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Chapter. 103: Knowledge Of Old

Regis’karr had been having a lot of free time lately. If he was honest, he felt unneeded around Arc, his position having been replaced by Malz, the Dragon of Shadows. He was at a point where he could consider her a friend, talking in their free time here and there, so he didn’t resent her for replacing him or anything.

Instead, Regis’karr had long thought about his feelings and he had come to a realization. The reason he felt replaced was because he wasn’t putting in any effort to be in that position to begin with. He had attained the protection he wanted; if any hero came his way he was sure that Arc would assist him and that had been enough for him.

Of course, needless to say he wouldn’t hesitate to help Arc with any conflict she herself had.

But was he really alright with this status quo…?

⁠That, he didn’t know. He thought that Malz was a much more fitting travel partner than himself, and at the same time she was stronger too; needless to say she was a better body guard to Ceylon than he himself could be.

Still, Regis’karr had given his word and would commit to that duty, which is why he had given Ceylon a tool to summon him just before leaving. One that hopefully wouldn’t be needed with Malz around. But now, after all of that, he was alone.

Alone with his thoughts, and his own things to do.

Again, he felt unneeded, but maybe he’d get over things⁠ and if he didn’t then he’d take action to change things. It was pointless to feel down and continue to feel like that without intending to do anything to change it. That was ⁠— in Regis’karr’s opinion ⁠— the marks of a pathetic person.

He shook his head as he walked down the street.

He wasn’t exactly out of place with the humans, everyone in this city seemed so much richer to Regis’karr which also roused his interest. He had some money on his person, so perhaps he could get himself something nice. But well, first he had to see what he could even get to begin with.

Regis’karr ended up walking towards the busiest of streets and eventually found shops, from clothing to equipment, from potions to healing herbs for minor ailments. He saw everything, of course the quality wasn’t all equal but Regis’karr found himself window shopping here and there.

It had been such a long time since he had come to the capital of Draliz. In comparison to the one in his memory the entire city looked completely different. Everything was so new, so much more advanced, so clean…

It was a completely different impression to what he had in his mind, and Regis’karr couldn’t get enough of it. Everything intrigued him, his knowledge was clearly outdated so he used this chance to refresh himself and more importantly learn new things.

Regis’karr had barely explored the world in the past few decades if not centuries, but now thanks to Arc he was here, exploring; learning⁠— broadening his horizons. It was truly an enriching experience.

Of course, his joy brought some attention. Some were curious glances and others were looks of disdain, but Regis’karr did not care as he explored the busy streets. What humans thought of him was none of his concern, what he was after was knowledge. And perhaps even, compare his existing repertoire to the current times.

Unfortunately, however, comparing his current knowledge about things to the current times wasn’t as easy as Regis’karr thought.

First he had ventured into an alchemy shop and when he asked about some ingredients he was met with…

“I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of Varmeth Essence in my life, are you sure that’s the right ingredient…?”

Regis’karr frowned. “What about Luminous Ambrosia?”

“Lumi what…?” The man blinked. “We don’t have any of that here, I’ve never heard of such ingredients…” And then, he frowned. “Boy, are you sure you’re not being tricked?”

Regis’karr paused for a moment⁠— perhaps the ingredients he was asking for were just too rare…? Shaking his head, he quickly composed himself.

“Fairy wings?”

His voice rang through the clerk’s ears. The man’s grayed hair stilled for a moment along with his eyes, and then he took a breath.

“I do know of such an ingredient, but not only is it considered to be almost extinct, it also wouldn’t be sold here,” the man sternly said. “Has someone put you up to some kind of prank?”

“No… no one has.” Regis’karr shook his head. “Sorry, I guess it must be a bit awkward. I’ll take my leave now.”

The man raised his brow. “So you came to just bother me without even intending to buy anything?”

Regis’karr winced and then nodded. “Right, that’s not very kind of me is it?” He bitterly smiled. “Can I have your cheapest potion?”

And that’s how the interaction had ended.

Regis’karr walked out of the store holding a rather average vial containing red liquid. He stared at it, at the whirling liquid within the F Tier health potion, and he couldn’t help but think that it was quite mediocre.

Regis’karr could somewhat tell from the chunks of ingredients whirling inside the liquid⁠— he could himself make a better F Tier health potion, it probably wouldn’t be too hard either. It’s not as if he was an alchemist, he was just the Hermit of Draliz. A person known by their vast knowledge, it was natural that he’d know alchemy.

He wasn’t a master of it or anything of the sort, but he did feel like he could do a much better job. Regis’karr fiddled with the vial in his hand before stuffing it in his pocket.

