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For Christmas I was given a set of bluetooth headphones and a smart watch. I've been more or less forcing myself to use them for the past month, and I think I'm just about done. Maybe my phone is too cheap... or maybe they're too cheap, but I'm constantly losing connection with them, both can't be connected at the same time (so I can't, for example, control music for the headphones using the watch), and in general are just less useful than wired headphones and a normal watch. Now I'm just not sure what to do with them... neither one is nice enough to really be worth the effort of selling, but I also feel kind of bad about just stuffing a gift in a drawer and forgetting about it. What should I do with them?




Maybe try them with another device first to see if the problem is with the phone or the headphones. And if you really don't want to use them could try giving them to a friend that does want them, that way at least someone will get some use out of them.