The time has come... (Patreon)
The new and improved Enthusiast tier (those of y'all that have been around for a long time may remember the original Enthusiast tier, which is gone and not coming back) is now open and able to join. It includes all benefits in the 'Homie', 'Fam' and 'Gang' tiers, and adds the benefit of full, uncut K-Drama episode reactions (looking to do two episodes a week.) My goal is to get these K-Drama episodes up and rolling within the next couple weeks. So you can join the tier now, but reactions certainly won't start this week. Our first drama is looking like it will be Hotel Del Luna and that's for two reasons - one, it's available on the site I'm gonna use and two, I wanna watch it. So there. The next one we watch, I'll poll y'all and you'll get to vote on it!
In addition... tomorrow, I'll be re-opening the infamous Junkie tier. It includes all benefits in the 'Homie', 'Fam', 'Gang', and 'Enthusiast' tiers, and adds the benefit of a monthly video reaction request. You give me a video (could be an MV, a dance practice, a mash-up... whatever you want, really) and I react to that video and put it up on YouTube for all to see. This is the only tier on my Patreon that will be limited membership. I'm looking to open fifteen slots. Back in the day, I had twenty five slots but that was far, far too much work for me to keep up with. I will be opening this tier tomorrow, Tuesday November 1st at 2:00 PM EST - my normal stream time. I know a lot of you have interest in this tier and that means a lot of you won't be able to get a slot, but that's the way of the road here. If you miss out, you'll have to camp out on the page every so often and see if a slot has opened up. I may have this tier open for just this month, I could keep it open forever. I have no idea. All I know is that I'm interested in opening the tier back up and I'm feeling crazy enough to try again.
Thank you all for your continued support. The addition of these tiers has been a long time coming, so thank you for your patience as well. Let's have some fun.