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I apologize for such a long absence on the channels, I simply cannot do video now, due to examinations. I would like to upload another video this year, but I do not have time to make it and I hope that at least I will make it in the period of January.

There are many plans, but the implementation is not enough to fulfill.

Although I am undergoing examinations, this is still not enough. I have prescribed a course of treatment with injections and I do them myself 3 times a week. There is a possibility that I have an infectious disease, but there are many inconsistencies. I went through 3 different doctors, all of them are specialists in their field, but each doctor contradicts each other. To begin with, I went to state doctors and this is what happened:

When I consulted with my first doctor (who treated me), he did not really explain anything and said that I should now give injections throughout my life. And after the start of taking injections, my condition is not stable. I wanted to consult more, but during the whole week, I was able to catch him once and did not receive answers to questions related to the doctor's employment. And to my question “do I need to consult other doctors” the answer was “no”.

It turned out that I have a special medical center for multiple sclerosis in Ukraine. I tried to enroll there online, but nothing worked, and when I arrived, I saw that there was only 1 office from the entire department. I wanted to come and make an appointment for a consultation so that I could be given time. During the whole day, I just waited with the people for the doctor to appear at all. When the doctor came, I waited for my turn and got into the office. There, I listened to the negative in my direction, that I did not bring any results (I only had an extract from the hospital, where it was written about all the tests, I didn’t bring only an MRI), but I didn’t want to discuss my diagnosis, but I wanted to get on the record. She looked at my statement and ran somewhere on a call. After 20-30 minutes she ran back, but without my paper. She didn’t even notice it, and she gave me a referral for an MRI and ran away again. It's great that I received a referral for an MRI, but I will have to do it anyway, but now my document is lost. The nurse believed in this incident and asked to come next week. The next time, when I came, already with all the analyzes and a copy of the extract (it’s good that I made a copy in advance because the original was lost by it). The second time there was a more interesting picture. She was several hours late for work, a lot of people have accumulated, and she takes them for a very long time. After waiting for her turn, half the time of the conversation with me, she chatted on the phone. And when she talked to me, she didn’t look at my tests, she looked at my body superficially and there was a dialogue in such a way “- do you feel bad after you started taking injections? - I think yes. "Well, then don't take them." Despite the fact that the doctor who gave me these injections said that I should not interrupt the medication.

Then, I completely lost hope in public hospitals and began looking for a private clinic, where they would at least explain everything to me. And I found one clinic that I visited. There, at least they explained everything to me normally, examined me, and appointed new examinations. These examinations will show me the state of my health.

I was told to gradually give up strenuous physical activity. They forbade me to go to the mountains with a big backpack, and not only. I don’t know how to live with this information now. I will now save money for my treatment because I want to undergo tests not only in my country but also in countries where this disease is most developed.

This text is just information, not a call to action. I am very grateful to everyone for the help that I have. They ask me to keep up to date, so I share. In addition, among my viewers, there are similar situations, which they also tell me about, and I am already more competent in this matter.

Thank you everyone for your attention and support.

Bad Cat


digitalmisery VF

I couldn't say it better than Milo. No matter what I keep supporting you.


While I will be encouraging essentially of seeking conventional treatment where this meets your need or satisfaction, I am moved to tell you there are alternative and maybe better options available. They may not be as easy to come across near you but that is no reason not to mention them. There are natural ways that some have found produce favorable results - this is just a look in this direction: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=homeopathic+ms+treatment&ia=web I have nothing to gain but to wish you the best of health. It may seem so basic to suggest, but two things that among other nutritious staples of good human health are Vitamins D3 (Lichen) and B12 ('Folic Acid.') You have lovely mountains and hills in your country. You have people who are elderly there who may know of safe live Lichen sources to prepare and eat. It can't hurt to ask and see! If not, simply taking the pill form is a fundamental way of supporting the body's own system of repair and regeneration. If nothing else make sure you are eating properly, getting the vitamins you require (esp those mentioned,) and maybe take the time you have waiting for regular doctors to inform you and assist you to examine all the options available to you. You may find some good ones are closer than you realize.