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Alright, guys! 

Once again I could use your input on what to focus on next.

Personally, I would probably vote to finish up Chapter Five of Endowed. Why? It's about halfway done and it's shorter in length than both the last update and either of the upcoming Hypnosis updates, meaning I could probably pop it out in a couple of weeks.

I'd love to get back to the main storyline to see what the gangsters are up to. 

But hey, I won't be mad if you want to get back to Hypnosis. I'll do what you guys want to do since you're paying me the big bucks.

Speaking of Hypnosis, which Hypnosis update do you want first?

At this point, it's basically a battle between getting back to the main plot and seeing how big the boobies go. I know all of you have a preference there, so let me know what you think!

I imagine I'll work on the three updates in the order of popularity. But you know me, sometimes when I get stuck on one I'll move over to the other to keep myself busy.

Alright, let me know what update you want next!

You could also vote for your top two. Or three, although that kinda defeats the purpose... you do you!

Thanks, everyone!



I will always vote for bigger 😏


I voted for endowed. The last update was refreshing. And I think it did wonders for you aswell as much as I would like to go back to hypnosis to finally get some preggo scenes with Jenn my vote is endowed


Listen, i really want to see the main storyline be continued. But if you make me decide between that and bigger boobs, the main story has no chance.


I would have voted for the main storry if the big booba branch didnt end on an almost cliffhanger.


You know I have to vote to finally get the broken watch/huge boobs ending/s. I've been waiting and waiting to get it


i gotta say i would like the chapter 14 for more hypnosis action which is the reason i play this game but the broken watch ending kinda needs to be finished

Daiquan D Thomas

im not sure which of these options have the continuation of beth and ashley if u decided to mess with her mom behind her back. hopefully we get an epilogue or ending like with laura and brittany with this. but if its not in this next update im cool with whatever else .


Seems like a long time since the main story has advanced. I think between the cruise and now broken watch ends lost so much time.

myself yourself

just finish the broken watch so we can focus the main route later :D


I think as you progress the story the chances of going back to finish an offshoot ending (and of people caring about said ending) will decrease substantially. Therefore it makes sense to me me to finish everything at one point in the story and then advance to whatever the next possible branch is. I'm really looking forward to seeing them all pregnant or whatever else you have in store, but I would like to finish off the broken watch first as I'm enjoying it.


Yeah, as much as I would love to continue the main story, the lure of truly epic boobs forces me to vote for the broken watch ending.


As much as I dislike the gigabooba ending, I have to kind of agree with the prior opinions. It's probably better in the long-run to finish one ending as much as possible before going back


As a big fan of the truly ridiculous badonahonahonkaroos, I'm actually voting for leaving the Broken Watch ending where it is for now and continuing the main story. Best case scenario, for me, is for it to stop being an "ending" and be a fully fleshed out branch.


I just want more content. Like most people, I'm here for growth, and imagine that will come into play with every update. The broken watch ending is clearly the ideal ending for the majority of the players here, with a harem of girls going into gigaboob territory, since we're mostly horny boob lovers here. I definitely look forward to more main storyline though, just to see what ends up happening with the watch, but also to get more variation. Looking forward to a hyper pregnant Jenn, a fat assed Grace, and of course Haley still going gigaboob, but just seeming all the bigger next to the merely huge Ashley or something. And having individual endings for each girl/group and a full massive harem. Also whatever interesting new uses of the watch might pop up. I am also looking forward to more Endowed. Will be fun going back to early days of getting to know new girls, and watching them go from small to big to huge boobs. Also looking forward to the MC being in on that some, and would be perfectly happy if he ends up absurdly big like the Laura big dick ending, but it working out a bit better. And of course looking forward to more mafia intrigue and living the rich life. So yeah, I don't care what we get, and would much rather you bounce back and forth if that helps you keep content coming out. I just don't want to go back to waiting several months for updates.


I'd like to see, 1 actually get chubby. Lol with an actual stomach. Like Jenn, or Grace. And I want to see dudes mind be more creative with the hypnosis. Lessening his moral stance. And him getting the ladies to hypnotize him to not need the watch to have the power


Would still like to see some height growth not going to lie but i know that isn't the point of the game still one can dream though.