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Hey everyone!

The next update will answer the cliffhanger from Episode 8: Who stole the pocket watch? 

The episode is written and I'm currently about 25% of the way done with the pictures and animations.

Figured I'd let you guys have some fun predicting it so you can say "See? I knew it!"

To make it interesting: You only get one guess.



Haha 😆 some of the options.. it was jack tenorman!


who are Mrs. Cartman, Javk Tenorman and The Denver Broncos again?


Cory knew about it and has been getting more and more pissed off that mc wasn't sharing the love, so my money is on him!


There's the option not to take him to the party. I never do cause i'm tired of his annoyance. I doubt he would be able to sneak into the house and know where you hid the watch and steal it in that case.


My money is on Brittany, she used the First Aid Kit, knew about the watch but was yet hipnotized, maybe she wanted to use it on herself or on her fiance? So, in Cluedo style, it was Brittany, in the bathroom with the Aid Kit.


yes Brittany saw a watch behind First Aid but did she never got hypnotized or it being done with a watch so for her to tag it is small I would say my money is on Haley


Deffinatly Brittany or Ashley. No one except MC knew he brought the watch prior to his announcement. Everyone there has the potential to take it but only Brittany, Ashley, Laura, and Leah would have been able to recognize that it doesn't belong there. Brittany and Laura would be able to recognize that it wasn't there before. Ashley and Laura, being the only other two people to have held the watch, would be able to recognize it as the MC's. Brittany has never seen the watch as far as I recall so would not recognize it and would have no motive to take a random watch in a bathroom drawer. Laura while having seen the watch never held it and is unlikely to be able to distinguish from any other watch. I believe Ashley would be the most likely to have taken it, either thinking it was stolen from the MC, although this is least likely since she was there when he says he brought it(she could have taken it before the announcement but since she doesn't fess up and explain the misunderstanding it is unlikely), or she realizes that he brought with the intent to use it and wanted to keep MC and the watch's power for just here and Leah. I believe this is supported by the fact that Ashley and Leah are nowhere to be found when MC gets home. I speculate Ashley told Leah and they went to plan how to keep MC away from the other girls. I still voted Brittany because I want her to become more involved. Potential flaws to this theory are that "Leah asked to not feel jealous" and this supposedly affected both her and Ashley however Leah does note that not all her feelings of jealousy have been erased. Also it may be more of a feeling of possessiveness rather than jealousy that prompts Ashley to take the watch to keep the MC from using it on other girls. Brittany or Laura could have assumed the watch was one of their dad's that had been misplaced and returned it to where they thought is belonged and after having discovered the truth decide to keep the watch and it's power for themselves.

Funky Munky

I also suspect Ashley, but include Jenn too. She had a hangover as well, so may have visited the bathroom and removed the first aid kit to get pain medication. As for the the jealousy thing, Ashley and Leah may be hypnotized to not feel jealous, but that doesn't mean they can't be competitive... especially when there's addiction involved. To be fair, I'm probably just over thinking it, and it's simply Cory being a jealous douche :/


Anyone who thinks it was Corey, clearly doesn't know how much Mrs Cartman gets around. I mean she did get caught sleeping with Officer Barbrady, Chef, Jimbo, Mr. Garrison, Ned, Chief Running Water, Gerald Broflovski, myself, my friend Kevin, and, the 1989 Denver Broncos at the Twelfth Annual Drunken Barn Dance. That should implicate her for sure


Disappointed to see that Maggie Simpson didn't make the roster. She's underestimated yet again! Voted for Ashley, because... it just feels like something she'd do? She felt a little more betrayed than some of the other girls, and I can see her doing something rash.


I just hope its not lost, poor girls doomed to having their tits continually and rapidly grow for the rest of their lives.


if it is gone, Expanding Universe Games can't make a ending with where MC control all of them

Funky Munky

Note the eyeroll she gives the MC just as they are leaving and Leah says "At least you told us the truth". She also has a history of shit-testing the MC...


What takes more time, the writing process, or the making of the images and animation? Just asking to gauge if it's possible for the episode to be released at the start of next month or the middle of next month


They usually take a similar amount of time. I'm hoping to have the episode out for testing in the next few days and officially up before the end of the month. Similar to this last episode, I also have an additional ending tacked on that is going to be a lot of new environments and situations, so I'm debating trying to attach it with this upload or releasing it a week or two later like this previous release. Either way, this next episode should be longer and have more action than Episode 9. And, similar to Episode 8, we will get to see all the girls.

Primal Crisis

I thought who took the watch was very foreseeable. Cory bring popularly thought of as thief is funny though.