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This post has three parts!

First, the picture above. Pretty flower, right? Reminds me of AnotherBloomer's logo. Have you seen his work? He is making BE themed comics and illustrations, and he's doing a growth drive currently on both Twitter and DeviantArt! Each like, favorite and new follower makes Abby grow.

Second, I tried to post a quick little promotion animation of Jenn getting punished here, but Patreon has conspired both not to let me upload videos or use any player that will host it. Guess I'll have to link to it on DeviantArt?

Third, happy Pride Month! I may be making games in which straight girls are often convinced to experiment with their sexuality, but I believe treating people with the same respect regardless of their sexual preferences is something to be celebrated.





Awwwww shucks EUG thanks for the shoutout! <3 Also, as a member of the pride community (Gray Ace/Demi) thank you for supporting us this month and including representation in your work. <3