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Round 4! 

Alright, last poll on kinks and fetishes! 

This one veers away from the physical and moves into the mental and interpersonal. 

In a way, talking about a fetish can be like telling a joke. Analyzing it too much can ruin it. Still, it's been fun to go through and see everyone's preferences, both with how often they overlap and all the times when they differ. 

As to my responses to the different polls, I'll be going back and adding updates to each one, mostly talking about the ones that surprised me and my reaction to them.

The main thing I've gotten out of this is learning how much you can split up the different fetishes. Just because you like one thing doesn't mean you will necessarily like something related, even if it often overlaps.

As always, I'll continue doing my best to keep each fetish optional, and this will help to do that even more so.

You've probably noticed I've been trying to fine-tune the poll method, as multiple choices with over a dozen options are confusing when the results are given in percentages. So, this time we have the top option there to help determine how many people took the poll as a baseline to compare against all the choices.

Alright, let's hear it!



I know this is a physical one but Id like to see more TATTOO please


I just love the Harems. I’ve even tried to focus on one but still couldn’t resist having more. I’d love to be able to add Beth and Brittany and the stripper neighbor and the front desk girl and….Gotta have them all!


Would mind control for the greater good include things like making Ashley not freak out when I add her Mom to the Harem?


Pity. Looks like petplay is not going to be in there, or if it is it will be at a minimum.

Matt K

I feel dumb, I didn't realize, you could pick more than one in the other poles, now all the different options make more sense.

James Hârn

Is "light' mind control light as in not very strong or light as in done with good intentions? As much as people voted for "Medium Mind Control" I think it makes for bad stories.

James Hârn

Yes, hopefully! But apparently too many people are voting against it...


Hmm, I gave it some thought and decided to add Dark mind control. Imagine turning them all into your personal group of porn actresses/models even though they normally wouldn’t agree with it. You could have that to support the life and make alterations to keep it different. Depending on how powerful the watch is you could do all kinds of crazy things.


Seemed like it had to few voted earlier in the day, but perhaps not. Thanks for the response.


Good intentions, and mostly only done when someone asks for it. Though if the MC thinks it will benefit the person, he might do it anyway. Like if Grace took up smoking, which annoyed all the other girls, especially since they're pregnant, and he made her stop without her asking, for example.


Convincing someone to like/love something you know they're against is a draw for me, it's literally changing someone's mind. It's different from being as outright cruel as making them go through the motions knowing they hate it. Using hypnotism/mind control gives a way to suggest and explore new ideas without hangups, and provides a mental path to hard-flipping their opinion in exciting ways. I'm not sure this fits into any of the Dark/med/light options above. Not Dark because if done right they're convinced of their new opinion so well that it's not against their will any more, if anything their will encourages it. You might both know their previous stance but it doesn't matter if they're happy with who they are now. It's not necessarily Medium because it could be written so they're aware of the changes and/or being changed, or if they're not, another character might be. It's not Light because well, let's be honest, some changes are more personal preference than necessity. Changing core beliefs should be hard, but it could be framed more as an argument and less as mental domination (and don't get me wrong, I like that too but not every MC interaction should be an aggressive one.) As this applies to the game, convincing Ashley's subconscious of her mothers (very real) sex appeal would be a good first step. She's used the argument before that we're not attracted to our own mother, but as a player we have no frame of reference as to how physically attractive that character is. It's likely that Ashley's mom is considerably better looking because she actively keeps herself in shape. She may be younger than our mother too, we just don't know. I'm going to pick Medium because it's the least out of sync with what I've said here, but honestly if Dark was written as 'change the girls minds regardless of how much they don't want you to', I might have picked that instead.


Yeah, I voted for it as well. I feel like there is a dereth of dark themed games. All these MCs with these moral compasses that always resist temptation. I like those types of stories, but there needs to be some on the other side.


I would love for bimbofication but I’d love the game no less if it didn’t


So I am definitely looking forward to turning up their libido. And maybe also implanting some trigger phrases...lol. I'm a bad bad man.


Perhaps try a total power exchange thing.


Or maybe up their horny to ridiculous levels, to the point where they are never not horny, and only you can get them off. All while keeping them submissive.


Gotta catch them all! Haley is evolving into Giga-boob Haley! It's super effective.


Give all girls a pass to have sex with someone else then becoming more addicted to MC