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Getting Jenna's expression in that last panel was probably the hardest part of this page. She looks a little... manic, but that's definitely part of a panicked, nervous smile like that. Even in a dream sequence I don't think the thought of a pineapple jammed up your peehole seems like such a great idea. I'm actually not totally sure if I want to actually have Lily stuff that in or if we should just have her set it aside and focus on less... pointy fruits. I'm open to suggestion on that point at least, lol.

Speaking of Suggestions, don't forget that you can vote once a day, every day for what happens next in Side Dishes. Currently the last option in the poll has a strong lead, but three are still other options that are quite close as well.




SHOVE IT IN!!!!! (said the studio audience)


that is a lot of fruit LOL


stuff her full!!!! not big enuff yet!!


I say keep going! This is the dream chapter after all. Shoot, you could even make Jenna's balls swell and look lumpy at the same time. As if the fruit is actually resting in them.


i guess u could even make pumpkin pie after the fruit salad!! lol