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Chapter. 138: Interlude: Shadow of the Past

The Heroine of Water.

A terrifying figure that Malz didn’t actually know much about. Of course, she knew enough. She understood that she was just as strong as the Hero of Flames empowered by his ultimate skill, if not stronger. Someone they couldn’t afford to anger; or even fight for that matter, and yet…

She was sitting in front of them. The Dragon of Water seemed as relaxed as ever as the heroine scanned his entire existence, though the same couldn’t be said for Ceylon. Who, while looking composed, was most definitely a mess inside. Malz on the other hand, she was just nervous. Nervous about what could potentially happen.

The Heroine of Water was a beautiful woman, her hair was a deep black, sheening blue under the light. Her eyes were a piercing royal blue that commanded respect, though a scar did run through her cheek to her ear. It was almost unnoticeable. As for her attire, it was as simple as a tunic.

“I see that you can control the water in other beings,” she said towards the Dragon of Water. “Are you interested in sparring?”

“No.” The Dragon of Water shook his head. “I don’t intend to sign up for a death-sentence just yet.”

The Heroine of Water shook her head.


Then, she turned towards Malz. Her piercing eyes meeting her golden ones.

“Dragon of Shadows, I didn’t think you’d be so quick to find love again. It’s been only a century or two, no?”

Malz frowned, lightly gritting her teeth. “That is quite the accusation.”

“It’s mere speculation.” She waved dismissively. ”I’ve grown bored. All of the strong heroes are in hiding, except for one.”

Malz’s eyes narrowed and the Heroine of Water continued.

“The Heroine of Frost.”

There was a silence, before Ceylon was the one to speak.

“So you want to fight her for entertainment?”

“That is correct,” the woman nodded. “I’ve also heard from rumors that the Heroine of Frost seems to smile during fights, so I’m sure she shares the same sentiment. Of course, the bet would be our revival skill. I do not know why she has chosen to forego this meeting but you should pass the message along.”

She moved her hand, as if swiping dust away.

“Go on, I don’t have all day.”

Malz crossed her arms.

“It’s quite disrespectful to come and command us just like this, don’t you think?”

“Perhaps,” she mused, “but it is to be expected if you’ve ever heard of me. Or maybe you haven’t, I don’t care. Just pass the message.”

With those words she stood up.

“I’ll be in town for two weeks, should she be a no-show, I shall take matters in my own hands.”

“Take matters in your own hands?” Malz raised her brow.

“Yes, I’ll kill you.” She pointed. “And you too.” Her hand pointed at the Dragon of Water. “And lastly, you, Ceylon.”

Ceylon paused. There had been no introductions so far, so it was rather unexpected for her to know Ceylon’s name. Malz frowned.

“And you think I’ll let you get away with it.”

The Heroine of Water let out a dry laugh. “Of course, not. In fact, I hope you put up a good battle.”

Then she stood around, walking towards the door in order to leave⁠— and Ceylon stood up. The Heroine of Water turned with curiosity, as Ceylon gritted her teeth.

“Have you never gotten in trouble with the keeper of order by doing this?”

“Of course I have,” she grinned. “We fought and I was let go off with a warning. Why do you think I’m being so civil now?”

And she left the room. Going on her way to her waiting place⁠— or so Malz thought. In the end, they were just left there to ponder their next move. Though Ceylon seemed… unstable. She was shaking in her spot.

“Malz, can you make it so she can’t hear?”

Malz blinked. “Sure.”

With the flick of her fingers, a dark barrier was erected encompassing the three of them. And finally, Ceylon began to speak through gritted teeth.

“It’s unfair, isn’t it?”

Her fists tightened.

“Arc got punished and sent to the most dangerous place in the world, while these people get away with a slap on the wrist⁠— I’m sure there are other heroes that have also just been given a warning.”

“And yet, she’s made to suffer. She’s made to suffer for following in what she believes and dealing with those that dared to cross her path. She’s made to bear a punishment that she doesn’t deserve. All in the name of a rotten mission that the Hero of Arlas believes in.”

Ceylon closed her eyes, her voice cracking as Malz and the Dragon of Water just looked and listened to what she had to say.

“It’s so rotten and I hate that I can’t do all that much about it. All I can do is pray for Arc’s safe return…” Ceylon began to cry. “Perhaps, if she never met me, she wouldn’t even be in such a situation. She just wanted to find a home, and yet because of me⁠—”

“That’s enough,” Malz interrupted with a sigh. “Knowing Arc, blaming you isn’t even in her mind, and it won’t ever be. You shouldn’t feel responsible, Ceylon. Maybe if I was stronger I could’ve killed the Hero of Flames myself and spared Arc, but…”

“But?” Ceylon asked.

“But it’s pointless, and based on what you’ve said I have a feeling that the Hero of Arlas was specifically targeting Arc.” Malz frowned. “So even if I had killed the Hero of Flames the end result would’ve been the same.”

“Well, there is no way to know that,” the Dragon of Water said. “But, I do think that it’s fruitless to bear a weight that shouldn’t be there in the first place.”

Malz looked in silence as Ceylon took in both of the things that were said, and finally the tears slowly stopped as she hung her head.

“It’s just depressing…” A sigh left her. “I never thought that the inner workings of the world of Arlas would be so…”

Her sentence hung in the air for a second, before finally, she closed her eyes.

