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Chapter. 122: Ceremony (Part 4)


That was what I always sought every single battle.

I used [Quick Step] and dodged the explosions of fire, the vines, the thunder strikes and the volley of arrows that came my way. The earth was torn asunder, the ground quaked, and the ice around me shattered.

But somehow, even though I was experiencing it now, it was different.

It wasn’t fear, I knew that for certain.

But… I didn’t know what it was.

At that moment, the Herald of the Sword rushed towards me, slashing with crescent and deadly strikes my way. I parried one⁠— two, deflected another one and⁠— my arm was nicked on the fourth strike. Blood splattered onto the frozen lake. The ground beneath my feet shattered as I nearly lost balance, and I turned only to see a gigantic fist.

This time I raised my spear, but I felt it lightly crack within its shaft as I was pushed back. My boots slid through the frosty ground as I stared ahead and a moment later a barrage of arrows came.


No, that wasn’t quite it.

I swiped, tumbling three down as they went past me and hit the icy ground, I deflected four in a single hit sending them away, and I blocked three with the shaft of my spear with an elegant spin, but even then⁠— an arrow grazed my cheek as blood was drawn.

I grunted as the air around me warmed, and I raised my view only to see a flaming mass of flames coming my way. I frowned and immediately stopped on the ground, [Ice Creation] immediately was used and a grand barrier of frost was erected. The grand mass took the brunt of the attack as it immediately exploded; water vapor flying all around me.


It was a similar feeling but… more reluctant.

The feeling was…

I frowned, looking at my five enemies. One was a physical fighter with gigantic gloves, another was a swordsman, there were two mages, one that used thunder and the other one that used fire⁠— and finally there was an archer. Every single one of them easily had the power to destroy my ice in an instant.

It was bothersome…

The feeling I felt was apprehension.

I felt apprehension about pushing myself and going for it with so much going on, with so many expectations and so many things to deal with…

And yet, I had to.

I fixed the fractures within my spear with the use of [Ice Creation] and began to enhance it with the most basic of skills that I knew.

I had to fight, I had to win this, I had to kill the Hero of Spirits. Not only was my life on the line, but I wanted to be proud. I wanted to fight for the future I envisioned and make it happen.

Which was why…

I took a step forward and saw the myriad of arrows coming my way, and instead of doing anything fancy I called stabbing downwards.

“[Deft Thrust].”

The ground beneath me shattered and then I flicked upwards throwing hundreds of ice pieces at supersonic speeds. Scattering the volley of arrows into nothingness as I pressed forward, at that moment thunder above me crackled and I pointed my hand upwards.

“[Frost Lightning].”

Two strikes hit each other as the air itself froze and crackled, then the heat increased as I turned, already flicking my spear.


A burst of ice wiped it out of existence and at that moment both of the warriors arrived before me, but instead of panicking I stomped on the ground. And [Wrath of the Ice Queen] was used, dozens of elongated spears stabbed through both of their forms, and with a swipe and a spinning kick I sent both of the spirits flying.

Then, I used [Quick Step] to appear right next to the archer. I grabbed onto their neck and slammed them against my knee, before turning and throwing them into the air, only to be hit by a burst of lightning. Simultaneously I used [Frost Lightning] and [Judgment of the Ice God.

The lightning hit the Archmagus of Fire and the spear hit the Archmagus of Thunder. Both were immediately exploded and evaporated, as their incorporeal forms shattered. Then I hit behind⁠— the butt of the spear hit the brawler as it pushed him back, and without hesitation I used [Frenzied Whirlwind], putting a the spirit to rest.

And next, came the Herald of the Sword rushing towards me. I prepared my spear only to find all of my body bound by vines. I struggled and my eyes darted to the Hero of Spirits in the distance as he smiled.

The Herald of the Sword reached me, and I spoke.

“[Everlasting Glaciation].”

And an explosion of ice engulfed everything, blasting the last of the spirits in a single moment. I cracked my neck as I turned to the Hero of Spirits whose face features twisted in an ugly way. He took a step back.

“You know, y-your SS Tier skill will come to an end,” he said shakily. “You won’t succeed at this!”

“Oh, I thought about that,” I said, tilting my head as I took out another ball of ice from my jacket. “I can always just refresh it when it’s about to end.”

He took another step back, seemingly horrified. He stared at me with quaking eyes as he lifted his arms, backing off.

“P-Please have mercy on me.” He stuttered. “I-I⁠— or so that’s what you want me to say.” He scoffed.

The tone in his voice shifted in a single moment to a ridiculing one. He shook his head and met my gaze.

“You cannot kill me.”

