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A few months ago, I held a Livestream on Discord, asking people how big Haley should get. Naturally, this led to things moving from a question of "how big can she get before she reaches the limits of the program and can be animated?" to "how big can she get, period?"

The first scenes in the dressing room mostly went unused because I realized that, although I used a slightly bigger model for her, she still wasn't big enough to match the previous scene when she was bulging out of her top. 

The next scene with the ramen will be in the Korea montage, and Haley covered in bubbles was one of my favorites that hasn't made it into the game. Next, we have Haley attempting that Starbucks breastmilk meme from a few months back, a couple from the last scene in the game, followed by... mega-giant Haley. 

What do you think of the last one? Too big? 

Either way, enjoy!




the very last one could only maybe be used for some bad ending since you wouldn't even be able to have x with her at this point 🤔 everything else is doable 😂


Gotta leave a little room for knocked up Haley. Franchise!


No such thing as “too big.” :)

Liam Strain

The last one doesn't work for me, not because of the size, but because with the model the shapes go too far out of wack. Everything else is A+


Definitely greedy for growth


Love the sense of scale. 11 feels like a *big* size that could see story around it working. The largest is awesome, but see that as nearly impossible to keep story working outside room/pool that she resides in.


I am a fan of the progress that every girl is making. The way to the point they are now. At the end the girls are immobile and there isn't much plot to be had so i'd say a good ending Point or a good point for a weight gain path if you ever thought about it. Pregnancy is something she could have in an earlier stage. I am not a big fan of completly immobile girls tbh.


love 11 also, think that would be as big as she should get, loving the game so far


The very last pic was umm....not too big but badly showcased her growth I would say. Lol otherwise awesome.


Bigger is always better ;)


Big fan of the last one, but it strikes me as the sort of size that shouldn't be used flippantly.


Too big on the last one for two reasons. 1. I don't like immobility, and 2. They're so big you can see the polygons that make up her model. I know I'm looking at CGs, but whenever I see that, all the sexiness just goes away. Everything else is looking gorgeous though!


I likew the tought of her being immobile and the girls working to keeping her fed and washed while struggeling with there own size!


I would normally be, bigger is better, but the larger Haley versions are not really visually selling it for me. Simply put, it is lacking the visuals of mass and weight. They visually are too full, firm and round but I’m guessing these are the 3D model limitations. Could have been clever camera angels, positioning and or clothing to mask certain limitations, but the Laura Cruise ending did Haley her large size ending more visual justice, but then again, it has been a little while, so, I could be recalling it incorrect.


The 12th picture where Haley is wearing sunglasses is the same model I used previously with the Laura cruise ending. I threw that in for comparison


I agree. I can smooth out the lines a bit using Photoshop, but the size in the ending really is the max of what I could consider as realistic.

Chrona Trigger

I love every single one of those. I would love to see the last one animated into a sex scene..

Matt K

When boobs don't look like boobs anymore it's time to stop LOL, although I am curious to see her ass. Also, love picture 10, it does a fantastic job of showing just how curvy she is.


Yeah, I'd say that it passes the level of what I can do visually and turns into something that belongs better in one of Fantasy1290's stories. Speaking of, the upcoming story already being written about this update is gold.


For Haley, I say the bigger the better. It's her main appeal and character trait so I would say the last picture fits her or as big as the software allows. Think Leah should end up in 2nd place probably somewhere between the final 2 sizes and the rest of them all end up roughly around the size of picture 11. Haley is all about being a size maniac and and Leah seems to be into the feeding aspect so those 2 should end up super huge and quite aways ahead of the rest imo.


Yeah, I think Haley should go as far as physically possible; its her main appeal. Leah should be semi close in a distinct second place. The rest of the squad should out around that Starbucks size with some minor variations.

aske visholm

Bigger = Better. Always.


Shower Haley would be my preferred size.


I would love to see the last one make it in the game.


In general I'm pretty pleased as long they are noticeably larger than her head. So shower Haley and the rest looks awesome, but still wouldn't mind them to be a bit larger than that. However, the very last one is a too large for my taste. I guess about half of that is my ideal "max" size? Kinda hard to tell though.


I think the max size we got in the game was a good cap, but appreciate you showing the attempt at going further. Any larger and the engine doesn't quite handle it. It also satisfies my personal max. I loved the size she was at when overflowing in the top, good max size for some of the other girls, with a couple hitting that pic7-10 range. I always imagined there being a bit of an unspoken competition at some point, where Leah (or someone) ends up the largest at that torso-covering yet mobile size (like pic8) before Haley is jealous and ends up at that mobility-impaired pic 12 cruise ship size, and they call it quits. Definitely think it will be fun having them start to have more unique growth in the main path too. It's fun seeing them all grow but at different rates, and will be great to see it happen in different ways, like one girl being pregnant, another super pregnant with triple+, another girl being tall, another short and curvy. I might be weird, but also wouldn't mind a P-shaped girl. Just boobs, but hips and ass mostly normal. Would love a harem ending where they all are so different like that but together.


Loving that last one, and i know we're hiting technical limitation here, but i'd love even bigger


yeah, no such thing as too big. Maybe a compromise could be the "bigger" scenes could live on as text- or you could commission drawings from an artist rather than rendered images for the "bigger" scenes. Just thoughts. :)


Love the bubbles versions of Haley! The last image comes across a bit awkward, whether due to size or angle.