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Chapter. 116: Important News

The forest, the mountain, the air; everything was burning. He had shown me his skills multiple times, though he had refused to show me his last skill due to the fact it could only attack people. But everything else was shown multiple times before finally; I had enough.

“Well… hope that was… helpful…” Regis’karr said, between breaths.

“It was. Thank you.”

I didn’t know how sincere my voice sounded, but he gave me a weak smile. One that was enough to think about things.

“Where are we anyway?” Regis’karr asked.

I looked at our burning surroundings. “We are in Mount Arlais. Since it has been sanctioned off to the world, I figured it was a good place to come to.”

“Right… I suppose it is,” he said awkwardly. “So, with everything you’ve learnt do you think you’ll be able to create an SS Tier skill? That’s what this is about, right?”

I turned to him as he looked at me expectantly, but ultimately I shook my head.

“It helps but, I think I’m missing something.”

I frowned, thinking as my thoughts simulated different skills and something; a tiny thing, seemed to be missing. But I couldn’t quite understand what it was⁠—

“Like the thrill of battle perhaps?” Regis’karr suggested, half-jokingly.

Yet, in spite of that I nodded. “Perhaps it is that.”


He awkwardly stood there for a few moments, not really knowing what to say or do. The forest burned around us, ashes rained, and time seemed to slow down for a moment before he finally asked.

“So… what now⁠—?”

And a message appeared in front of me; a piece of floating parchment.

I blinked in surprise as my eyes refocused on its contents, reading the curvy almost serif styled writing.


I have called to you to say I have found important information,

It’s in regards to the Hero of Spirits,

You should come see me,

Bring Ceylon along, her father wants to see her,

⁠— Dragon of Water.

I blinked. It wasn’t something I expected. Still, part of me questioned why he hadn’t just told me the important information in the letter; perhaps he had used it as an excuse to get me to bring Ceylon along for her father⁠— that I didn’t know.

“I guess that’s what happens now.” Regis’karr said from my side.

“It seems to be…”

And then I remembered there was something I had intended to check out. It was related to what Arsha, Ceylon’s mother, had told me about the Institute of Magic. Or rather; I had tried to check it out. But upon arriving there and talking to the receptionist she was rather brief.

“I’m sorry but the institute isn’t open to those without an invitation; at least not during these tumultuous times.”

So… that was that.

Maybe, I could go see Ceylon’s family and ask her mother about that; perhaps I’d get an invitation, or perhaps I wouldn’t but either way it was an extra reason to go back.

“So what does it say?” Regis’karr called my attention again, evidently curious.

“The Dragon of Water wants to see me; he has information in regards to the Hero of Spirits.”

“Oh.” The Dragon of Flames nodded and thought for a moment before raising his brow. “Right, before you go can you explain to me what was happening with the dragons?”

I blinked processing for a moment, deliberating on whether to give the information to Regis’karr. But ultimately, I decided to tell him about it.

“The Dragon of Nature has told all the other dragons that I was the one to use arcane magic; all to kill the Dragon of Frost. Apparently I am a traitor too.”

“Wait…” Regis’karr paused, but I continued.

“And so, now all the dragons seem to be looking for me. They want… revenge.”

I watched as Regis’karr took a step back, multiple emotions flashing through his face; the news had been brief. His eyes were slightly shaking before he hurriedly shook his head.

“I’m sorry Arc, I-I intended to come along with you from now on but…”

“You want to find the Dragon of Nature?” I asked, raising my brow.

There was a pause and he shook his head. Then he began to pace back and forth, each of his light steps echoing through the mountain ground.

“Well this is…” He took a breath before gritting his teeth. “It’s not that I want to find him Arc…”

I raised my brow as Regis’karr grabbed onto his head with increased frustration, holding his red hair as he faced the stone floor. It was the first time I had ever seen him react like that.

I watched as the motion continued before he pressed his hands against his head, letting out a very exasperated sigh of frustration.

I raised my brow and he turned to me, his red eyes meeting mine.

“If the dragons come for you, then the only thing that will happen is…”

“War,” I answered simply.

Regis’karr slowly nodded. “Indeed, war between us and the rest of the dragons, and regardless of the outcome it shall be catastrophic for… all of us. I do not want my kin to die; not like this; not… deceived and led astray.”


I watched as he shook his head in frustration.

“Which is why, I’ll leave and try to prevent this disaster… it’s… what I have to do.”

He turned away from me as he began to glow, transforming into a dragon. His voice ringing with a deep growl:

“It’s… what I must do.”

His wings extended as I stared at the Dragon of Flames. I didn’t know if I was feeling shock or confusion, but one thing was for certain. I also felt some level of concern.

“Regis’karr,” I called.

He turned to me regarding me with mixed emotions in his eyes. Perhaps he thought I’d stop him, or do something but instead, I simply voiced what was in my mind. Our gazes met.

“Don’t die.”

He nodded very slowly, his emotions seemed to reach some level of calm and then; he took flight.

Dust billowed all around me, and a few moments later I was alone.

“Now, onto the Dragon of Water’s situation.”

I shook my head and also left the mountain through the use of [God Step], vanishing before any prying eyes got to us. Though, by the time I had returned to Rivas people were talking about it.

“Perhaps it's the dragon announcing its return to Mount Arlais.”

“Thank the System that the place was closed off to the public.”

“Thankfully, rumors say the Hermit is now roaming Vaelith.”

