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Hey everyone! 

I wanted to update you guys on the progress of the game(s). 

I started writing about the next update on Discord in the spoilers channel but it went on for far too long and I won't subject you to it. Plus, ya know, spoilers.

The summary of it was "here is the tangent I have been on while working on the next ending". It included reorganizing the planned endings, comparing this ending to others, trying to keep it up to expectations and my goals for the ending.

I've heard it said that a lazy person can sometimes be the most efficient because he is the one who tries to break down a process into its easiest and fastest form.

But a lazy person would tell you that their motivation isn't laziness, it's genius.

And the truth is, I've been to push this next ending along faster, but it spent about a week sitting there staring back at me. Giving me the eye.

So I've been trying different processes for writing and work ethic. Some of my favorite YouTube channels have some great ideas. 

So I've tried things like turning off the damn notifications on my phone that tend to catch my attention right as I'm starting to get in the zone (obvious, right?) as well as organizing my day better by putting designated hours towards different tasks instead of only sitting at my computer for the majority of every day staring at my screen and daring it to turn into a great story.

Another great piece of advice for writing is to sit down for ten minutes, and if you aren't feeling it, attempt a different project. 

On a side note, Endowed is coming along great.

So I'll be the first one to tell you that I'm a fuckin genius.

But it's not true. Because if it were, I'd have an update for you guys already.

Where has this month gone?

Working on the BE Ending with Hypnosis has been my main focus for the past three weeks, but I've been going back and forth between that and the next chapter of Endowed. 

I'm still hoping to be able to finish both by the end of the month, but this month is blazing by. Stupid February. 

As for the specifics, my original intent with this ending was to tell a straightforward story where the girls keep growing, giving a chance to skip ahead in time to see what they'll look like and how things will be down the road in the game.

But I never seem to be able to leave enough alone, so now there are going to be several paths, including the option for "Hey, the girls are huge!" all the way to "Oh no! That poor girl!" and it will be based on whether or not you want the MC to be the kind of guy that leaves bags of family sized potato chip around and tries to make the girls compete with each other or not.

If you aren't into huge boobs, will this ending have much for you?

Sure! Maybe not as much, but it should be entertaining.

And what is the updated timeline to expect this next release?

Definitely this month.

Will Endowed also be out this month?

I'm starting to fear that it will not. 

Perhaps I should accept the fact that I really am a full month behind the monthly schedule and find better ways to motivate myself instead of setting unrealistic deadlines, as you guys keep suggesting?


In the meantime, if I throw another story at you, will it keep you entertained for a bit while I finish the update?

I can try...




Glad to see you so excited about it. Looking forward to the release!


we anxiously await the update I'm sure it will be worth it for both endowed and hypnosis


Writing is hard! I've been struggling here and there with my own project, and honestly I'm going to borrow some of the focus tips that you mention here because it's so easy to get stuck in that loop. But you're still working on it, and you're still keeping us updated, so I'm comfortable waiting until it's ready =]


Being honest the thumbnail is enough of a hold over for me. Jenn being massive is a thing I now look forward to. 10/10 my dude. When I'm working on a project I have a bad habit of getting myself stuck. I don't know what to write so I stare blankly at it looking for a distraction. My solution is a weird one, I write something. I pick a part of a character I like and and I write an excerpt about what they're doing at the moment or maybe at another point in the story. Writing about the character and the world has a tendency to spark something and maybe I end up deleting a bunch of stuff and changing direction or I keep going over the hurdle but I'm no longer stuck.


Curious to see how the knocked up ladies will turn out.

myself yourself

I wish to stop my female chars at the point of that pic :D


Damn, son! You want these poor girls to be falling over with their center of gravity two feet in front of them? Pervert!


Hypnosis is by far the best adult VN I have read. The story is enticing, the renders and animations are the best I have seen. They don't look like the average "honey select" girl, despite whether they are or not. I'm willing to wait for quality. More Haley please!