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Hey everyone!

A subplot for this upcoming release is Ashley trying to start a Twitter account to bring her and the other girl's attention online by taking advantage of their new assets and trying to make a few bucks.

I thought it would be fun to make her a real account that will show new renders of her and the other girls as they go through the alphabet in bra sizes, starting from the beginning.

The idea is that she will post more pictures when her subscriber count jumps up as a fun little way to help promote the game.

So, if you have been wanting an excuse to dive into the odd corner of the internet that is Twitter, here's your excuse! Her account is https://twitter.com/ashleyremingto8 

And, while you're there, check out the https://twitter.com/ExpandingGames account if you haven't already.

Thanks, everyone!




So once I got over my initial disappointment realizing a patreon post from Expanding Universe Games was not the long awaited update (honestly at this point anything besides the update is going to be a disappointment) I realized there is some potential here, assuming that you don't just have Ashley in it and you cover the breast or cup sizes of Ashley or any other girl featured on her twitter as they have grown and continue to grow throughout the game as a fun little side project. The only concern I have is that you don't expect too many followers on it and therefore never post anything on there because the amount of followers still hasn't been met enough to post anything.


Something else to keep in mind is how many lurkers there will be. Some people will check in, but not necessarily follow with their twitter account since it's tied to your phone number and might not have a porn-dedicated account, and others (like myself) simply don't have a twitter account and won't make one just to follow this. But I will still check in on it and hope it's updated like you said. Watching growth progress would be fun.


Was hoping for the finalized ending update, but I guess this is kinda neat as well.


This is pretty cool! But do we have a approximation on when the next update will be released?


Would be great if it could happen before next month comes around, seeing as I really only went up to the Entranced tier to enjoy the completed ending.


Any news on the update? Twice now you said a few days, and it's been a lot longer than that!


I've never been this bad at predicting how long things will take. I was really hoping to finish up before Friday because I have obligations, but it's already past midnight so I doubt I'll be able to drop it by this weekend. I'll get back to work on Sunday and finish up as fast as I can.


That way I see it it's totally fine that it takes a long time to work on the update 🙂. But the only thing that vexed me is that at least twice, can't remember exactly how many times, it's been said soon ready, released I in the weekend, a few days etc. Which from the first time made me start to check patreon every day. That's been going on for almost 2 months now. And I'm sure this update is going to be amazing 😄! Buuuut I have to say it's kind of getting to me that I'm being told a few days, and then the radio silence picks up and it turns out that I've just been checking patreon every day for the last two weeks again, but just seeing the same words over and over as they turn more hollow by the seconds. I would much rather not know "it's coming out soon or in a few days!" And not get excited, for then to be more and more disappointed when it's not the case. And when it's not the case just make a post about, "wups won't be a few days, have to be a few weeks" or something like that, doesn't have to be long. Anyway I guess I will continue to check in hopes that some kind of update will show up soon? This is just how I feel mind you :) hopefully it doesn't come across as to entitled, I know this can take time. It's just the information about it that's annoying me.


Thanks for the feedback. This update taking so long has been frustrating me, and I fear it's brought me back to old habits I've been trying to break where I set goals for myself by stating a date to light a fire under my own ass. This is meant to make me push things, staying up late and spending entire days working on finishing in time. Problem is, I usually only push that hard for a week or so, and I've been doing this for months where I fear the extra effort is being offset by stretching myself too thin. I said a few months ago I would try to stop putting deadlines and pressuring myself to force out updates, but this update has been taking so damn long I'm at the point where I just want it to be over. Part of the frustration is that there haven't really been any big technical setbacks like accidentally deleting files or anything that severe, it's simply taking far longer than it should. "The end is in sight" is something I've been saying to myself for over a month, and, well, I apologize for not realizing how far away it really was.


No real need to apologize. Thank you for keeping us in the loop. I hope things improve for you. Maybe take a break after this, you deserve to have downtime like we all do, and you will do yourself a disservice if you work yourself into the ground. Do I want the update as soon as you can get it to us? Absolutely. Do I want it at the expense of your health? Never. So keep us informed on how things are going, and pace yourself. We can wait.


Nobody minds if it takes a while. But you shouldn't use these deadlines as a way to shame yourself into performing, as it clearly isn't convincing you to stick to those deadlines, and all it does is disappoint the people who are looking forward to your work.


These things take time, and so allow that. What would be appreciated more than a game update a month or week, or whatever, is just an update of news once a week or something. Stay in touch with the people supporting you, so that they can plan around you. You can take as long as you need, because people like what you produce, and you're in a crazy small but dedicated niche. However, when you promise but don't perform, that's when the relationship sours. The good news, is that it's an easy fix, which is just to not over promise! Good luck!


Some small developers post progress on their games in the form of percentages rather than deadlines- for example renders 40%, text 80%, code 20% .... Have you considered posting updates in this form? P.S. Plese dont get discouradged by all this, you are doing a fantastic job. All the best.


This ending's my personal favorite. I'm down to wait a little longer for some beeg teetees


Do you think you'll have this down by this weekend? I would like to be able to play this before I ship out next week.


Does this mean the rest of the broken watch ending is done? Where do I go to download it?


Any chance the update will be coming today, or will it be during the next month?