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Chapter 12.

Amber traveled under the purple light of the so-called magic torch, at first she had been concerned about the mana drain, but it was negligible. It had taken about a tenth of her mana and then it didn’t seem to consume it again. She supposed that it wasn’t something only for mages to use.

Amber made sure to inwardly thank Liz for the torch, otherwise she may have had a bit of an annoying time venturing into the dungeon.

A night vision skill would be nice, Amber absentmindedly thought as she ventured into the dungeon. Or better yet, a skill that can just see through the darkness.

The dungeon itself had different paths and rooms, almost like ruins. However, she had retraced the steps her team had taken so she found no monsters whatsoever. Based on her understanding, if she continued through this path she’d eventually reach the end of the dungeon.

After an hour she reached the previous spot where there was still human blood lining the ground.

Hopefully they’ll be fine, she sighed. At least now I don’t have to worry about others now. Now I can just focus on doing what I love. Pushing my limits.

Her lips curled into a smile as she ventured into what was now unknown territory. The uncharted lands of a strange world, a world where the dead rise to life, where monsters prowl the lands, and where magic exists. The world of Vir, where she had met Ax’thra, and found a new style of life, one where finances were a second thought.

“Who needs college when you can just specialize in slaying monsters instead?” she chuckled. “I’ve been walking for some time, where are the monsters though?”

And at that moment she saw red eyes staring at her from the darkness. A vicious smile immediately showed itself as she slid the torch in between some of the straps of her armor. Then, she rushed forward, unsheathing the Sword of all Mortals. While she could’ve let the undeads hit her to test her new skill, she wasn’t planning on doing that. She wanted to test it via what she knew best.

Pushing herself.

She dashed forward using Body Bash ⁠— she had hardly used it recently so she figured she had to level it up ⁠— then as soon as she reached the first skeleton she saw four more right behind, and behind those there were two undead archers.


[Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 32]

[Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 37]

[Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 35]

Reaching the first skeleton she ducked under his swing, Cursed Momentum immediately activating. With a smile, she used Cursed Stomp, she could use it about six times before running out of mana, which Amber found to be plenty for most of the battles she fought.

The ground at her feet shattered with magic, ruptured forth as all of the undead were hit at once, even the archers were stunned. Amber rushed forth, wielding her sword by the blade. At this point it was second nature to her. With a wide smile, she punctured the skull of the first skeleton. A banging sound resounded as her sword dug out and banged against the second skeleton. Killing it in a single instant as well.

By the time she was going for her third target, everyone was recovering but it was too late. Her sword blasted apart the skull of the third skeleton with ease. She had no idea if it had to do with her strength or something else, but she didn’t care as she turned for the fourth skeleton swinging at it. Her Cursed Momentum giving her the edge as she easily pushed the blocking skeleton back.

The archers took aim, but with a smile she moved her sword, throwing the skeleton off. Then, she reached her arm and grabbed onto its neck with her left hand before moving it to block⁠— the archers fired, two arrows each, three struck the skeleton and one miraculously hit her stomach.

Amber grunted feeling an immediate feeling of numbness.

So that’s the poison? She smiled as she pushed the skeleton away and regripped her sword.

Then she slashed, Heavy Swing at work as the undead tried to block only for the sword to be batted away, the monster being decapitated a mere second later. Amber saw the skeletons taking aim again and this time she dashed to the side⁠— all four shots missing her before turning her attention to the very last skeleton.

She assessed her damage only to note that the numbing feeling wasn’t exactly spreading, and so with a wide smile she charged towards the last skeleton. Parrying his sword before grabbing it by the head and charging at the archers with it. The skeleton was  light, so she swung it against the remaining foes. Striking them with their own kin as bones clashed against bones.

She didn’t know if it was because it was fun or something else, but she ended up bludgeoning the skeletons against each other until they died.

A myriad of notifications soon followed.

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 35].]

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 37].]

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 32].]

The group did not have a single skeleton that was higher than level 37 in the seven of them. But she still saw nice level ups in her skills.

[Body Bash has leveled up from level 9 to 10.]

[Cursed Momentum has leveled up from level 5 to 6.]

[Berserker’s Body has leveled up from level 4 to 5.]

