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Hey everyone!

Wanted to let you know that I'm home from the funeral and back to work on the next Hypnosis update.

Now, I know what question you all have: 

Was it a sexy funeral?

I'm sorry to report that no, it was not. 

Wedding Crashers lied.

In other news, I ordered a new laptop and it's arriving Saturday, which should help me finish updates faster. I mentioned it before, but I've been bottlenecked lately by the fact that my current laptop can't really handle working on visuals with scenes that contain several character models at once without slowing down substantially, and these past few updates have been mostly that.

This leaves me with my desktop to work on the visuals, but lately my wife has been using our home office to work from home with her more important job (she makes more than I do) so I've only been able to use my desktop to work on visuals for a couple of hours each day, usually after midnight when my brain is already running a bit slow. 

Plus, my desktiop has been acting up, probably because that's what computers do when you put them together yourself because you think you still know how to do such things but the cold hard reality hits you that your skills with technology drop pretty quick the closer you get to 40.

Another thing I'm hoping I'm able to do with the new laptop is work on the game and renders simultaneously. It's something I've done a few times before and I thought it added to the experience by letting the writing reflect the visuals more. 

Normally I spend a decent amount of time searching for the right scene or prop assets that I had in mind while writing the scene, but if I do the reverse it's easier to write around the visuals available as well as implement them in the story.

In the meantime, I've been doing a lot of writing over the past month between all the plane rides and time away from my laptop visiting with (real) people, so I have been able to get ahead a bit. In addition to Hypnosis, I've written the next Endowed update and a few other side stories that I should have ready for you after this next Hypnosis update.

Anyway, it's been a while since the last game update so I wanted to thank you all once again for your patience.

I'm going to attempt to be more active on here again between extra renders and behind the scenes posts and whatnot.

Thanks everyone!





Glad you got back safe, and that your new laptop is going to be there soon. As a 47 year old, I really relate to issues with technology diy projects. Unfortunately, I have found it comes down to 'pay more and let the experts do it. That way you actually get a functional result.' Lol.


I am an IT admin for a pretty big tech-university... So i guess i am a little bit of a bad example for the technology topic 😂 But if you have any questions just hit me up 😜