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Chapter. 143: The Beginning of the End (Part 5)

Heya all, I forgot to post this chapter, thankfully 144 is an interlude so those that got the email can read it first anyway!

The morning after could be considered a beautiful day, a beautiful orange twilight enveloped the sky and the atmosphere was quiet. If it weren’t for the blotches of inking darkness that were beginning to cover the sky, it would’ve been a beautiful thing. But instead, there was nothing to be appreciated, there was only tension as everyone gathered at the city walls.

Some people were staying behind, and providing support, whether it was medics that had been instructed on how to temporarily treat the corruption, or ranged support in order to snipe targets from afar. Then, there were people assigned to supplying the battalions with resources, and armor replacements.

Though that didn’t matter too much, the large majority of the people were going to fight in the frontlines, including Asok for some reason. I had watched how he had filed his body with carved runes, his blood flowing before he put on the special armor everyone had been given, and upon asking him all he had to say was:

It’s part of ascension.

Meanwhile, all I could do was stand there baffled, wearing the black armor I had been given. The situation was very much obviously tense, and Asok didn’t seem to care too much. Then again, in his guide to Ascension it basically required him to be swarmed by the corruption and somehow come out on top.

“Are you really that confident in succeeding this time?”

“I’m not, but…” He smiled. “If I’m going to go through the process again, I better be more confident than last time.”


And just like that a quietness settled in as different battalions began to step forward. The battle was already about to begin. I hadn’t gotten much sleep, and I was honestly nervous; nervous of knowing that today was the day I would probably die. And I was also feeling a slight tinge of dread; the corruption was probably going to kill everyone here, which meant if I survived I’d probably be the only survivor.

My plan was to acquire arcane magic and then immediately flee from the battle and go to one of the many exits the Hero of Arlas had marked for me on map Artifact. So I wouldn’t even be sticking around to see the final result.

It was… nerve wracking.

A deep breath left me as the army entered its battle positions. I watched the conglomerate of different beings and beasts move forward, though I turned upon hearing walking footsteps coming in my direction.

And there, I saw him. A man in red armor with a draping cloak, a helmet with cracked horns adorned his head, and his statue was impressive at over two meters tall, or six foot seven. He was walking towards us, Asok ⁠— not failing to show his distaste ⁠— frowned, but I simply waited.

Finally, after a few moments he arrived. The Hero of Arlas stood before me and regarded me with a nod.

“We won’t have time for chatting after this. So, I figured I should come here now instead of never speaking.”

“Right.” I didn’t really know what to say, and my expression must’ve been really weird because he continued.

“I heard what happened last night, Alfina told me,” he said simply. “I assume you must be upset about the invasion of your privacy.”

I immediately frowned. I had briefly thought about the implications of his omnipotent vision last night, and it actually bothered me to no end.

“Yes, and you better stop taking looks at me when I go back to Arlas.”

He paused. “I could accept that so long as I don’t see you causing havoc.”

“Also no spying on my companions either,” I added.

There was a silence before he spoke again. “This is not a negotiation.”

“No, it’s just basic respect,” I corrected, now frustrated. “So I hope you can do that.”

There was a silence before he nodded, which was actually a relief.

“I’ll accept your humble request, though that’s not the reason I was here.”

“Right, what did you want to talk about, Mister Uwell?” I asked.

“You don’t have to call me ‘mister’, Miss Arc, I’m not even a thousand years old yet.” He shook his head and I immediately felt uncomfortable. “Let’s just call each other by our names.”

I nodded.

“While I do regret that our encounters have been bittersweet for the most part, I’m glad I met you,” he said, his tone sincere. “You’re the first person I had the chance to talk to in a very long time, and while it was against your consent, seeing your story was touching.”


“So, I appreciate you for that Arc. But you’ve also taught me that willpower does go a long way, and I shall take that lesson to my grave.”

I still processed his words as he finished, and finally after another second of thinking, I managed to produce a reply.

“... I’m glad you appreciate me… Uwell.”

He nodded hearing my awkward voice.

“Anyway that is all I wanted to say. I believe you have what it takes to leave this forsaken place. So I wish you all my luck in your endeavors, this will be my parting gift.” He nodded and extended his hand towards me. “[Blessing of Arlas].”

I blinked as a light enveloped me, and while I felt a small surge of strength hardly anything changed.

“Now that man should have no such power over you.”

With those words, he turned and began to walk away, all while my mind whirled. That man? Who could he even⁠— and I paused.

“Who is the other Hero of Arlas?” I called.

“That is for you to figure out.”

And with those words, he left, waving farewell.

I stared as he went to the frontlines, planning on leading the charge. Just like that, I was alone with Asok.

“I do have to say, it’s nice that you won’t be sent here ever again by that clone. I saw how it happened⁠—”

And I interrupted with a sigh. “He showed you too?”

