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As the winner of the poll, Jenn gets the most renders!

I tried to choose a fitting environment for each girl.

For Leah I wanted to capture her love of travel and put her in an old world courtyard.

Ashley got up on stage, at an opera house no less!

Haley ended up at the sight of an ancient temple looking like a fertility goddess.

Lastly, we have Jenn. With her, I pictured her somewhere cozy. Hanging out in her bedroom, ready to snuggle and show off her curves. And I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

It's now officially June, meaning May-ternity is over! Hope you guys enjoyed this format.

Although... when this post reaches 75 likes I might have to post something else... a combination of the girls, all at even larger sizes, perhaps?

Thanks, everyone!




It only lets me like once...


Just remember to explain why her infertility is apparently cured, btw any thoughts on the damaged watch branch idea?

Marc Petrick

Always happy to see more Jenn!


Haley's new powers as a fertility goddess will cure all! As to the broken watch branch, I still plan to continue the cruise ship path where they all go big. The other cliffhangers were meant to lead back to the main path where they'll be addressed such as Aera, Jenn, etc.


Out of curiosity, what do you think about a "damaged watch" branch where it's similar to the broken watch branch, almost identical actually, where the watch can still hypnotize people but cannot undo its commands, so for example more girls can join in on the ever growing boobs but it cannot stop boobs that were hypnotized to grow bigger from growing bigger?


Would be a lot of fun! Part of the goal with the broken watch branch was to make the girls keep growing without putting blame on the Main Character/Player. Where as for the main branch with the watch, it's on him and whatever he decides, and he'll have to deal with the consequences.


Yeah but with a damaged watch branch he'd still mostly not be to blame since he couldn't undo previous commands but it'd give the new girls the ability to join in as it were, a kind of they don't want to and they know it's not an option, but if it were an option and they were surrounded by girls with ever growing boobs who were involved with the same guy they were, would they end up giving into the temptation of conforming to the tribe as it were. Besides if they did as would the mc still be at fault?


Is there? Pretty sure the girls are too "reasonable" to let themselves do that if they had an off switch...


It'd be cool if the mc had his own out of control growth to deal with, I think it'd add an interesting dynamic...