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Hey everyone!

I cornered Beth in the kitchen and asked her for an interview for the fans.

Expanding Universe Games: Hey Beth, how's it hangin'?

Beth: Hello, everyone! You may not know who I am, but I'm Ashley's mother.

EUG: I'm pretty sure they know.

Beth: So the first thing I wanted to ask is the question that's on everyone's mind. Where the fuck is the update?

EUG: Hold up. You are the one being interviewed here, not-

Beth: Nope. No distractions! What's the latest? Address your fans.

EUG: Hey, everyone. You've all been incredibly patient while waiting for the Broken Watch Branch to reach its conclusion, and I wanted to thank you once again. I'm proud to announce that the ending is in sight!

Beth: What do we have to look forward to for the next update?

EUG: A common complaint about the broken watch path has been that the time frame can be scattered. Several scenes will take place back to back, but then weeks will go by. This is because a big part of this branch is to show the girl’s growth, and time is needed for that to happen.

Scenes with multiple characters are much more difficult to write and animate, so I do my best to mix scenes with individual girls with the big event ones, such as Haley tearing her shirt or the graduation.

But I understand the complaint. Scenes come and go, and after a while, you get this floating feeling, like, “was this scene really the most exciting one this week? Why not focus on the other fun sounding sex scene they’re talking about?”

So, my goal with this update was to keep things tighter. I crammed as much of the update into a twenty-four-hour day as possible. It begins with the MC waking up and following A Day in the Life with the girls in their newly established house.

Beth: What happens in this day?

EUG: Rachel comes to visit. She’s blown away by the girl’s sizes. She’s also looking to sneak off with the MC-

Beth: MC?

EUG: Main Character. Also, I should announce the spoiler warning. 

Beth: If the fans don't want spoilers, they should know that I tend to spoil everything.

EUG: Fair enough. So Rachel tries to sneak off into a closet when no one is looking (if he's done so before), but he doesn't have any chances to. In fact, most of the girls try to convince him to hook up with them on the side, even though this is Jenn’s day. This, it seems, is a common occurrence.

He talks to Leah with a video chat, and it’s suggested that everyone eats while on video with each other. Ashley records this and it becomes a popular video, encouraging everyone to do it more often. If he has both Laura and Haley on his side, this is the catalyst for which ending he'll finish with. In one, Leah flies home. In the other, he decides to go rescue her.

Beth: Sounds simple. So why has it been so long since the last update?

EUG: I originally tried to go back to the quicker, quantity over quality pace I started with for the game, but I quickly realized that I couldn't force it. Now that I've been doing this longer, the little details catch my eye and I'm unable to skip past them. 

Beth: Makes sense. Why else?

EUG: Part of it was the size and scope of this all. I wanted to go back and replay the Broken Watch Path a few times to make sure I was wrapping up all the different storylines introduced. 

The multiple storyline format is great, and I love it. But if this past year hasn’t taught me the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) method yet, then I’m a dumbass. I plan to keep future endings far shorter. This one got away from me. It was supposed to be the titties that would never stop growing, not the ending itself.

I've felt more pressure on this update than anything in the past simply because I want to get it right. I only planned this path to take a couple of months, and yet there kept being more story to tell on the way getting there. 

My goal was to do my best to make the time spent on this branch feel worth it to the best of my abilities. But a few of you were kind enough to remind me it doesn't need to be perfect, and I appreciate that. 

The characters fought back with me, not content to be the MC's side piece, demanding that he be loyal to them in this situation. Some of the girls are content to grow as big as possible, but most of them have worries about their futures. This is the only chance to explore those dynamics, ones in which the girls are growing out of control and forced to work together to deal with it, all the while trusting the MC to be there for them.

There are many of you looking forward to getting the watch back and being able to use it, whether for good or evil, but I hope you also enjoyed this path as we explored what the characters of Hypnosis would do without it.

I always wanted a light and dark path for the story, but this one ended up being a far more neutral one. I believe it worked well as a first ending, because now we have a baseline to compare to for future paths.

The other factor in how long this has taken is how busy of a year this has turned out to be. Sure, I spent a couple of months working on Endowed since the last Hypnosis update, but getting married and dealing with a couple of deaths in the family took a lot more time and energy than I would have expected.

Still, I hope you guys enjoy what’s to come. And I also hope that, like me, you’re looking forward to getting back to the main storyline for the game after this.

Beth: That sounds wonderful. 

EUG: Thanks. Now, for what the fans came here for-

Beth: Oops! So sorry, I need to go pick up my daughter. 

EUG: But-

Beth: Good luck with the update! Hope everyone likes it!




Oh boy, it will be fruitfull christmas this year, I'm sure of it!


Sneaky sneaky Beth. Well done railroading EU, and avoiding the interview. (Awesome concept of updating without a dry update)


Anyone else noticed Beths more ample rack?

aske visholm

Sooo.. when Will the update be ready? 😂