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It had been sixteen days, sixteen long dull days, since the pair had taken up the job from an anonymous client to locate and neutralize the target, sixteen days sitting in the hotel room looking out the window keeping an eye out for the caravan that they knew would eventually land the guy they were after in their crosshairs. Not that any of that mattered, cause at this point Carbon was just bored out of his mind, so when the short scarlet synthetic roo was given a reprieve from watch duty by his taller companion, he took that opportunity to finally get the fuck out of that dusty old hotel and stretch his legs, leaving his fellow synth to keep watch he took to the streets.

  Been a bit since he’s had time to himself to just explore and fuck around and he was going to take as much advantage of it as possible, he always enjoyed a little jaunt around the neon lit streets at this time of night,, late enough that they were mostly abandoned, but not too late that nowhere fun wasn’t open for business, and he had one business in mind that he was really interested in checking out since he first saw it when they scouted out this area A lil shop just around the bend that catered to folks like him, synthetics and augs, called “Reinvention,” a body modding shop where he was expecting to find something that might make the nights spent waiting on this job a tad more exciting.

  When he stepped in through the doors of Reinvention he saw the store was empty of any cliental, and the only other entity in the store was an older model of synthetic managing the cash register, lazily tapping its fingers away on a touchscreen display, it said nothing but it looked in the direction of the new customer and gave Carbon a small affirmative nod before continuing to focus on the screen, the roo gave a nod back before he head directly for the back of the shop, making a bee-line for where shops like this usually kept the parts marketed for sex droids. There he found a good number of different artificial genitalia in a multitude of sizes and models; he had a collection of his own back home but in the rush to pack for this job he forgot to include any of his fun ones and after two and a half weeks he was really regretting their absence.  After about half an hour of debating with himself over which model to get, having narrowed it down to a large near black hominid cock, or a longer but thinner equine shaft he heard a crackled digital sigh come from the speaker of the bot managing the register, “sir, the store is about to close, please make a selection and carry on.”

  Carbon growled a bit to himself and then rolled his eyes, he had half a mind to put the fucker in his place for making him rush but he knew he couldn’t afford to draw any unwanted attention on this job, lest he have to deal with a really pissed of partner, he took one last look at the pair of dicks in his hands and made his choice, putting the equine one back on the shelf and he made his way to the register slamming the part down on the counter alongside his card and glared at the cashier as he waited to be rung up. Soon as the part was bagged, he took it and made way for the exit, ignoring the bot wishing him a halfhearted, good night.

  Once back out in the cool air of the city he was able to feel his temper simmer back down again and he swung the bag over his shoulder and began to make his way back, already starting to think of what fun ways he could put this new purchase to use on his cohort VEX. After about the third fantasy ran through his head, he had an abrupt realization…. What if he was duped, would be a real mood killer to go through all that foreplay and only find out the bloody part was a bootleg…. He couldn’t test it in the room, would ruin the surprise, no he’d have to try it out first somewhere else, he looked around and then spotted one of the alleys next to an old abandoned shop was clear and empty, “perfect,” he muttered to his self before he padded his way over to it finding a little cozy spot to take his jacket off and begin stripping down to his bare chassis. He wasn’t the biggest fan of doing parts installations out in the open like this but hey, it be worth it if this thing worked, and if not, then he, the shop owner, and his side arm were gonna have a chat about not ripping off well-paying clients.

  He leaned back against the brick wall and slid a finger down between his legs and a signal went from his glowing claw to a sensor that caused a seamless port to open with a hiss, the exposure to the night air gave him a sensation that organics would probably call a shudder, frankly he wouldn’t know just it always felt weird to have it exposed. He cut open the packaging of the ebony phallus he purchased and after a quick glance at the instruction manual, which he shrugged and tossed aside, he fitted the base of the advanced synthetic member into the socket and with a click it connected to his system, the sudden feeling of the new sensors activating elicited a moan out of him and an arch from his back as the rod began to spring to attention. Oh yeah this was going to work perfectly might even be one of his new favs in the collection he thought as he slid a finger down the soft artificial skin of the length hanging between his legs, this baby deserved a test drive, and it deserved it yesterday.

  He turned around and put his hand up on the wall to keep him steady as the other wrapped his mechanical digits around the thick shaft, barely able to at that, and his tail tucked up between his legs to start toying with the balls that came with it, oh fuuuuuck the sensors in those boys were just as fine-tuned as the rest of this piece. He closed his eyes and let out another digitized moan as he began to pump the length, digging the claws of his toes in to the pavement as he felt himself starting to get close, it almost always was a short round when you were trying a new attachment like this and he felt himself on edge already, clear lubricant starting to drip out of the tip as he was fighting to hold back from cumming just yet.

  Unfortunately for Carbon, as always fun was a commodity he rarely was allowed to have for long and his play time was abruptly interrupted by a loud bang across the street, his ears perked and he looked in the direction of the sound just in time for a bullet to whizz past his head and ricochet off the wall and in to an old powdered down sign belonging to the closed down shop, what the fuck was it now, he thought to himself as his eyes clicked over to night vision and he got an good look at men tucked behind armored cars with guns trained right at him, men matching the exact profiles of the body guards working for his target.

 “Shit! SHIT,” he yelled out as he ducked just in time to evade another round this one going clear through the wall, of fucking course they had armor piercing rounds, he dove for his clothes on the pavement grabbing his jacket before making a run for the doorway of the shop and he ducked just in time for another series of bullets to fly in the building after him, bullets he answered with 3 of his own once he pulled his side arm out of his jacket. “Fucking, damn it,” he patched right into the communication line with his partner back at the hotel while he fired another 3 shots, “Hey, uh buddy, we might have a problem!”  Well at least one thing was for certain, Carbon got that exciting night he was after.

Commission for trueglint360/Carbon
story by Melos



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