[Cursed Stomp has leveled up from level 3 to 4.]

And she had also leveled up.

[You have reached level 41. 5 stat points awarded.]

Amber smiled but just as she was about to distribute her attribute points she noticed something interesting. Cursed Momentum ticked once more even though the battle had ended. She paused before looking at her bleeding stomach. The arrow was still embedded deeply into her body. The poison was still very much there and yet it seemed unable to spread past its immediate vicinity.

And a notification came.

[Recovery of Curses has leveled up from level 1 to 2.]

At that moment her eyes went wide, the poison’s reach was lowered slightly along with the notification. However, Amber for a moment felt like she was on cloud nine. I’m still in fucking combat. It was great, truly great for her. How hard could she push herself with Cursed Momentum active?

It’s time to find out!

Amber distributed her attribute points before rushing into the darkness. Dexterity did not seem like much of a priority to her at the moment, but she tried not to neglect it.

[Name: Amber | Level: 41

Class: Cursed Berserker | Unspent Stat Points: 0


Vitality: 108

Strength: 81

Dexterity: 67

Endurance: 46

Intelligence: 22

Wisdom: 22

Free Core Skill Slots: 3 | Core Skills:

[Heavy Swing - 2nd Rank Lvl. 3], [Body Bash - Lvl. 10], [General Weapon Mastery - 2nd Rank Lvl. 2], [Cursed Momentum - Lvl. 6], [Berserker’s Body - Lvl. 5], [Cursed Stomp. - Lvl. 4], [Curse Battery - Lvl. 2], [Recovery of Curses - Lvl. 2]

General Skills:

[Supernatural Nullification], [Identify. Lvl. 2], [Toxin Resistance ⁠- Lvl. 10], [Elemental Resistance - Lvl. 3], [Physical Resistance - Lvl. 3], [Keen Senses - Lvl. 8], [Quick Recovery - Lvl. 8].]

* * *

Amber encountered a smaller group of five undead about two hours later, but this time instead of trying anything fancy she immediately rushed at them. There were two archers and three warriors. She immediately arrived at the first warrior and dodged its strike before grabbing it by the arm and swinging it against the other two warriors.

The skeletons seemed to let out an unhearable shriek at that, nothing more like a panicked hiss as they hit each other. However, Amber didn’t really care as she wielded the skeleton as if it were a weapon, General Weapon Mastery somehow lightly aiding her in the process. The archers fired at her of course, but she didn’t give it too much thought as three arrows did nothing, only one going deep into her arm.

She let out a low growl before using Cursed Stomp on the archers. Then, she continued destroying the skeletons with their own kin, by the time they had recovered one had died. Then, she threw the skeleton she was wielding against one of the archers, before dodging two arrows that were loosed at her from the other. Finally, she decided to use her sword to finish one archer off before killing the other ones with her bare hands by slamming their heads against the walls until they cracked.

She was having so much damn fun.

How long can I keep this for?

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 32].]

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 34].]

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 31].]

The skeletons were even lower level than the previous ones, but she didn’t care as her skills saw more level ups yet again.

[Berserker’s Body has leveled up from level 5 to 6.]

[Recovery of Curses has leveled up from level 2 to 3.]

[Physical Resistance has leveled up from level 3 to 4.]

With a wide smile, she continued into the darkness, illuminated only by the harrowing purple light. No⁠— she wasn’t just continuing, she was rushing. It stopped being about if she could kill the undead or not, or even what she would find, and instead it became about how long she could fight.

How long can I go for? The thought brought a wide smile to her face as she continued.

* * *

Amber moved through the dungeon and after killing about a dozen of skeletons, she found herself at a crossroad. She now had three arrows sticking out of her body, though their effects were manageable — well she was dying but very slowly. Now, she was faced with a harder decision as she looked around. She was in a relatively large square room, and there were three paths to choose from.

One that continued in a straight line, that had a very brightly lit torch, and the other two which were present on the left and right. They had no indication of anything and even had cobwebs. Of course, logically she should’ve focused on finding what was spawning all the undead, however her very nature was calling her.

She wanted to see how long she could push⁠—

Can I clear the entire dungeon by myself?

That thought alone made her push on.

