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The girls have been going hard on the buffet.

Hey, did you just push Laura of the pier?

Come on, man! 

What did she ever do to you?

Also, remember when I said I should have the update ready by this weekend?


I'm doing my best! 

But this update keeps getting more ambitious... now Brittany wants bigger tits?




Yeeeesss! Come on guys were are only 10 likes left! like my comment on ep10 8.1 download for Brittany breast expansion!


Just pointing out, the comment in qestion is a reply to one by Sylvain.


Hopefully get back to being the one in control this episode. Not a fan of being the slave when the choices say badass and the route feels like change to submissive. Would have liked a choice to not watch phone and be enslaved. Really love this game hope it gets back to being the hypnotist not the other way around.


Do really love me some Grace. She's grown leaps and bounds as a character in the best of ways mentally and physically. I appreciate the direction you've taken with her being a mean asshole and given her depth to justify why she was that way early on.


Finally Brittany wants to join the club! That's awesome!