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Howdy folks, Len's assistant Melos here with some news.

So we are going to be overhauling the patreon again and making some big changes to how we do tiers and rewards moving forward

That the current method of work for the highest tier requires more work and time for the results that are desired amongst some to most patreons. In the near future we will be splitting that tier in two: a 10 dollar tier where we will pick a person out of (and not by random!) for a piece each month and a 100 dollar tier for those that want to just guarantee a piece sooner rather than later, there will only be 2 slots of that tier and it gets reset each month.

there are a few other changes we have in mind for the patreon, like moving forward it will be the main way for folks having access to the commission form (there will be some exceptions to that and I can always discuss what those exceptions are to folks later) 

I'll have some more news to discuss roughly soon but it was important we inform everyone of that plan now rather than later


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