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Chapter. 119: Ceremony (Part 1)

Today was the day.

The day of the ceremony. The week had passed by in a blink, I had spoken with Ceylon’s mother after changing the ice sculpture I had made. Apparently, I wouldn’t be able to access the Institute of Magic for some time; though I didn’t even know why I cared about it all that much. I did intend to check it out in the future, but for now that was the end of it.

Now, my priorities laid in today; the day that would determine how my future would look like in a very significant manner. Sure, logically speaking I was a hero, and for that reason alone I would never truly struggle to thrive in the world of Arlas. But even then, I wanted for my plans to go as smoothly as possible.

I didn’t care to have rulership over Draliz; unlike other heroes.

Instead I cared for ensuring Ceylon would have a bright and worryless future; I cared for ensuring that the Arlow family would be long lasting so that she could be happy and focus on what she wanted.

If Draliz didn’t fall under my hands, there was a chance that that would never happen. There was a chance that the future I desired would never come to fruition. Which was why I had to make my plans succeed.

I didn’t know what exactly to expect. In the end, I knew only one thing and that was I’d have to fight the Hero of Spirits and most likely, the Hero of Flames as well.

Today I’d have to fight two heroes.

I was clasping my hands together and looking at the ground with a grim face. Something about knowing I was about to fight two heroes that day made me feel rather dispirited. It wasn’t something I wanted to deal with. And unfortunately, Ceylon seemed to notice as she slowly got up.

“Arc?” She raised her brow. “You’re up early…” She paused. “Are you alright?”

“I have to fight the Hero of Spirits today; I’ll also most likely have to fight the Hero of Flames right after,” I said, closing my eyes. “It’s a weird feeling.”

“Knowing that you may…” Ceylon paused trailing off.

“Knowing that I may die today, yes.” I admitted. “But also knowing that your future and other things depend on me winning this.”

Ceylon paused, looking at the ground. Her messy golden frills of hair hung low for a few moments before she took a deep breath.

“Worst case scenario we can just move outside of Draliz you know?”

I raised my brow. “But what about the established family wealth?”

“My family too can probably restart in a different country in the worst case scenario. We’re businessmen Arc, even if nobles we are primarily traders.” She breathed. “So you shouldn’t worry about that.”


I frowned. She said that but…

“Arc, let me remind you that my father wanted to get rid of all of our family’s wealth and restart our lives, not only that but I also proclaimed that I wanted to follow you; so I’m over all of this nobility stuff.”

Then she nervously chuckled.

“That said, of course I’m nervous about like; moving elsewhere and having my family targeted by some hero organization due to you.”

I paused. “Right⁠—”

“But you have Malz, Regis’karr, Faral, you have other dragons; you have Jake and Giselle. With all of that, I don’t think you should be worried. It’s not just you against the world after all.” She smiled weakly.

There was another pause in my mind as I finally just nodded, accepting what Ceylon said. My messy emotions calmed as I felt a burden lift off my shoulders.

So it was fine if I failed…

Of course, I wasn’t planning on failing, but knowing that the world wasn’t doomed if I did certainly helped quell my nerves and made me feel better in general. It was… a lot less pressuring.

I guess I just wasn’t used to having people rely on me; or relying on people either.

“Did that…” Ceylon hesitated. “Help?”

I raised my head. “It did.” I smiled lightly. “Thank you Ceylon.”

She paused before smiling to herself. “Yeah… I’m glad I could ease you a bit.”

I nodded.

“But.” She started.

I raised my brow, and she met my gaze with utmost seriousness. There was a brief silence as I wondered what was so important, and finally a moment later she spoke:

“You’re not allowed to die, under no circumstances.”

“Right, you do know⁠—”

“If you have to run then run,” she said hurriedly. I blinked and a moment later Ceylon shook her head. “I just don’t want to know that you… are no longer in this world because of me.”

I nodded very slowly, feeling rather uncomfortable. I didn’t know how to exactly answer her; it wasn’t as simple as saying I’ll run; I wasn’t able to guarantee it anyway. I didn’t want it to be a lie.

