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We've gotten a few suggestions for how this fight should start, but we're open to more! The poll will begin Tuesday night for the first page of the semi-final fight.

How this fight will play out is entirely up to the readers... even the rules of the fight. You can decide if you want it to play out as  a tag match, some kind of round robin, or just a straight up free-for-all.

For thoes who need a refresher, Bianca has four arms and two cocks, Lily can transform in a large werebeast with wings and super strength, Jenna can control her hair, and Inara is just super strong (and super hung). The battle can take place in any setting, although if you don't specify I'll probably just end up setting it in a wrestling ring or something.




Perhaps the fight starts with everyone waiting to see who makes the first move and then splitting off into two pairs of opponents fighting simultaneously based on who went for who first. Scenario 1: Inara goes at Bianca initially. She sees Bianca as the biggest one there (Lily hasn’t transformed yet) and considers her a worthy opponent. Seeing the brutes go at each other, Jenna will fight Lily since she looks like she will be similar to her previous opponent Nina, thus making her arrogant again. Scenario 2: Bianca knows who Jenna is and believes that she is the biggest threat there so she goes after her first. Inara is left to fight Lily but is disappointed with her size. Lily assures her that looks can be deceiving. Scenario 3: Jenna sees Inara and thinks she is nothing but dumb muscle, provoking her into coming at her. Bianca finds this amusing while Lily uses the confusion to try and ambush her while she is focused on the others.