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What's up guys!

Hope all is well on your end.

Here's where I ramble and attempt to put my plans on paper for the next few months.

Episode Eleven

Episode 11 is out!

I'm quite happy about finishing it so I can start the next one.

Not to say I'm ever truly finished, I've been going back to add more depth to a lot of the confrontations to give more personal preference. 

But otherwise, it's a relief to finally have it out for you guys to resolve the cliffhanger and that Watch Thief arc.

Episode 11 was the most challenging episode yet with so many paths to manage from Episode 10.

I did this partially to surprise people with the reveal that Laura was hiding so much, and to allow the curious player to unravel the layers and plot elements with multiple playthroughs.  

I figured for those more interested in the sex scenes they could still play through quickly, but for those more invested in the story there would be more content.

But at the end of the day I would say I got a bit too ambitious for my own good, being as how Episode 11 took almost two months to complete. I didn’t realize it until yesterday, but the total renders for Episode 10 were 175. The cruise ending had double that, and Episode 11 came in at 500.

This makes more sense in hindsight, why Episode 10 took less a month to complete and Episode 11 took two months.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me as I attempted to get more ambitious with the story. For the next episode I plan to keep it simple. We will spend some time with the girls we’ve missed for the past three episodes (Jenn and Haley) and get to know the side girls better.

As for the side girls, as of Episode 11 we have now had the chance to meet all of them with the chance to hook up with the majority of them.

This brings the grand total of girls that have been fuckable in the main story so far to 9: Leah, Ashley, Grace, Laura, Jenn, Haley, Brittany, Rachel and Daphne.

When we add in storylines with Aera and Beth, that makes a grand total off 11.

I believe this is a pretty solid number to maintain, with plenty of storylines to keep track of and without going too ape shit crazy.  

Somewhere I read that the average mind can keep track of somewhere between 5 and 9 things, with 7 being the average.

That’s where the side girls come in, generally being connected to the storylines of the girls that introduced you to them. Daphne, for example, being dependent on your relationship with Grace.

So for the rest of the story, it’s not that we won’t meet any more random girls and hook up with them, it’s that any future appearances will likely be one offs (like with Kassie in the cruise ending).

The universe of Hypnosis has always been expanding up until this point (ha ha, punny!), but for this next episode I plan on shrinking it back down a bit, letting the characters breathe so we can catch up with them.

At the same time, time will now start to speed up and we will see the girls change quicker.

Episode Twelve and future episodes

I hope to complete the next episode this month in order to keep up with the monthly update schedule.

After Episode 12, we will start to see a lot more individual endings for the girls, with a lot of those endings being incorporated to the main (harem) ending.

Each main girl will get a less than ideal ending, a good ending and a great ending.

Fear not, most endings will not be nearly as long as the two Laura endings, especially the bad/less than ideal endings.

The Laura ending also counted as a Laura/Grace ending (depending on how you played it), and technically there was a small Brittany only ending as well as a Laura/Brittany and Laura/Grace/Brittany ending.

Both endings I would consider “less than ideal”. This is for many reasons. The first being that in the cruise ending, Laura has the watch without you realizing it and is conniving behind the scenes to get her way. In addition to this, the rest of the girls are left out in the cold.

And in the first Laura ending, you are left unable to fuck anyone besides Laura (and possibly Brittany).

But we have (in my opinion) had quite enough of Laura for now, and it’s time to focus on the other girls. Grace was smart enough to split off from Laura a bit, so at least she will still be along for the ride in the meantime.

As far as the side girls, I plan on each of them getting at least one solo ending for the option to choose to end up with them, although they will also join some of the other branching endings.

How do I plan on coming out with an entire episode in two weeks when the previous episode took two months?

Assuming you fine people are good with it, I believe some of the renders done at the end of June/beginning of July would make for great scenes if they were expanded upon.

I saved all the scenes, so it would be pretty easy to go back to use them for dates with the girls. Part of the fun of a date is to explore new locations, and one of most time intensive parts of making renders is setting everything up with the right location, angle, lighting, outfit, etc.

If seeing some of those locations from those renders used and expanded upon would annoy you, let me know. But otherwise I feel like it will make for some fun scenes.

Originally (a few months back) my plan was to finish the watch thief storyline and then spend a month polishing up my next game Endowed to have it up as the update for the next month.

However, with Episode 11 taking two months, I felt it would be too long of a wait for another episode of Hypnosis to come out two months after that.

So currently, the plan is:

Episode 11 of Hypnosis (missed this deadline, but the entirety of July was spent working on it)

Episode 12 of Hypnosis

Chapters 1-3 of Endowed

Hypnosis (likely a full episode with several optional endings)


As far as the new game goes, I plan on working on Hypnosis 2/3 of the time until it is complete.

The exception to this is if you guys end up loving the new game so much that you vote to split the focus 50/50, but either way I want to make sure Hypnosis gets the love it deserves and not to spread it out too long.
I don’t want it to become one of those games that is spread out over five years when it could be fully realized in 12-18 months.

The themes of Endowed will be very similar to Hypnosis, only with a more engaging plot and the benefit of all the experience I gained from making Hypnosis, so I’m confident you will enjoy it. I’m excited to get it to the point of its demo release.

And on that note, I'd better get back to working on the next episode.

Thanks again everyone for the support and I hope you are all doing well.



Daiquan D Thomas

Love the content man and actually goin do a whole new playthrough of it now that I have the new content . I'm not sure if I missed anything before I go back into it but I am really enjoying the content with Beth and she and Brittany is the best content so far for me. Anyways enjoy your weekend .

John Hall

That all sounds good. My favourite girls are Jenn and Daphne, so I'm hoping to see a lot of them. I'm also hoping that some of the hinted-at pregnancies are going to start becoming visible.


While I still need to make time to sit down and explore the many oaths available, I must say I have been incredibly pleased with the characters so far! Admittedly, the watch thief arc felt a bit odd (certainly not a direction I expected), I did find myself enjoying it! Going forward, I am hopeful for more Beth and Brittany content! ESPECIALLY with some continued growth for the two! Hell, I am also hoping that the other girls continue eating out and keep growing a few cup sizes 😍 I've been thrilled with the game and eagerly wait the next release. Leah, Laura, Brittany, and Beth are my favorites so far! Design, personality, story involvement, and lust!

Funky Munky

All sounds good - I don't see any issue with using the voting scenes you put out as date nights (might be a bit challenging to explain Mr. Meeseeks / Yoda...). It'll be interesting to see the new project too! Glad to see my main squeeze Ashley making an appearance, but for the luvva gawd get her to start digging those bigger sizes and get more comptetitive, or I'll .... have to throw a wobbly or something...