A sigh left me.

“I’ll escape if things go sideways… I’ll try to at least.”

“Thank you.” Ceylon nodded slowly.

And then there was silence before I finally decided to stand up and stop feeling sorry for myself. In the end all I had to do was win against those losers.

“Alright, we should get going⁠ to the ceremony,” I said.


With a nod she began to get ready.

Ceylon’s parents had come over to Vaelith for the ceremony, so we’d reunite with them. I didn’t know what kind of relationship Malz or the others had with them but they’d also be coming. Also including the Dragon of Water, who was still very much my slave.

It was still the early morning so there was some time until the meeting.

The election of the new king was an all day event that would end at midnight, and it would be beginning in just a few hours from now. What was meant to be an exciting celebration for people was something I was dreading.

And so, I just waited for time to pass.

◇ ◇ ◇

Before long, the fated time arrived.

I had time to indulge in breakfast though it wasn’t as enjoyable as usual. Not at all. Then after that, we headed towards the citadel; an upper part of the city and where the castle resided. We were in Vaelith, the heart of Draliz; a country whose politics were through commerce before anything else.

The streets where we found ourselves were completely covered in exquisite and intricate patterns that screamed luxury. The walkways and railings were lined with marble. And before long we stood at the foot of a long white bridge that led to the castle; one that was surrounded by great white walls.

It was almost like a city within a city.

There, we met Ceylon’s parents and the others at the end of the bridge. We stood at the wall’s gate entrance. Where we were…

“I’m sorry but you can’t go in.”

Declined by the guards.

Thomas paused. “I’m the Grand Duke, Thomas Arlow. My title has just become official just three days ago; I understand that there is no official invitation but if you check the records⁠—”

“No invitation, no entrance for the family,” the lead guard said. “Turn around or be arrested.”

There was a pause as he hung his head and then, we just were there, standing a few meters away from the entrance to the ceremony.

Now what…?

That was the question everyone had in mind, and I thought I had a solution.

“I’ll get us all in⁠—”

“We’ll get arrested.” Ceylon sighed.

Until Ceylon shut it down.

So now, after that we were left discussing things unsure of what to do or how to move forward exactly. Faral wasn’t around, but Malz, the Dragon of Water and Regis’karr were.

“I think, even if we aren’t present so long as our plan is executed we should still be able to rule Draliz.” The Dragon of Water crossed his arms. “So all that’s left to do is for Arc to sneak in and do what she needs to do.”

I frowned but nodded.

And soon, there was an unanimous agreement given we had nothing else to suggest. That was until a familiar voice called out to us.

“I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. Need a hand?”

I turned only to see someone that I didn’t expect. It was Iris. Iris Orow, the same person that was with the Hero of Spirits and that tried to negotiate in his stead. And now she was trying to do something nice?

I frowned. “What do you want?”

She smiled. “I want to have a private conversation with you Arc, not as the representative of a hero, but…” Her smile fell. “As me, Iris, as the new head of the Orow family.”

“How can I trust you⁠—”

“Oh please, my father is dead and was already taken over by the Hero of Spirits, have some sympathy.” She snorted. “It’s related to him, I’m no longer in his possession. Would the Hero of Spirits talk about himself like this? Or even allow me to say anything against his name? He’s a trash human who possesses people because he’s too afraid to die.”

She spat.

“In fact, I’m hoping you kill him.”

I blinked⁠— everyone did.

“So, let’s get you all into the reception and you, Arc will come with me.” She turned and tilted her head, most specifically towards the three dragons. “I think it’s best if you three don’t come. Or at least don’t interfere with any hero fights that could happen.”

Malz snorted. “Arc would kill me if I intervened.”

“Same here.” Regis’karr sighed.

The Dragon of Water just pointed at his collar and that was the end of things.

After that, we headed towards the gate and just as we were about to be stopped Iris displayed a deep purple card that caught everyone’s attention. That was enough to shut everyone up. And shortly after, we were through.