I used [God Step] and appeared behind him. Stabbing my spear forward towards his neck, and at that moment, it was deflected⁠— a deafening clink resounded through the air as my eyes opened in surprise seeing a familiar white spirit.

[Herald of the Sword. Tier: SS.]

It slashed and I was forced to back off, and a moment later numerous figures began to appear.

[Archmagus of Fire. Tier: SS.]

[Archmagus of Thunder. TIer: SS.]

[Arlas’ Archer. Tier: SS.]

All of them were back.

The Hero of Spirits began laughing then he turned to me, his tone once more shifted to a cold one.

“The only one dying will be you, Arc.”

So that was why he was so unconcerned about things.

That was the only thought before a barrage of attacks came my way. First were thunder strikes, then fireballs combined with a volley of arrows, then came the myriad of slashes and the dangerous strikes I had to dodge.

Soon, I found myself just as far from the Hero of Spirits from where I had initially begun, however now I had expended some of my mana and I had wasted one of the frost crystals I had made. It was…

I frowned.

This battle was going to be so much harder than I thought.

And at that moment the Hero of Spirits started to laugh.

“What, did you think I was an easy target? Unfortunately for you, I’m not.” He smiled. “This skill has quite the long duration you see, so… why don’t you run?”

My frown deepened and I decided to say nothing. It wasn’t as if I could just use my SS Tier skill and instantly kill him⁠— I certainly could try but it would most likely be a waste of mana, and by then I wouldn’t have a lot remaining.

Instead I had to be conservative, at least if I wanted to be able to fight the Hero of Flames right after. Which made things much more difficult⁠—

I raised my spear to block the punch of one of the spirits; this time it was shining with a radiant light. It impacted and⁠— my spear was shattered and I was sent flying as I felt my wrists nearly break. I rolled across the icy ground this time with a much deeper frown.

They can use skills too?

And all the Hero of Spirits did was smile widely at me in response. It was annoying. I found everything annoying.

Was this the time for me to learn a new skill?

I frowned, now even more annoyed and more… apprehensive. Somehow my feelings were a mess rather than what they usually felt like during battle. Normally my only priorities were enjoying the battle, they were to push my limits, and to defeat my enemy. But now, all I felt was the urge to defeat the Hero of Spirits as soon as possible.

It was… very annoying.

I stood back up, remaking another ice spear and at that moment the brawler rushed at me once more. I ducked⁠— my feet slid across the ice floor as the punch narrowly dodged. And then, I swept, my leg broke the spirit’s stance and made it fall to the ground. Then, in a fluid motion I stood back up and stabbed through the neck of the white figure.

It dispersed, dying for the time being.

I sighed and a barrage of long ranged attacks came my way as I realized I didn’t have many options. I had to come up with a new skill, somehow or in some way, one that would destroy the Hero of Spirits in one swift motion, one that would put a stop to all of his attacks. But at the same time, I didn’t even have time to have a feel for it.

My SS Tier skill definitely wasn’t it. It could certainly stop the flow of things but it was very specific and centered, it also would consume an extraordinary amount of mana to do so. At the same time, I knew that in order to achieve that I had to follow what Regis’karr had shown me. I had to take his teachings in, but unlike in past battles, I had a sense of pressing urgency I didn’t know how to deal with.

I knew that I had to do something. That I had to call from my heart and my feelings in order to make something greater.

But the problem lied in my inability to think at this given moment. I didn’t have the leisure to do nothing or tank attacks or anything, instead I had to dispose of the Hero of Spirits…

I had to kill him and fast…

I frowned and then, remembered; remembered what had happened with the Hero of Necromancy. In that case, I hadn’t frozen anything but my own skills, and had stored them inside my SS Tier skill, pausing them in time until there was a horde of them ready to destroy the Hero of Necromancy.

Why couldn’t I do the same to him?

My eyes narrowed and he smiled at me.

* * * * *

The Heroine of Frost was too prideful. He knew that with utmost certainty. It was in her gaze, in her actions, in her mannerisms; any other hero in her position would’ve given up, but she hadn’t. Instead, she would seemingly grow more and more upset by the things that were like obstacles ⁠— except, they weren’t obstacles, they were death traps.

And that’s why the Hero of Spirits was certain of his victory. He was certain that the woman was helpless. Now she wasn’t even bothering to counter-attack, only dodging and using some skills sparingly. Granted, she was much stronger than he ever expected, but she was still very much delusional.

Still, he had to give her credit. She was the first hero he had seen that had the capacity of a mage and a close range warrior without sacrifices ⁠— it was peculiar. Perhaps her defense was low? He couldn’t really tell.

Still, it was only a matter of time before the Heroine of Frost died.

