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Listen to me lose my mind as I talk about all the stupid bullshit Chris-chan wanted me to put in Slime & Punishment. Also I get into why The Vapors turned out to be the kind of story it did and go on at length about some general art advice type stuff.

Thanks everyone who asked questions, ASK MORE IN THE COMMENTS AND I'LL ANSWER THEM IN THE NEXT ONE!




William Fey

Do you have an idea for a piece of art that's like your Magnum Opus, but you don't feel like you are skilled enough to create yet? Just in general, how far ahead do you think about your artistic projects -mainly comics- and the things you're going to work on after S&P, Vapors, Beatcapades and The Champion. Finally: what and who inspires the comics you create? Is it other authors, just reflection or images and scenes you see online/irl? Also thanks for releasing the Vapors 2 Kickstarter rewards in a timely fashion :))


Hey Ben, I don’t know how you feel about reading, but I promise that this 9 page document called Abuses of Socialism is worth your time reading and hearing your thoughts about it. http://korea-dpr.com/lib/Kim%20Jong%20Il%20-%206/ABUSES%20OF%20SOCIALISM%20ARE%20INTOLERABLE.pdf.


To add a more straight up question, what’s it like being the older sibling? Did Nate and your sister ever gone out of their way to annoy you?