“He showed me and the other commanders, that’s about it,” Asok said, his tone somewhat apologetic. “Though I did ask to see the two fights you took before that too.”

“And?” I urged.

“Well, I’m surprised you just… made a new skill to essentially murder that person. I’ve never seen that before, its level of complexity is also…” Asok trailed off.


“It’s not something I can replicate…” he admitted sheepishly. “I think it shows complete mastery over your System.”


“The Hero of Arlas told me how heroes work and I think you truly embody what it means to master ice.”

I shook my head. “No matter how much mastery there is, I’m still far too weak for this place.”

“That may be the case, but you have to understand this. Out of the thirty something civilizations in the space that was freed, there are only six individuals of the highest Tier, seven if you include Uwell.” He shook his head. “That means that, on average, only one being every ten thousand years ascends to that kind of power. And I’m certain that your ability is up there with those kind of people.”

I rolled my eyes. “That is encouraging. I wonder how it’ll help me survive this⁠—”

And Asok slapped my back, I tumbled forward from the strength he used. My eyes widened and I turned only to see him frowning.

“Just take a god damn compliment Arc, at least do so from your friend here who will most likely be dead in a few hours.”

I paused. Friend?

And for a moment I remembered how readily Asok had helped me throughout this whole ordeal, regardless of the hour, regardless of the time, even when I stepped into his room while he slept he woke up just to answer my questions. Then, I remembered how he’d smile every time he saw me for the past few days.

I closed my eyes. “Right… sorry.”

“Even if you don’t consider me your friend, at least consider me a teacher or mentor figure.” He shook his head. “Don’t be so⁠—”

“You’re my friend Asok,” I said with a breath. “Sorry for acting like that.”

He smiled. “Good, then don’t be so stressed. Then I’ll say it again. Out of every person I’ve ever personally met, you’re the most talented I’ve seen.”

I blinked. “Thank you.”

He nodded and extended his clenched fist towards me. I reached my hand only to receive a crude pendant with a stone in the middle, [Appraisal] offered no return to what I was looking at.

“What is⁠—”

“It’s a gift from me,” Asok said. “I figured it might help you, I don’t know if I was successful in creating it, only once it’s corrupted should the result be seen. But even if it doesn’t work, consider it a token of my friendship.”

I blinked and slowly nodded, deciding to put it on. Asok nodded and then turned to look at the horizon.

“It’s starting soon.”

I followed his gaze as I went to stand by his side. And off in the distance I saw the blotches of corruption finally begin to grow, and in no time I saw gigantic and towering beings. Then, from within the dark and dreary shadows, I saw a gigantic one loom overhead.

I stared, it was too far for [Appraisal] to go off but the amount of corruption emanating from it was truly terrifying.

“As you can see, this place is the end of all worlds, and that.” He pointed. “That must be an Eternal…”

His voice came to a whisper as I understood the gravity of the situation. But just as I was beginning to get nervous I heard more footsteps behind me. Once more I turned, and it was none other than the dark elf woman, one of the commanders.

[Dominion of Darkness. Tier: SSS].

She was slowly walking towards us, and then extending her hand towards her side a spear of darkness appeared.

“[Darkness of the World, Bless Me].” With her calm voice she became enveloped in shadows as I felt danger all around me, and then she began to slowly jog in our direction before running, Asok and I stepped aside, and she ran past us aiming her spear. “[Use the Shadows to Carry My Will, The Will of a—]

She took one final step as the ground shattered and she called in a whisper.


And the air broke, a trail of darkness enveloped the world before it exploded over the horizon with a resounding boom that made almost everyone take a step back. A shockwave traveled through the land and the elven woman before us smiled.

[Therefore You Must Die].

And she clenched her hand before an even more powerful explosion occurred. I stumbled back, my eyes widening as I realized that the entirety of the horizon had blown up into darkness.

“Well… I don’t think I can replicate that either…” Asok whispered.

Then the woman screamed. “Charge!”

Her voice boomed through the battlefield as our entire side began to charge forward. We were surrounded, like a candle in the darkness, but even then we were going to fight instead of waiting for the darkness to snuff us.

I didn’t charge, neither did Asok, and neither did she.

Instead she turned to me, I saw her purple-toned skin, her golden eyes, and her fanged smile that she gave me.

“Arc, if we meet again on even strength, let us spar.”

Her voice came out with utmost sincerity, but before I could even give her a reply she turned around and charged with everybody else.

Finally, Asok spoke, calling my attention.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s join in the fun before it’s too late.” He smiled, and after I nodded he disappeared using one of his skills.

And then, I was standing alone.

A sigh left me as I grabbed Sol’as’ Spear from my back.

It is happening now…

For better or for worse…

This nightmare is coming to an end…

“And…” I took a breath before smiling. “I’m all for it.”

[God Step].



Thanks for the amazing chapter 😊