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Chapter. 112: Hermit, Dragon, and Investigator

Regis’karr had woken up that day and chosen violence.

Not literally, but figuratively. He had decided that he had enough of not doing anything. He didn’t actually enjoy exploring Vaelith, especially after he’d still get recognized even after changing his clothes. It was all annoying.

Regis’karr wanted to be of use, he wanted to help Arc. While his knowledge was extremely outdated, he had managed to gather enough and piece enough information to find out what Arc was after. Of course, he had also asked Malz about things; as well as Ceylon. And now, armed with enough information he had decided to act.

The task he had set out to do seemed rather simple.

Find out the location of the Hero of Spirits and the extent of his powers. As for other things; he also wanted to find out what the Orow’s family connection to said hero. And for that, he had to visit their residence and gather all the information he could obtain.

Of course, he wasn’t planning on breaking in or anything, instead he just went to the residence in order to have a meeting. It was in the early morning, all to avoid the prying gazes of as many people as possible. That’s why Regis’karr had set off in the early morning.

He had traveled for what felt like an eternity, mostly distracted with his own thoughts. Regis’karr didn’t quite understand what he wanted to do; part of him wanted to be around Arc once more, but another part of him didn’t even want to be here ⁠in Vaelith or anywhere near Arc.

At the same time, he didn’t know what else to do; or where he even wanted to be. When he thought about other things he could be doing all Regis’karr could think about was to wrap himself within the comfort of his hoard, sleeping his time away. Which, while it was an appealing thing, he didn’t exactly approve of.

So in the end, he had focused on the situation at hand and what his heart was telling him to do.

He traveled through the modern streets of Vaelith. The city had truly changed, but now that he had traveled its streets multitudes of times the splendor and freshness of the city had long been lost. Instead it was a boring trek that soon came to an end.

Regis’karr eventually found himself standing before the gates of the Orow’s residence, where a guard met him. Though a single look was all it took for the guard to cough.

“What does the Hermit want with the Orow household?”

Regis’karr was glad that he was recognized by the guard, even if normally he’d find that fact rather annoying. But this time it was working in his favor rather than against him.

“I wish to have a conversation with the head of the Orow family.”

The guard paused, but his face hardly changed as he answered. “I am afraid I cannot⁠—”

“It concerns the prosperity of the Orow family,” Regis’karr added.

This time the guard’s face shifted to a more serious one. Then he called for a different person to stand in his stead and he headed inside of the building. By this point the sun was barely rising in the horizon, so it was incredibly early.

Perhaps this would be something he’d regret, after all⁠— what kind of family head liked to be woken up only to be told their entire lineage was in danger? But it didn’t matter too much, he wasn’t there for friendly relations anyway.

And so, Regis’karr waited and a couple of minutes later the guard came out.

He opened the gate gesturing for Regis’karr to come in.

“Arcturus Orow has invited you inside; the Patriarch of the Orow family requests your presence.”

Regis’karr nodded and he followed the guard inside. He was met with an extremely fancy residence, one lined with gold and rich crimson colors. It was a pretty sight to behold. An opulent sight for the eyes to feast on. One that showed the vast wealth across the place.

He observed with a careful eye, and saw absolutely nothing of note⁠— nothing new anyway. And so, Regis’karr focused on meeting the patriarch. He was taken to the second floor, where the guard stood before a pair of dark double doors before promptly knocking.

It rang for a moment before a voice replied.

“Come in.”

And just like that, Regis’karr was ushered inside.

He found himself in a white office with golden linings; it still gave a feeling of opulence, but it was more light and much more uplifting. It was as if stepping into a sacred space. There was a small table with two couches at the entrance, and at the end of the room there was a desk with two chairs facing it. Behind the desk, there was a man.

White hair, purple eyes, and a black outfit. There were bags under his eyes, as if he hadn’t slept for a long time, and yet the man smiled.

“Welcome to my humble abode, Hermit of Draliz.” He gestured to the seats before him. “Make yourself at home.”

Regis’karr nodded and walked without words, taking a seat he made himself comfortable before meeting the man’s gaze.

“So, what concerns the prosperity and potential fall of Orow?”

Regis’karr let out a breath. “I’ll just get to the point.”

He met the man’s gaze and spoke.

“The Hero of Spirits.”

There was a pause. It was as if time had stopped flowing. No sounds were made. The peaceful atmosphere of the office had halted; it was as if a pin had been dropped.

Regis’karr looked ahead, at the man before him; he observed his frozen expression and couldn’t help but wonder what the reaction would be⁠—

And the man laughed.

“Is that what you wanted to inform me, Hermit of Draliz?”

“Yes.” Regis’karr nodded gravely. “Which is why I hope you can cooperate with me in order to find his location.”

“There is nothing to find.” He shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Regis’karr raised his brow.

And the man just gave him a knowing smile.

Regis’karr paused, a weird feeling welled in his heart. His instincts immediately told him one thing and one thing only. However… Regis’karr didn’t want to believe it. He used [Appraisal] and a moment later, he had his answer.

