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After the last chapter it's kind of weird that I'm excited to do something much simpler and down to earth after going so insane in the last chapter. I've been really excited to get to these two for a long time... I've really grown to like Hannah... she's another one of the characters I've kind of taken the helm on. Similar to Lily she's a character that Dr. Sharktopus didn't really create so much as just had a general placeholder idea and left a lot of her design and personality to me. All he really had in his script for the chapter where she appeared was that Anastasia would have an assistant that Bianca would tease... actually we didn't even have a name for Anastasia and Bianca when he first wrote the script. We worked it out afterward, but at the time they were still just called "The Nun" and "Jenna's Mom". She wasn't even called Hannah at first... I really should have written down who suggested it, but when she first appeared I asked for suggestions on her name because we never really thought about it. Although if I remember correctly the name that was actually suggested was "Anna", but I felt like that was too close to "Anastasia", so I changed it to Hannah.

But anyway, this is another chapter that I did a lot of the writing for.  At least for Hannah's part... it's interesting how the writing works for this series where I'm kind of in "charge" of some characters, Dr. Sharktopus comes up with most of the key moments and plot, and lately we run any idea we're not sure of by CGI and get him to help with design and suggestions.




i would like to see hanna in later chapters she just looks to cute


I take it Bianca sure likes wearing latex in the bedroom LOL

The Digital Demon

she's just so appealing because she's someone who you could imagine meeting. the appeal of the real.