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Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, I don't have the next episode of Hypnosis ready for you yet. It's coming along and I hope to have it out around the middle of September.

However, I do have something a little different for you.

It’s new in two ways. It’s the first story I’ve written in the Hypnosis universe and it’s the first commissioned piece I’ve done.

Did I have fun writing it? Absolutely!

Are you going to have fun reading it? Maybe.

Why the hesitation? Well, this story is a dark ending. It's probably the darkest ending we've seen so far.

So, what’s it about?

About six months ago, a fan messaged me and asked whether I’d be open to working on a custom story. I asked what he had in mind, and here's a transcript of the conversation:

Fan: Hey, I enjoyed the Lockdown story you just posted, it was pretty great!

Me: You’re right, I am an excellent writer and very talented at what I do, thank you for saying so.

Fan: Yeah… anyway, I was wondering if you would do a commissioned piece for me? No rush on it, it’s fine if it was done on your spare time.

Me: Well, I’m working on this quick BE ending that will probably take about a month to finish, but I can work on something after that. What did you have in mind?

Fan: Well, you know the scene where the MC fucks Jenn all night like a fucking stud in Episode 12?

Me: Yep!

Fan: I want to see the very opposite. I'd love a story that shows his downfall. Hero to zero, stud to dud. The MC becomes too prideful and it’s the cause of his demise. If this was Star Wars, I want Revenge Of The Sith.

Me: A dark ending? Hell yeah! I need practice with my endings anyway.

The story is an exercise in learning how a guy at the top of his game sexually with a dozen women all addicted to him could possibly fuck it all up.

If that doesn’t sound like something you’d enjoy, no worries! The fan who commissioned the piece was kind enough to let me share it with you guys, so I wanted to pass it on. But if you would rather not watch the downfall of our MC, I won’t be offended.

You won't be missing out on anything that is canon for the story. This is meant as a fun detour in a different format.

Light spoilers of the next episode are involved, but, hell, if you didn’t already know who the night rapist was, here’s your chance a bit early.

When/where does this story take place?

It begins right at the end of the main timeline in which the MC still has the watch. He agrees to meet up with Laura and hear her out as she attempts to tell him her side of the story.

Why did this story take 6 months to finish?

I was spending most of my time working on the last updates, so I was only able to squeeze in time to write this story here and there.

Will this story make it into the game?

Currently, I'm thinking that it works just fine in the story format. If there was a call for it to be converted into a game update that would be fine, but it would obviously be done later as there are enough other updates to focus on currently. 

That being said, I imagine certain pieces of this story could be reused in other scenes and branches. Don't be too surprised if you find a scene with Jenn learning how to give Ashley a rimjob in the main game, for example.

Pro tip:
I used the default "Chad" as the name of the protagonist to keep aligned with the other stories posted, so if you'd rather personalize it, copy the story over to your favorite text editor (Google Docs works if you need a free one) and choose find/replace to switch out the name for the one you use in the game. This also works for the other stories written in the Hypnosis universe.
Then again, being as how this story follows the protagonist's downfall, you might prefer to leave him as a Chad to keep a distance.

Here's the story, titled The Quickening  





Wonderfully written. Always heart breaking to see a hero fall and become the (almost) villain.


well this is the worst ending, nicely written though


Damn. The first third or so was really hot, as usual, but that was indeed a depressing downward spiral. You accomplished your goal, for sure. While I'm not necessarily opposed to having that eventually included as a possible ending, I gotta say, it isn’t one I'm ever likely to want to play through. Also, Laura is just really, really awful. Like, I keep thinking, "yeah, she's got problems, but surely she must also have redeeming qualities, besides the purely physical?" And then she does something else reprehensible in another story branch. She's just straight-up horrible. So congrats on that front, too - it takes talent to not just write a compelling villain, but make one that constantly FEELS redeemable without ever actually taking any steps towards it. Like she's the ultimate con artist, burning the same marks again and again.


She's fun to write for sure! I'm still not even sure how much of her actions in this story were intentional. I know she spoke out of anger, but I don't think she realized the full ramifications.


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree, but that honestly doesn't make it much better - she's just so utterly selfish, to the point of likely qualifying for a clinical personality disorder. She knows by this point just how dangerous her words can be when talking to Chad, and he even reminds her multiple times, but she's still wildly cavalier about what she says, later admitting that she included a couple pivotal phrases she knew would be hurtful if they happened for everyone involved save her, basically for kicks. Plus, it's damn obvious she messed with her parents while she had the watch and has made no effort to revert them, though it isn't directly discussed. Which, again, kinda psycho.