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So, the reason the above image is cropped is because this is my first "gay" commission. Or I guess bisexual? Because a woman is there, obviously, but she's got two guys and she's making them do gay things. Anyway, I know that's not something that appeals to all my readers, so went ahead and cropped the image and the full version is attached.




Well...I'm not saying anything about the 2 guys there (there is no accounting for tastes ofc, even if mine are different ^^), but Mistress Vivienne (+1 for her) looks really cool (I guess drawing her hair took half a day, lol ^___^) and I wonder if, sometimes, there might be an encounter between her and Jenna (and/or other girls) in BCC...in the end, given her dominant attitude, she might be one of Bianca's friends (...or rivals)... :)


I will say that the miss v is somebody I know in real and she is bisexual. lol


Whoops! I should have heeded that warning. Well, ok then.