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Hey guys! 

I was wondering how important music in a game is to everyone.

Personally, the moment I start a game I mute the volume and play me some Spotify. 

But it just now occurred to me that not everyone is me.

Let me know your thoughts!


Funky Munky

I personally mute adult game music, so have no real attachment. Having said that, the right sound effects are a nice touch to some scenes, and if you ever intend to sell your games on Steam etc, music adds an element of polish if done well. At the moment, I'm not interested in music for the game, but I can see where it may be useful to consider in the future.

Wild Bill

If a game only has one music track that it just plays on a loop, yeah you might as well just play your own music, but if it has different tracks for different scenes, you're missing out if you do that, IMO.


Please don't add music, it's an expense of time that would be better spent by... anything else related to developing the game.


I mute music and most sounds in VNs, just out of habit. Just do to the fact that they get repetitive fast.


I'm trying to think if there is any adult game where I leave the music on. Which games do people like or love the soundtrack?


Instead of music, I would like to have voice acting more.

Wild Bill

Voice acting is *way* harder though, music you just have to google for royalty free music, voice acting needs to be done for the game specifically. I would *love* it if more games did that, but it's only something for the high-budget games.


Many other "games" like Hypnosis are using Music from Kevin MacLeod (incompetech) its free licenced music he has open for everyone. Voice acting is meh.. but I think music overall is great to hear in the backround. But ofc everybody just could open their own music. Personally I mostly prefer the backround music in games than hearing my own favorite music.


Any idea when the next chapter drops?


That last option cracked me up. It’s like it took the words right out of my mouth