He grinned as his spirits chased after her, this time using the skills in their repertoire. Sure they didn’t have their signature skills, otherwise the heroine would be long dead, but, this was great. The Hero of Spirits grinned, watching as barrages, torrents of fire, thunderstorms⁠— everything went after the Heroine of Frost.

She was thrown across the land like a ragdoll, quickly made to bleed and struggle. She was going to die, and he just knew it!

That said, she  kept looking at him as if he was a pest.

Soon, she’d learn her lesson.

She was a pretty woman, perhaps he’d think of sparing her if the conditions were right.

The Hero of Spirits smiled to himself and then, the Heroine of Frost disappeared. He turned only to see her spear driving right into his head and⁠— the Herald of the Sword parried it. The Heroine of Frost slid back with a frown and he couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You cannot win, give it up.” His eyes narrowed. “Let go of your pride and run; else pay the consequences.”

In any other situation, he would’ve been hellbent on killing the heroine in question, but this time it was different. He couldn’t hyperfixate on that. Instead, he had to focus on the ceremony, he had to make sure it went smoothly. That was the main reason he was willing to let bygones be bygones, however the heroine didn’t seem to be very keen on that.

Her eyes just narrowed as a sigh left her.

“I didn’t want to do this but…”

And an explosion of things engulfed her. He heard her whispers and a moment later⁠— all of the magic around her froze, and she⁠… walked out the explosion relatively unscathed.

The Hero of Spirits blinked.

“What have you done?”

“Oh, it’s just my SS Tier skill,” she explained, “and with it I’ll kill you.”

He frowned and she lifted her arm. “[Frost Lightning].”

The Hero of Spirit winced expecting pain but instead nothing came, the only change that happened was a white light appearing in the sky.

“That’s your… plan?” He laughed. “Scare me like that?”

She shook her head and he commanded his spirits to attack her. Once more the battle resumed, no different than before except she kept casting skills that didn’t really do anything. Sometimes the air would grow colder, and sometimes there would be more light in the sky but otherwise there would be nothing.

What was she even doing?

She barely dodged the punch of the Closest Brawler to God, and she did it again.

“[Frost Lightning].”

He frowned. “You’re just asking to die⁠—”

And he paused, feeling a crackle above him. It had been subtle, but it was there. And then, he had a moment of clarity as he realized what he was looking at above him.

They were the skills that she had been using, and they were… pilling up.

The color drained of his face as he screamed.

“Kill her!”

The Archmagus of Flames used [Armageddon], an incredibly strong skill. It immediately hit part of the lake and evaporated it with tremendous power, like a meteorite that threatened to extinguish civilization, and yet⁠ she dodged it, using another skill.

Next came [Thunder Maelstrom], and somehow the myriad of strikes completely missed her as they struck her immediate vicinity unleashing destruction upon everything.

“[Judgment of the Ice God].”

Then there was [Deadly Poison Rain], in a single moment thousands of arrows fell on her and yet she just made an ice shield that seemingly tanked everything without a single struggle.

“[Wrath of the Ice Queen].”

It didn’t make sense!

The Hero of Spirits grew panicked as he realized how many skills had been used⁠— how did she even have such a monstrous amount of mana considering every single one of her skills so far easily entered SS Tier?!

“Everyone defend me!”

The Closest Brawler to God used [Titanic Strike] and all the Heroine did was kick⁠— a piece of ice jutted next to the brawler and sent him flying like a useless sack.

At that moment a barrier of lightning and flames was erected, the Herald of the Sword stepped in front of him readying his [Ultimate Parry] skill, even Arlas’ Archer stepped in front to defend with his body.

The Heroine of Frost stared at him, and she pointed.

“Now die.”

The Closest Brawler to God made it in time using [Greatest Wall], as his gauntlets grew in size.

Everything⁠ was used. The Hero of Spirits was sure of it. He would be safe.

A moment later, the tens of skills were unleashed. They rained like a deadly storm, immediately breaking through the defenses as if they were butter. And all the Hero of Spirits could do was watch as he realized.

This is going to be a painful death.

And all of the reminding skills struck him at once, eviscerating him.

* * * * *

I took a long and deep breath as I watched the crater on the ground, there was no ice remaining, just charred dirt and a trail of smoke.

I had stopped the ceremony.

I had used a lot more mana than I had liked, but now it was time for me to fight the Hero of Flames. I turned to see the quiet castle; I didn’t know what he was waiting for but it was time to seek him out⁠—

And a laugh echoed in my ears.

I turned only to see the Hero of Spirits in rags as he looked at me with a maniacal smile.

“I forgot to tell you; just like the other spirits, I also come back to life.”

Then, the rest of the spirits regenerated again.



Ugh... just die already dude. 🤬


Seriously you have someone is basically unkillable...totally pointless, how is that even SS tier....