could say that."

"Good to know."

"So what's your deal, Andrew?"

"I'm just a boy, finding himself in a surprisingly nice situation for once, trying not to fuck it up."

"Yeah? It's a good day?"

"A great day."

"Because you finally hit it?"

"Well, that didn't hurt. But I fucked things up, and life is still going."

"I'm not going to ask."


"Because she already told me."


She slapped my arm. "You're fine."

"I swear, that's never happened to me before."

She snorted. "Actually, she didn't tell me. But now I have a pretty good idea."


"You're different from the usual guys she brings home."

"In a good way?"

"Yeah. She's usually a terrible judge of character, or maybe she picks the losers on purpose. But I can see why she likes you."

"Why's that?"

"You're tall, and you're chill. Just like her dad. And I don't know if you've noticed, but she's a total daddy's girl."

"She is, isn't she?"

"Shit," she said when we met back at the car.

"What'd you need to pick up?"


"For your vibrator?"

"Close. I packed my travel breast pump, but I didn't realize you couldn't use a regular plug with it. And they don't carry the batteries here."

"How far to the next store?"

"I don't know. Twenty minutes? If they're even open by the time we get there."

"Want to give them a call?"

"You'd really drive me an hour out of the way? But you just met me."

"What other choice is there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Okay, I'll call."

She pulled out her phone and dialed. There was no response.


"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll drive home."

"But you've been drinking."

"I know. This was the first time, too. All this milk was just going to go to waste. And my tolerance is super low since I haven't drank in almost a year. Fuck!"

"I could drive you," I offered.

"No, I live two hours away."

"Are you getting full?"

"Obviously," she said as she gestured down at her low cut top.

"Well, can I help?"


"It's not the most common thing to offer, but…"

"Don't you think that's disgusting?"

I frowned. "Hey, I'm just trying to be nice…"

"No, not you. I mean, don't you find breastfeeding disgusting? My boyfriend hasn't touched me in months."

"Hell no," I said. "Quite the opposite, in fact."


"Well, I've never done it, but…" I paused, and there was a moment of silence. "Sorry, wasn't trying to make it weird, I was just trying to be a problem solver. Should we head back? Maybe there are batteries in a remote."

"They take D batteries."

"Now that's just stupid," I said.

"Right? Yeah, let's just head back. Maybe I can sober up and head home."

I pulled back out the winding road that ran alongside the river and we drove for a couple of minutes.

"Fuck, I'm so full!" she whined. Another minute passed. "Were you serious about your offer?"

The next chapter will drop on Monday.



Chrona Trigger

If you use virt-a-mate, you bstter damn well release them as scenes too :P I say that loving your content and missi g such an opportunity would be a cruelty

Bob Obo

I like where this is going :)