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Episode 10 is here!

Discover the answer to "what happened to the pocket watch?"

You have a few different paths to explore as you are helped by your volunteer "detectives" Daphne and Grace. 

The walkthrough is updated and will help give a rundown on the different paths.

As always, I recommend playing the game on your own first, as the walkthrough does include spoilers.

Download on Google Drive:

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Android Version 2 download 

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Android Version 1 download 

Android Version 2 download 





Duuudeee you solve a cliffhanger and add another one! You are evil, love it though.


Great addition indeed. However, I miss hypnotyzing people !


Yes! By the way, we will get the chance to make Brittany breasts bigger?


Loved the episode, let the boobies keep getting bigger!


Going into the game image files I see some promising images of the girls, particularly Ashleu with significant growth. Did I miss something in previous episodes that i didn't see these?


Nope! That was from when I was first learning the program and experimenting with how the girls could look in the future. I left it there in case someone felt like browsing for fun. So far the only path where we see Leah that size is the short "bad" ending at the end of episode 3. I believe the next episode we will get back to Leah and Ashley more. Assuming, ya know, the events at the end of episode 10 are dealt with.


what a great plot twister and cliff hanger rolled into one. I think Brittany should get special status for showing the security tapes. She could have just stolen the watch and kept it for herself. I hope that when the MC comes to his senses, he twists Laura's tail in to a knot and leaves her with Brittany and Grace on his arms.


Can I delete old game versions once I download the new one? I do not want to overwrite my saves.


Yes, the saves are located in a different folder than the main game, so you can safely delete the no longer up-to-date versions of the game