What came after the gate was an ever expansive green garden full of trees and flowers, and a few hundred meters away resided an intricate yet surprisingly small castle. It had tall towers and white ivory walls; its design reminiscent of those of fantasies with high ceilings and yet it reminded me of impressive gothic cathedrals. Mostly towering outer columns that formed arches.

It was quite the sight to behold. One that I seemed to take in a lot more than the rest of the people.

We walked through the path all the way to the castle where we were greeted by a large reception and a party that was occurring. Above the entrance there was a doorway that led to the outside⁠; far above the sky overseeing the entirety of Vaelith.

It was the place from where the result would be announced for all the city and country to hear through amplification magic.

I stared at it for a few moments before we went inside. Everyone was aware of the plan with the Hero of Spirits so they were strictly instructed to not be near the ice statue. And if they could help it; keep others away.

However as soon as I entered, Iris grabbed onto my hand.

“Now as promised, we’ll talk alone.”

I frowned. “Ceylon is coming⁠.”

She frowned in response but ultimately nodded. “If it’s what will make you listen then, fine.”

With that, she took us to a different place in the palace where we found ourselves in one of the booths overseeing the entire grand hall. In the distance I could see different flower arrangements and tables to the side and right at the middle there was my ice sculpture. It was a dazzling sight that many people stared at and admired.

It honestly made me feel great.

“You made the statue didn’t you?” Iris asked from behind.

I turned to her. “I did.”

“It’s beautiful,” she said with a small smile as she leaned against the railing. “I never thought a… hero would have such artistic ability.”

“Well I was an art student before all of it so…”

“Art student?” She tilted her head. “So you studied to do that?”

“I suppose so.”

Ceylon meanwhile was just looking, not really saying anything which I didn’t mind.

Iris whistled.

“Well that is certainly impressive.”

“I don’t know about that.” I shook my head before turning to her. “What did you want to talk about?”

She sighed. “It’s in relation to the Hero of Spirits, he has… well for lack of a better word destroyed the Orow family and I want revenge. I thought if I listened to him he would let go of my father but…”

Her expression turned grim as her fist tightened.

“Well I guess it didn’t happen…”

“Right.” I felt awkward. “Sorry it’s⁠—”

“I know you killed my father.” Iris sighed again looking back at the grand hall. “He told me himself in an attempt to get me to continue being by his side, but I decided against it. The reason he didn’t possess me is because he cannot be bothered to take care of Orow’s affairs right now⁠— also he’s aware he can do it at a later date against my will.”

She gripped onto the railing with evident anger. There was a silence before finally she turned to me once more.

“So that brings us here. I want you to kill the Hero of Spirits,” she grimly said. ”I know you deeply want the rulership of Draliz so I’ll hand over the Orow family to you⁠— the family who is set to rule this land.”

“That was the plan already.” I shook my head. “In fact, I was already going to kill the Hero of Spirits.”

Iris slowly nodded, not expecting things.

“I’d like to help.”

“I don’t know if you can help.” I turned to look at the Grand Hall. “There is not much anyone can do.”

“I can… help. Just tell me what to do,” she said resolutely.

“You may die.” I raised my brow.

“As if I cared.” She snorted. “My purpose is just being the head of the Orow family⁠, if you’re planning to kill him before the ceremony ends then there is no reason for me to be alive in the first place.”

I didn’t say anything but Ceylon gave me a look that told me: don’t do it. But I just shook my head.

“Do you want revenge that badly?” I asked, now much more serious.

She met my gaze with utmost seriousness. “There is nothing I want more than revenge.”

I nodded.

“Then bring the Hero of Spirits next to the statue when you have the chance.”

The Grand Hall looked quiet, but I knew that in just a few hours it would become a frozen hell.

One that would kill the Hero of Spirits.

* * * * *

Meika stared at the floating notification in front of her.

A week had passed.

[ You have been offered two unique classes. ]

[ Five class choices available. ]

And now after much deliberation.

It was time for her to change the fate of her life for good.

After a deep breath, Meika opened the notification.



Thanks for a great chapter!


Thanks for the chapter 😊 But in regards to the orow family... I smell a trap