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Things seem to be going well and drastically bad. I guess I'll start with the good news.

I went on a trip where I visited several countries. Those who subscribe to my Instagram know which countries I visited and the videos will be in the future. I spent 3 weeks on the road filming videos. I am very grateful to my friend who made it possible to make the trip, he paid for absolutely everything, which was very inconvenient for me. He asked not to mention him, because I have a relatively large fan base, and he simply does not want such strong attention to himself. At the beginning of the trip, I filmed for 2 channels, where I explored the cities and tried to shoot separately about how I got there, how I live, and my opinion about the city/country. However, already in the second city, I faced the problem of lack of time and energy for this, so I focused on shooting video for one channel. I can’t say that the content will be better or worse, but I can definitely say that the quality of the picture will be improved. I bought a GoPro 10 and shot everything in 5k. It was an amazing trip.

However, all good things come to an end... My deadline for visiting the doctor is getting closer and closer and I have to return to Germany. I do not have a permanent place of residence, as well as a temporary one. I was just going back to nowhere. I returned to Berlin and due to the fact that I had nowhere to stay there, I was forced to go to another place where I could be sheltered for a while. During this time, I wanted to find out where I could stay. My friend from Berlin, before my trip, said that he could rent a house for me for a month or two, but now he told me that he could not ... From Monday, I need to start deciding about medicine and making some decisions. I have only one person left who can take me for 1-3 days and I want to use this opportunity to visit doctors. And then, I don’t know what to do ... I can’t go to ask for help in state structures, because everything is crowded there. I tried to look for a hotel-apartment-hostel, but everything is above 150 euros per day, which is very expensive. Although I made a lot of videos, I want to relax mentally and physically, but circumstances do not allow me to do this.

If do not take into account that I have nowhere to live and my health fails, I still do not have documents. I have been waiting for some decisions from Germany for 3 months, but they just tell me that everything is not ready. Why did one of my friends come 2 weeks ago they have already done the paperwork, and I have been waiting for mine for 3 months. I intend to take my documents and transfer to another country, because being here only makes life much more difficult for me, and does not make everything easier. Sometimes it seems to me that it would be much easier for me now in Ukraine because here they put a lot of pressure on me morally. Although I don’t want to talk about military operations, because they only bring me pain, I can’t do without them. I catch a lot of negativity and questions about my position, and I have almost completed the text for the next video.

Those who remained in Ukraine are now in a difficult position. On the one hand, everything is fine, everything is quite far from the epicenter of events, but on the other hand, there is a significant lack of resources. I try to support each of them financially. In addition to them, I also help some friends.

And those who got out are my mother and little brother, they, like me, cannot find a place to live. They are now living with friends who are already trying to get rid of them. But due to the laws of Germany, they cannot do this, but they morally put a lot of pressure on them to look for housing. But just as there are no documents, it is very, very difficult to find housing.

I don't want to end on a sad note, but I don't have anything funny. I don't even know if anyone will need it. Should I still write about situations that pass or not. I definitely don’t want to record a video about this, but sometimes I want to speak out.

Thank you for your attention


Alexan Lupen

I can't share all info but a friend of me it's running a group to help Ukrainian people in the Basque country, There are free or shared apartments for Ukrainians, also some economical helps, and our health care system it's the best of Spain and free.

Sabrina Doster

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. This is the kind of information that I would like to hear from you often. An update on your life. I'm very sad that you are going through such difficulties. I wish I could make things better for you. Coming to the United States of America isn't such a good thing right now though. You will be in my prayers. Post another update soon. I worry about you. (Old mothers do that. You are the age of my children.) Best wishes to you!