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Hey everyone, I don't want to get too into the details, but I've had a death in the family and I'll be taking some time off to process this, I hope you all understand. I don't know how long I'm going to need, but I thought I'd just let everyone on Patreon know so you'll understand if there aren't any new posts for a bit.




I experienced the loss of my aunt recently i.e. like less than two weeks ago. I didn't know how to process it and just tried to make peace with it, process the emotions, and try to do things I enjoyed with some friends. I can't explain the exact science or if there is a proper way to process it but best thing I can say is just continue living and do what makes you happy in the moment. I'm still dealing with her loss. Do take all the time you need and try to spend times with those you cherish and do what you love and live your life happily.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please take all the time you need, we can wait.