* * *

Amber delved into the dungeon as she killed anything and everything in her way. Whether there was the occasional Dark Hound and Fledgling Sapphire Ardrids, or the Lesser Undead Skeletons, she didn’t care. Whether it was through stomping them to death.

[You have defeated a [Sapphire Ardrid. Lvl. 30].]

Throwing them into a wall before beheading them with her sword.

[You have defeated a [Dark Hound. Lvl. 35].]

Or even smacking them against their own kin and killing them through sheer brute force.

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 31].]

Nothing much mattered to her, not outside pushing her limits. Of course, she was still very much rational, deciding against using Cursed Stomp every engagement. Since she was actively in battle, the three percent recovery rate did not apply. Which was troublesome for her mana, but other than that she truly had a feast.

She had lost track of time, it all blurred into hundreds of monster kills. It was almost a high that didn’t seem to come down as she continued tearing through enemy after enemy, she had found multiple crossroads and ended up venturing the wrong paths on purpose instead of the very obvious marked one. And it paid off, her skills leveled a lot.

[Cursed Momentum has leveled up from level 6 to 7.]

[Cursed Momentum has leveled up from level 9 to 10.]

[Berserker’s Body has leveled up from level 5 to 6.]

[Berserker’s Body has leveled up from level 8 to 9.]

[Cursed Stomp has leveled up from level 4 to 5.]

[Cursed Stomp has leveled up from 5 to 6.]

[Recovery of Curses has leveled up from 3 to 4.]

[Recovery of Curses has leveled up from 7 to 8.]

[Keen Senses has leveled up from level 8 to 9.]

[Keen Senses has leveled up from level 9 to 10.]

[Physical Resistance has leveled up from level 4 to 5.]

And that wasn’t all, Body Bash had changed.

[Body Bash has ranked up. Body Bash is now 2nd Rank level 1.]

[Body Bash ⁠— level 2nd Rank level 1, becomes Quick Dash ⁠— 2nd Rank level 1.]

[New Core Skill! You have learned Quick Dash⁠ — 2nd Rank level 1

Your prayers have been answered and you’ve obtained a proper dash skill after using your bash skill to dash. You may now use it wrongly and bash things instead. Gain a quick burst of speed upon use.

2nd Rank ⁠— At a moderate mana cost double the speed of the dash.]

And she had also attained the 2nd Rank of Toxin Resistance finally, now having a grand total of five arrows embedded all over her body.

[Toxin Resistance has reached 2nd Rank ⁠— level 1.

You’ve lived an unfortunate life where poisons seek you⁠— except you’re actively looking for them. Please stop. Poisons and other toxins are considerably less effective on you now

2nd Rank ⁠— All toxins are 30% less effective on you, this is stacked with the main effect of the skill.]

She got a chuckle out of some of the descriptions, though she immediately felt the skill come into effect as the arrows’ poison was basically suppressed. She had a grand total of five of them embedded in her body.

[You have reached level 42. 5 stat points awarded.]

[You have reached level 46. 5 stat points awarded.]

Now, Amber treaded the original path, and she was pretty sure she had cleared the entirety of the dungeon but that. Amber kept the arrows embedded in her body and had already distributed the attribute points from her level ups. Now that she had a proper movement skill she decided to neglect dexterity. Though I’ll need to increase my mana capacity in future level ups.

However, that was a worry for the future. She felt great right now, and the dungeon wasn’t quite clear yet. To be honest, she thought that at most only a few hours had passed given she wasn’t particularly tired, but she found that impossible. However, she also wanted a fight soon, she had gotten another Core Skill.

[New Core Skill! For reaching level 45 as a Cursed Berserker you have learned ⁠Cursed Fury — level 1.

Your attacks know no stop, you don’t know when to stop. Whether it is lack of self control or something else is unknown. Every successful hit increases your Dexterity and Strength by 5% up to a maximum of 50% (25% before class bonus).]

It seemed great, no better than just great. It was amazing. Amber itched to test it out, but as she rushed through the seemingly unending hallway she saw nothing, not until she turned a corner. Then, she immediately saw a purple light in the distance, one she immediately sprinted at full speed too, wielding her sword and Cursed Momentum at maximum strength.

