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Chapter. 107: Adventurers

Regis’karr’s eyes widened as he cast his skill.

[Cradle of Flames].

In an instant, he was surrounded by a flaming orange dome. It flickered by the attacks of the adventurers as Regis’karr wondered what to do. Killing the adventurers was more trouble than what it was worth⁠— not only that but he’d also be weakening humanity as a whole if he did so.

It was no small amount of S Tier individuals all things considered.

At the same time, now he was in the position of the monster ⁠— the threat to the world that had to be felled ⁠— and he didn’t know how to get out of it. After all, he couldn’t transform back into a human, could he?

Regis’karr nodded to himself; he didn’t want to deal with this situation after all. It was something that was rather annoying all things considered.

His bubble of flames flickered, all while he returned to his human form. Regis’karr didn’t know what was happening outside, but he didn’t need to. Even though his bubble was constantly being attacked he did not care as he became his usual red-haired self.

And then⁠— it exploded.

Flakes of incandescent flames flew through the air as Regis’karr blinked. [Cradle of Flames] didn’t last anywhere as long as he expected, but that was alright.

The adventurers paused and he smiled at them; the group consisted of five S Tier adventurers. One archer, one mage, one swordmaster, one ax-wielder and one battle alchemist? Regis’karr couldn’t help but pause at the last one; that was a rare profession if he ever remembered one.

The adventurers all stared at him warily before the swordmaster narrowed his eyes⁠— the curved twin swords within his hands spun and clicked. Sparks flew as he called⁠ out, rushing forward.

“I’ll slay you dragon!”

Regis’karr blinked and quickly ducked as two sword flashes flew over his head. He raised his brow in confusion as he realized this was slightly too troublesome.

Regis’karr backed off from the man as another slay came his way.

“I don’t want to fight you guys, you know?” he said. “I’m a victim here too.”

But it didn’t matter as the man attacked once more, and soon the other adventurers raised their weapons too. There were no words being said, but Regis’karr still attempted to dialogue for he believed it to be a waste of time to fight.

“Look, I was kidnapped⁠—”

An arrow whizzed by his ear.

“So I had to break out⁠—”

A potion flew by and narrowly missed him, hitting the ground and immediately melting it.

“I’m not hostile⁠—”

And an ax swing nearly beheaded him, and soon a barrage of attacks came. Regis’karr kept trying to plead his case, but it fell on deaf ears. At the same time, he didn’t want to fight the adventurers⁠— for various reasons really. But just when he was considering running away a vial broke in front of him⁠.

Vines exploded from the ground, bursting forth and binding his feet. Regis’karr lost balance and he turned only to see the swordmaster holding both of his swords; they shone in an iridescent light.

[Iridescent Twinning Slash]!

And everything exploded.

* * * * *

Brotunn let out a sigh of relief seeing the explosion.

The earth had been torn asunder, two deep gashes followed the lines of the crescent slashes; vines and chunks of rock were still falling from the air, and in front there was a cloud of smoke.

They had been fighting a dragon.

Brotunn had never expected to meet such a creature in this way. They were just participating in an important request from the Adventurer’s Guild, but somehow and in some way it had ended with such a fantastical encounter. Though, of course, on the job they only had one mission and that was to complete their request.

And so they fought the dragon.

It had been hard but it had finally been felled.

Brotunn let out a sigh before he smiled.

They had killed a dragon.

There was a sense of anticipation as they all waited for the system notification. Brotunn could see it all around: the joy, the excitement, the exhilaration. Now they were about to be rewarded⁠—

“Wait,” Sara, their scout, called. “It’s not… dead yet.”

At that moment, they all tensed. Rammus, the dual wielding swordsman, stepped forward. His class was a rare one called [Stellar Twinswordsman], so he was the main vanguard of the party.

Rammus braced himself and⁠— a laser hit him.

Brotunn blinked as the red beam engulfed everything with its crimson light, and a moment later trees collapsed and erupted into flames. He turned in a hurry only to see Rammus combusting as he screamed.


Brotunn threw three healing potions his way, immediately striking the man and saving his life⁠.

Then a sigh echoed through the land. Brotunn turned only to see the dragon in his human teen from shaking his head before scoffing.

“I told you all to leave me alone, I told you all that I didn’t want to fight, but instead you all chose to try to slay me, you all chose to fight me, you all chose to try to kill me.” The dragon spat in anger. “And now, I will give you all the fight y’all so desired.”

Traum let out a huff and readied his ax⁠. Brotunn had faith in him given the man was an [Oathbreaker] granting him tremendous physical abilities. In a single moment, Traum rushed and swung down his weapon but the dragon slipped⁠— evading as a whip of flames was conjured.

It hit forth and immediately wrapped onto Traum, burning his flesh immediately as screams of agony resounded.

Just like that⁠—


“[Superior Deathboom]!”

At that moment an explosion of frost and dirt engulfed the dragon. Sara and Mael had used their strongest skills, that was enough of a gap for Brotunn to do something⁠— he immediately threw potions towards Traum in an attempt to save him and restart the fight but⁠—

“[Purgatory Flames].”

And two pillars of flames erupted right behind.

Brotunn heard screams as the potion melted mid air, and when he turned he realized that his surroundings were burned. It was as if the forest had turned crimson, as if the land had been laid to waste⁠— it was akin to an armageddon that they had brought upon themselves.

The dragon stepped forward and Brotunn realized he was shaking.

They were all S Tier adventures, he himself was a [Battle Alchemist], the only one in all of Draliz⁠— and yet it wasn’t enough?

Dragons were S Tier to SS Tier, there was no way that they had picked a fight with an SS Tier dragon⁠—

And Brotunn paused remembering the appearance of the dragon in his mind. It seemed familiar⁠— and he knew why. He felt his heart skip a beat as he realized.

“Y-You’re the Dragon of Flames…?”

The dragon shook his head.

“Too late for realizations now.”

Brotunn’s eyes went wide before he too was engulfed in flames as he fell down screaming.

* * * * *

Regis’karr sighed.

The flames around him extinguished as ash began to rain. Some patches of grass were left untouched, but several trees were burned and the immediate vicinity had been carbonized. At the same time, he had warned the adventurers and he had been quite generous with the treatment he had given them.

Life threatening injuries was a generous thing⁠⁠— he could’ve easily killed them after all. Now that he had taken care of that, Regis’karr couldn’t help but wonder.

What should he do?

He was surrounded by the corpses of the people that had tried to kidnap him. There was also the fact that there were gravely injured adventurers, and then there was also the wagon that he had been transported in.

He turned as he saw a dozen eyes staring at him, all of the people present were practically kids.

Regis’karr let out a loud sigh.

“Fuck, I need Arc’s help don’t I?”



Thanks for the chapter 😊