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Hey everyone, leaving all the updates and changes for all my supporters that strictly use this site and don't wish to join the discord server. Not saying that you must, your support is appreciated where ever you decided to be. Below are all the changes that started this month. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me:
Telegram-@Otterbits  |   Discord- Len Otter#2807  |  Twitter- @lenotter

The end of the month has come and here are some insights and Plans for the next month! Slower month this time with what I think was some lower posts and content or at least that's how it felt for me. Recently I've resumed capturing the speed paints of all the patron content and will be moving to capture all pieces drawn for diamond/gold's eyes. On the gold, silver, and copper side the fan art polls usually get the worst interaction so I'm going to try and grab ideas that you all want to see and take away some limits on what it can be. An idea I would like to try to help with this is to make the Copper tier a One-and-Done thing so that those who would like to continue to see fanart can without the need to stay subscribed if they don't wish for it (since that tier is ultimately a tip support tier originally).   The standard reward and "wing it" format for those gold tier will remain the same. If I've missed your reward please @ me in ⁠chat-and-talk or ⁠polls-and-events so that I can make sure you're given the reward you are owed. This is for those who have not received anything for this year of 2023. This also applies to Patreon-only site subscribers, please dm me so I can take note of your reward.  

The theme for May's Diamond tier will be summer themed and those wishing for a slot can grab one right away without the need to wait a full week from the month and will be discussed in real-time in ⁠"polls and events" during the first 3 days of the month. For Patreon-only site subscribers I'll make a post for those interested to respond to. Of course, those who haven't had a chance will get more attention but I believe at this point everyone may have had a chance already. 

This tier will still show up on the Patreon site and can still be subscribed to. In the end, I don't know how things are going to turn out if I don't try them out. If there are options or ways you believe would help @ me in ⁠chat-and-talk, dm me, or If you would prefer to talk to someone else than me directly about complaints or help, dm @Melos - Assistant/Art-Manger.  Thank you all again for your support big or small; it feeds me, keeps a roof over my head, and helps me with my transitioning process. thank you all


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