She immediately reached the room as a hooded figure turned to her, standing on a stone platform. To the side there was a circle glowing a deep purple as a figure seemed to be manifesting, almost misty like.

“You,” the man bellowed, his staff shining a purple light. “You are the one that has been killing all of the undead!”

“Oh, you’re the one that I have to thank for all that fun?” She smiled. “Thank you.”

The man grabbed at his head with his free hand in frustration. “What the fuck are you?! I’ve been sensing my undead constantly being killed, for more than a day! It was you wasn’t it? I can sense them being slammed against each other!”

“What…? It’s been over twenty four hours?” Amber blinked.

I’ve been fighting for more than a day? What…? She was so shocked she almost forgot her situation, however the man immediately brought her back to reality.

“No matter, Laria shall be destroyed anyway.” he snorted. “Witness my masterpiece!”

He gestured at the spell circle. It was clear to Amber that something was being summoned considering there were no more undead present at all and the man had been evidently making them.

“Could you not summon whatever that is? I really don’t want to kill you,” Amber said simply. “I mean, I guess I could but please spare me the action.”

[Summoner. Lvl. 50]

For some reason right now, the idea of killing him didn’t weigh in her mind all that much. Maybe a lot more than a monster, but it wasn’t enough to make her hesitate, not given the circumstances. Amber didn’t know if it was due to being in a state of battle, or if it was due to the fact that he came across as the indisputable villain. However, unfortunately, the choice was made for her.

The man tapped his staff on the ground as a purple barrier erected itself and shortly after he removed his hood. Showing a twisted face and growing horns.

“Now, I’ll finish my creation!” The man raised his staff as the staff increased, and she saw horns begin to materialize. It was most definitely a demon.


Amber immediately rushed towards the barrier using her dash skill as she immediately arrived and she hit it with the sword. It bounced.

“Even a level 60 individual will have trouble getting past it, give up and accept your fate, woman,” he scowled.

She snorted and kept attacking, her swings getting faster and stronger by the hit. Each chance she got she used Heavy Swing, until at the tenth hit⁠— she tore a very small hole into the barrier. The man blinked and quickly mended it but Amber pulled out her dagger and stabbed it into the barrier.

Please work.

The dagger stayed in place and a moment later a rip-like sound resounded, a small cut appeared. Then another, and another⁠— Amber continued hitting it as the Summoner seemed to panic, the staff shining in a much brighter light. The summoning seemed to speed up, and a moment later Amber finally managed to rip the barrier apart.

Her dagger clattered onto the ground and the Summoner immediately summoned two undead warriors to protect him⁠ and Amber swung⁠— Heavy Swing.

The two undead were immediately beheaded as the Summoner screamed at her.

“Back off!” He pointed his staff at her. “Needle.”

Amber tilted her head and the purple projectile missed, and a sigh left her as she raised her sword up high.

“I’m sorry.”

She swung, cleaving through the man’s body as he screamed. Amber vividly felt his bones shattering as the sword stopped at his heart. The cut going from the man’s clavicle to the center of his ribcage.

“You will die at the hands of my creation,” he whispered.

A moment later notifications came.

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 44].]

[You have defeated a [Lesser Undead Skeleton. Lvl. 45].]

[You have defeated a [Demon Summoner. Lvl. 50].]

[You have reached level 47. 5 stat points awarded.]

[You have reached level 48. 5 stat points awarded.]

Amber felt a pang in her heart as the light began to fade. Suddenly she felt tired. Maybe it was all the fatigue catching up to her or something else. She didn’t really know. She turned expecting to see the four meter tall demon disintegrating except⁠— it fell to the ground, its body half completed as it screamed.


Amber grabbed her dagger in a hurry and then she felt danger. A barrier engulfed the entire room. Amber dashed away from her spot as an explosion went off. Quickly reaching the entrance only for the barrier to repel her.

“I’ll make you pay the price, lowly scum!” the demon called from behind. Amber dashed away yet again, and an explosion engulfed the entrance. “I’ll tear you limb to limb, rip you apart, and consume all that makes you!”

Amber turned, realizing she was going to fight whatever this thing was.

[Server of Chaos. Lvl. ???]


Heya all, Amber has just released on RoyalRoad, please check it out and drop it a review if you enjoy it!



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