“... shit.”

Malz just stared before her head hung low. “I guess they are.”

Meanwhile, the Dragon of Water was just staring with his arms crossed, displeasure evident on his face. Finally, after a second of two he spoke.

“Regardless of that, we should focus on the situation at hand.” His words got the attention of both of them. “How will we deal with the Heroine of Water? We certainly can’t count on Arc returning for that. And even if she did; she might be grievously injured when she does. So we’ll still need to deal with it.”

Malz frowned as did Ceylon.

“Is there anything that can be done, even?” Ceylon asked, her face grim.

Malz frowned, she had to think about it, the Dragon of Water seemed to be thinking. Though, ultimately he said nothing at all. Meanwhile, she thought of all the powerful figures she was aware of. There was the problem of the rebellion with the dragons, so she couldn’t turn to them, and the heroes were…

Every single hero that could be called her friend was now dead. As far as powerful humans…

Then she remembered.

“Right, Faral hasn’t been around but perhaps we could ask for her help.”

“It might not be enough to deal with the Heroine of Water,” the Dragon of Water interjected.


And then there was silence.

Malz wasn’t completely aware of how strong the Heroine of Water was, so she couldn’t actually comment. But part of her refused to believe that the Heroine of Water could fight three Grand Dragon Elders at once, it sounded like an impossibility. But the Dragon of Water seemed convinced of it…

“Is she really that strong?”

He shook his head. “I do think she has a fifty-fifty on coming out on top against three average SS Tier individuals, however, if it was just that I wouldn’t reject the idea.”

“Then?” Malz raised her brow.

The Dragon of Water met her gaze. “There is a very real possibility the Heroine of Water is strong enough to make all of my skills ineffective including my SS Tier skill.”

Malz blinked. “Is that even possible…?”

“I mean, every element can be controlled, so when two people control the same element they can influence each other’s skills to some extent. Though, with some elements it's a lot more rigid than others, and in this case water is the most easily influenced,” the Dragon Water explained.


In the case of shadows, it was… rather easy, but the time Malz fought the Hero of Shadows she had thoroughly humiliated him, so she never actually noticed it.

“So… do you have any ideas?” Malz asked.

In response the Dragon of Water pondered about things. He did so for what felt like an eternity, Malz even dropped her skill fully sensing the presence of the Heroine of Water disappearing. And it wasn’t until a couple of minutes of silence that he spoke.

“I think if I’m granted the item I requested, I may be able to do something.”

“The item?” Ceylon asked.

“The Scepter of Past Visions,” he said. “I know someone that would help us in exchange for it…”

“Who is this someone?” Malz raised her brow, now puzzled as she looked at the Dragon of Water who seemed rather awkward.

“It’s a hero.”

“I thought you didn’t get along with heroes?” Malz asked.

“He’s the only hero I get along with.” The Dragon of Water coughed. “He’s the Hero of Humans.”

Ceylon blinked. “I’ve never heard of him.”

Meanwhile, Malz froze, instantly gritting her teeth. “The fucking Hero of Humans? He’s still alive?!”


The Dragon of Water’s simple reply enraged Malz even further. There were so many things to hate about that man, from a fake sense of self righteousness, to actual desecration of life. The only reason he had even been put down is because dozens of heroes had banded to kill him⁠— and now turns out he’s still alive?

“You…” Bloodlust permeated the room as Malz looked at the Dragon of Water. “You dare to suggest he helps us⁠— no, forget that. You dare to befriend him after everything he’s done?”

“He hasn’t done anything that has affected me.” The Dragon of Water shrugged.


“Stop,” Ceylon interrupted. Malz stopped mid attack. “I don’t know what he did, but I think we should listen to the Dragon of Water.”

Malz gritted her teeth. “The Hero of Humans is the man that killed my soulmate. He’s the man that killed the Heroine of Darkness.”

Ceylon froze and the atmosphere grew tense. But Malz didn’t care.

“Even knowing this you chose to have a connection with it instead of telling all of the Grand Dragon Elders…” She wanted to kill the Dragon of Water. “You deserve to die⁠— no, you will die. All of us wanted him dead.”

The Dragon of Water meanwhile was staring back defiantly. “So you will kill me and then deal with the Heroine of Water on your own? Oh, and with Faral? Great idea.”

Malz stopped herself.

“So you’re saying I cooperate with him, out of all people?”

“No, I’m saying: there are no other options,” the Dragon of Water said coldly.

Malz felt rage building up inside of her, but the prospect of losing everything Arc had worked for made her stop. She could kill the Dragon of Water in the future, and she could focus on trying to also kill the Hero of Humans in the future, which left… the situation at hand.

Finally, after a few calming breaths she opened her mouth.

“Dragon of Water, I order you to use your connection to the Hero of Humans in order to defend Draliz, your goals should not have any animosity towards Arc, her achievements, or her companions.”

At that moment the collar on the Dragon of Water’s neck shone and tightened. Ceylon breathed a sigh of relief. And with that, everything was concluded.


Malz closed her eyes.

She really dreaded this arrangement.

◇ ◇ ◇

And in the morning, the Dragon of Water set off with the Scepter of Past Visions.

Ceylon seemed hopeful whereas Malz only thought about how to kill the dragon and the hero.



Thanks for the nice chapter 😊