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Similar to Episode 6, the events all take place over one day.  

The Episode is called Wingman because Cory corners you and calls you out for not sharing your recent streak with him.  

You agree to take him out to the bars and have the chance to take him to Jenn's party. Catch up with Jenn and Haley and meet a few of their friends. 

Download the PC version here.

Download the Mac version here.

Download the Android version here.

What's new in 0.5.3? 

Lots of bug fixes. Thanks to everyone who spotted them and reported them, especially Buddha who caught a day missing in one of the paths.

The alternate Leah storyline is now updated and begins in Episode One.

You have the option not to kiss her initially, and this starts an alternate (possibly better?) storyline where your relationship with Leah begins slower and is encouraged by Ashley. 

It also avoids making the girls angry at you for trying to date them at the same time, but you still end up with both girls.

It took longer than I hoped, as some of the days got moved around and a lot of dialogue needed to be rewritten on top of the new scenes.

I tested it, but I'm sure I missed a few things. Let me know any errors on Discord as you spot them.



looks like both versions are pc


This was a really fun update. I feel a hint of a certain fetish for later on. And I am excited for it <3. Some feedback on the WT, I was confused at first, could just be that I am used to the previous version but ended up making sense after a little while and some trial and error. Could also just be I am an idiot ( I was half asleep when I downloaded the game). Can't wait for ep.8!


Personally I prefered the previous walkthrough style, more clear.


A bit of general feedback: I really like the writing style; it's witty, concise, and clearly conveys the personality of each individual character. With that being said, every character you add needs their own unique "voice", and you're now adding something like 5-8 characters per episode, which I can only imagine drastically snowballs the scope of what's required on a per-episode basis... leading to the same amount of content, but spread out over a number of routes. My problem with this idea is that, as a player, I'm going to go for one, maybe two routes- the vast majority of time and effort you put into development on different scenes at different times is generally going to be wasted, if you decide to gate them behind mutual exclusivity. What I'm driving at here is something that Bioware (oddly enough), decided to solve in the scoping of the second Mass Effect game- tighten down the companion characters to a manageable number, reduce secondary character scene density to only any scene the primary companion they're related to shows up in, and pair down "user choice" to gates to character-specific reactions that will determine cool "mini-scene" access, instead of story-changing decisions. Now, I'm not commenting to say I don't enjoy what you're doing- just the opposite, in fact. I'm commenting because I want *more* per episode, but having to replay decisions to gain access to scenes with new characters that are locked behind mutually-exclusive gates means I get less content, not only in a single run, but also because you have to create those new characters, instead of providing more choices and depth with those who already exist. And the stable at this point is already giant- we're at 6 companions, 4+ secondary characters, and the walkthrough insinuates we're going to see something like 6+ *more* secondary characters next update? While I love the idea, I'm worried the implementation is going to give us the next update with something like 3 exclusive paths off of maybe 3 major choices in a single game-day of progress... when, if instead the focus was on the companion characters (and only 1-2 secondary characters were introduced), you could extend the game-day progress by a couple of days to watch the ramifications of the 2-3 major choices the PC chooses play out, and include a couple more scenes with the girls we actually care about (and maybe add a unique trait/fetish to each major companion? That pocket-watch is getting rusty).


Amazing! More content please! It's pretty great how much youre catering to the pregnancy fetish crowd, keep it up!


I don’t really need anything but Mind Control and Breast Expansion. That’s what I’m here for and I want as much of both of those things as possible, I will not only ignore but probably avoid other fetishes. However, I agree with the overall point you were trying to make.