[Hero of Spirits. Tier: ???]

He was already before the Hero of Spirits…

“So dearest Hermit, Dragon of Flames, Regis’karr,” the Hero of Spirits began. “After being told to not interfere in Draliz, what brings you here?”

Regis’karr gulped, feeling the bloodlust that began to permeate the room. The light atmosphere of the office immediately became dark as the white walls seemed to dim.

Regis’karr had to be careful. He didn’t want to fight a hero in the middle of Vaelith⁠; even though he felt like heroes often underestimated him. Rumors of him being S Tier had circulated for many centuries, and unfortunately they were true. But that didn’t mean he didn’t stand a chance against those in the SS Tier; not at all.

Regis’karr took a breath.

“Well the answer is simple really.” He chuckled, somewhat nervously. “Another hero threatened me into moving, and I know I stand no chance against them so I figured I should listen to their orders.”

The Hero of Spirits raised his brow. “So you stand a better chance against me and the Hero of Flames?”

“Well, the Hero of Flames is injured.” Regis’karr smiled amiably. “So, in short: yes.”

At that moment the air stilled and Regis’karr’s eyes narrowed. The temperature in the room rose by several degrees as he coldly spoke.

“You’re much easier to deal with than the other hero.”

There was a pause and the Hero of Spirits let out a chuckle.

“Well you sure love getting on my nerves.” The man smiled.

And at that moment the door burst. Dozens of other people rushed into the room as Regis’karr’s eyes widened. Their eyes were hazy, almost lost as if they didn’t focus on anything. But all of the people rushed at him, servants and maids alike. Different weapons were swung⁠— knives were thrown and Regis’karr had to duck.

The Hero of Spirits laughed.

Regis’karr found it ridiculous, he was being attacked by normal people out of all things⁠. They wouldn’t be able to injure him even if they tried⁠— and a sword was swung his way, Regis’karr barely dodged amidst all of the chaos but it still grazed him, drawing blood.

That was⁠—

“Will you be okay killing innocent humans I wonder?” the man smiled. “Or you can try to attack me and stop it, but I wonder how that will turn out?”

Regis’karr gritted his teeth and swiped his hand. A torrent of flames immediately hit the Hero of Spirits and⁠— everyone in the room ignited ablaze. Piercing shrieks echoed in his ears and Regis’karr snuffed out his flames at that moment. The people within the mansion were all burnt⁠— blisters visible in their skin as they collapsed to the ground.

“Your power is…”

“That is right. I can transfer damage to those I have possessed. Of course, if I so choose. It’d be quite the shitty power if I got someone important killed after all.” He grinned.

Regis’karr’s eyes narrowed.

“So you’ll be the one rigging the election.”

“That is right.” He nodded. “I’m still shocked you dare to interfere after the Hero of Flames and the Hero of Shadows warned you.”

“I’ve explained my reasoning, and neither of them are present at this moment. You must be their goon.”

The man shook his head, clicking his tongue. “Goon is quite the bad term.” He flicked his finger and one of the servants ⁠— like a puppet ⁠— threw a knife from the ground.

Regis’karr stepped aside as it struck the ceiling.

“I prefer the term partners.” He wagged his finger.

Regis’karr frowned, the situation was… kind of shit if he said so himself. He wasn’t exactly against killing, but the notion of doing it by accident was a bit sickening even for his draconic standards.

Still… if the Hero of Spirits engaged in battle with him then he’d have no other choice.

“I see…” Regis’karr nodded slowly.

The air was as tense as ever. Even though the Hero of Spirits seemed laid back, the aura he was exuding was a different story. But even then, Regis’karr took his chance to get out of the situation. It was most definitely a stupid chance, but his mind couldn’t think of anything else, and so he spoke:

“I think I’ve found out enough, I shall leave now. Not very keen on killing humans just because you hide behind their lives.”

With those words he turned and at that moment, the Hero of Spirits coldly called out to him.

“Hide?” The man sneered. “There is nothing to hide, it’s not like I can let them die anyway.”

Regis’karr’s blinked and realized something while hearing the man’s words. Something that made him smile right away. He didn’t want to fight but… if innocents weren’t a problem then he really couldn’t help himself.

Wouldn’t the Hero of Spirits be even saving them?

“What, cat got your tongue?”

He smiled and began to mutter under his breath.

“[My Fire, My Heart, My Soul…]”

“What are you muttering under your breath now?”

It was the first time Regis’karr was using his skills in human form, and while he didn’t know what would happen he didn’t care as he continued. Feeling the warmth welling within him.


“[Unleash an Everlasting Purgatory].”

And at that moment everything exploded as the mansion was consumed whole. Uncaring for any casualties.

It was time for him to fight a Hero.



Hey, great chapter! I actually stop whatever I'm reading when you drop a new chapter. Thanks!


Thanks for the nice chapter 😊


Oh man this fight is gonna be awesome. I love that everyone has been getting up to hijinks in the city