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Hey everyone! 

The next update of Endowed is looking good. I was hoping to have it up by now, but it still needs a little more work. I'm pretty happy with what I have so far, and I'm hoping you guys will love it. 

My goal has been trying to make this update the one that takes off, introducing the bigger boobies and more love interests to kick the story into gear. As you can see with the progress chart, we're getting close, and I plan to have the testing version up soon with the finished update shortly after.

Meanwhile, I'm also planning out my schedule for August. I want to take a few polls to get your opinion on things. For example, I have a pretty good idea what to focus on with the next Hypnosis update, but I want to check what you think on whether I should jump right into the next update or take a step back and focus on technical aspects of the game.

I also want to get your opinion on any other content to work on, whether that's short animations for game content, more size comparison renders, or something different altogether.

Hope your July was decent and that August is even better.

Once again, thank you for your support! I'm lucky to have you guys.




Loving the progress chart. Might want to post it on discord as well if thats not already done.


For a long time I was a subscriber of Dark Cookie, he's working on "Summertime Saga".. It's a very, very good game, and I highly recommend it. At one point, he came to the same dilemma; more content, or a technical update. Polls chose "more content" because, you know, who wouldn't. But, it came to bite him in the butt. He eventually had to do a tech refresh. But, because he waited as long as he did, the tech update is taking far longer than anyone expected. So I say the same to you. If you find a tech bug, fix it now. The longer you put it off, the longer it'll take to fix later. And yes, I plan on re-subscribing once he's back on track.