I did raise my brow at the last one but I didn’t pay it too much attention. Instead, I went to see Ceylon and Malz. Who I found rather quick thanks to my ice crystals. They were sightseeing or well, Ceylon was asking Malz about other heroes, though Malz immediately snapped in my direction as soon as I entered the same street as them.


Ceylon also turned in my direction and immediately came upon seeing me. Malz followed behind me as she was the first to ask.

“How did it go with Regis’karr?”

“It went well, but now… he’s gone.”

“Gone…?” Ceylon asked.

“I guess I have some explaining to do.” I shook my head and motioned for them to follow. “Let’s talk while we eat.”

And so I dragged them to a restaurant.

◇ ◇ ◇

Upon explaining things, Ceylon gasped and there was a reaction I didn’t expect from Malz.

She sneered. “Well then, let the dragons be fools; if they die it is none of my concern.”

“Aren’t they your kin?” Ceylon asked, almost baffled.

“I never really saw eye to eye with a lot of Grand Dragon Elders, but we are amicable. However the dragons… well not so much. I’m just indifferent towards them. Sure, I did…” She coughed. “Push Regis’karr to bring you to our side and slay heroes but…”

She trailed off before sighing.

“That was just in the name of pleasing the Grand Dragon Elders, even if I do still think a lot of heroes are better off dead. But well, of course that’s not the case for you Arc.”


“Anyway what I’m saying is that, if the dragons decide that you are their enemy then they too are my enemy.”

I nodded watching her serious face and in the end I couldn’t help but smile.

“Thank you Malz.”

“Still…” Ceylon started. “Aren’t dragons all about kinship?”

“Somewhat?” Malz asked. “But Arc in my eyes is as much of a dragon as all of those dumbasses that think she’s a traitor.”

And in response, Ceylon slowly nodded.

Shortly after, the food was brought and we ate peacefully; no interruptions to be had.

* * * * *

Then hours later, we arrived at Rivas, the City of Workshops. It felt nice to arrive so fast, but at the same time rumors were already spreading.

“Did you hear? A dragon was spotted heading west.”

“Wasn’t it red? Might it be the Dragon of Flames?”

“What if Mount Arlais burned as a warning to us…”

Of course, Malz and Ceylon heard them as well. Malz didn’t seem to care too much, but Ceylon’s face would slightly twitch upon hearing things. I felt a bit bad, but there wasn’t much I could do; not for now.

So, in the end we headed towards Ceylon’s parent’s house. The residence of the Arlow family. The guards seemed confused to see us but we were quickly let in. However, people quickly left to inform Ceylon’s parents of our arrival.

Not like it mattered too much, as we immediately headed towards Thomas’s study. The same place I had initially confronted him about mistreating his daughter.

We opened the door only to find none other than the Dragon of Water seated behind the desk.

“Welcome, it seems like you’ve made haste for me. Sorry for that.”

“Is it something you could’ve said over text?” I asked.

“Yes, but I want to offer my expertise too,” he said with a slow nod.

I almost wanted to ask what he could offer, but I abstained myself given he had some credibility. So, I asked:

“Well, what did you want to say?”

“First I wanted to say that the head of the Orow family is the Hero of Spirits.”

Malz sighed. “We already know that.”

He blinked. “How did you find out?”

“Regis’karr did,” I said simply. “And the house of the Orow family went up in flames.”

“Right…” The Dragon of Water frowned. “This… still shouldn’t impact the other information however. I assume you are all familiar with the power of the Hero of Spirits then? The ability to possess?”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

Regis’karr had briefly mentioned it; or more so implied it but I had committed it to mind.

“Well, he will be orchestrating the ceremony of the king’s selection.”

“We know⁠—”

“But.” He interrupted. “He will also be the presenter and the announcer of results so that means that we will know where he is.”

“Right…” I nodded.

“I theorize he should be hard to kill, I believe he can transfer bodies, but you can certainly put a stop to that with your SS Tier skill so long as that’s your only intention⁠— to trap him.”

“Are you…” Malz blinked. “Suggesting he dies in the middle of the ceremony?”

The Dragon of Water nodded very slowly meeting all of our gazes. “He’s a thorn at your sides, and that naturally also extends to me; which is why I devised a plan for him to exhaust his first life. Then, he can be killed by all of us.”

“I’ll finish the deal,” I said after a short breath. “So what’s the plan?”

He went under the desk and pulled out a box, and opened it for all of us to see, revealing blue marbles.

“Arc, you will store your skills in these.”

[Skill Fluidity Capsule. Tier: S]

I blinked. “What are those Skill Fluidity Capsules?”

“They are made by me. They can store skills and unleash them at a later time.” He smiled. “You will store your strongest offensive skills, and when the time comes you will use your SS Tier skill and kill him at once during the ceremony. However, the capsules must be in close proximity to the target…”

He trailed off before sighing.

“That’s the part I haven’t figured out.”

“Will the…” Ceylon started, “Hero of Spirits be inside the reception before the ceremony?”

I turned to her and raised my brow, wondering what she was thinking about.

“Very likely,” the Dragon of Water said.

“Then…” Ceylon took a deep breath. “One of Arc’s statues will be at the reception, we can…”

My eyes widened as Ceylon completed her sentence.

“Use it to kill the Hero of Spirits.”



Thanks for the chapter.


I love what you are writing, i always got excited when i see the notification !


Thanks for the chapter 😊