“Maybe this shop was just not it…”

Regis’karr shook his head and decided to give the benefit of the doubt to things. He couldn’t assume every single potion technique was worse just because a single shop had given him a bad result, and so he walked around intending to explore different shops and see what they had to offer.

He weaved through the crowds and quickly found a different shop, this one looked slightly better; fancier. The trims of the building were clean and had been recently painted, the windows sparkled and the potions on the shelves were devoid of dust.

Surely this one will be better, Regis’karr thought.

He pushed through the door as a bell resounded, the clerk immediately turned to him. It seemed to be a young woman of red hair⁠— he didn’t pay too much attention to her as he strode to the counter.

“Could I see your lowest Tier of health potion?”

“Oh.” The person blinked. “Sure.”

With those words, the girl left to search for it. She asked if a relative had been cut or lightly injured, and well, it made sense. No other Tier of mana potion would be used in such a mundane way.

And minutes later the girl came back with a potion.

Regis’karr took it and compared it with the one in his pocket, only to pause…

It was the exact same potion. The ingredients whirling in the liquid looked slightly different of course, but to his vision it was the exact same potion.

“Is something wrong?” the girl asked, concerned.

“Ah, no it’s nothing…” He did feel kind of bad. “I’ll take the potion.”


And just like that he bought another potion.

Perhaps he was being overly nice to the humans in the alchemy shops, but he also didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself. Besides, he wasn’t acting as the Dragon of Flames nor as the Hermit, but as Regis’karr the human.

So, he at least planned to be nice.

But still…

Regis’karr gripped the two vials of health potions in his hand.

Surely alchemy hasn’t downgraded right…?

The notion seemed almost impossible to him, but somehow his heart was telling him that that was indeed the case.

Still… he needed more evidence…

◇ ◇ ◇

Regis’karr made sure to visit every single alchemy shop he could find, but every single one was the same damn result.

He couldn’t believe it…

He hadn’t continued to buy potions, refusing to do so simply because the potions weren’t any better than the ones he had in his hand. A lot of alchemists called him unreasonable, but he couldn’t continue to keep wasting money, but the last one said something interesting.

It was a middle-aged woman.

“So you’re looking for the highest quality potions…” She tilted her head. “I shouldn’t recommend competition, but the Artol Shop is the best one in all of Vaelith.”

That’s what she had said.

And so Regis’karr had set off to find that very same shop, it took asking for directions a couple of times but eventually he found it.

It was… grand.

He stood at the centermost plaza of the capital city. It was a bustling place with hundreds of passerby, and before him laid a grand shop. Intricate vials of different liquids lined the windows, the inside was lined in velvet carpet and dark woods, inviting a classy atmosphere that Regis’karr was well aware of:


He stood for a few moments admiring the shop before taking a deep breath.

“This place has to be better right…?”

He hesitated, but after a few moments of deliberation he stepped inside. There was no bell as he entered, just a calm and refined atmosphere. People around seemed to be admiring the potions, whether they were adventurers or seeming butlers for noble families, it didn’t make a difference.

And then, there was the clerk, an old man with rugged clothes that did not fit the atmosphere at all.

Regis’karr went straight to him and hesitated, if the potions weren’t any better here his fears would be confirmed.

“What do you need help with boy?”

“Could you show me the lowest Tier of health potion you have?”

“F Tier?” The man raised his brow. “We don’t make them anymore but I think I have some in stock, hold on…”

With those words, he went to the back and a minute later returned with a dusted box.

“They were made years ago, but I still assure you they are all to my quality standard.” He grinned. “How about five gold for the whole box?”

Regis’karr ignored the business preposition and opened the box only to…


They were better but not the best that could be achieved within F Tier. Still, perhaps the alchemists didn’t focus too much on the lowest Tier but the highest they could produce⁠—

“Is something wrong?”

Regis’karr shook his head. “Nothing. I’m also interested in seeing the highest grade health potion you have.”

“Boy, do you mean S Tier?” the old man asked, now interested. “I cannot show it to you unless you provide some proof of wealth.”

Regis’karr nodded and slammed a coin pouch full of platinum coins. They were all somewhat old, but did the trick for the man to nod. However, just as the old man was about to turn around, Regis’karr asked:

“How good is this S Tier potion compared to the other S Tier ones in the world?”

The old man grinned. “I can assure you that I’m among the best alchemists out there.”

With those words he left.

Regis’karr let out a long breath, unsure of what to expect. But if the man’s words were to be trusted then he shouldn’t be too disappointed.

Minutes passed and finally the old man emerged from the back room holding a rectangle suitcase. He set it on the counter before carefully opening its silvery clasps with satisfying clicks. And finally, a potion was pulled out.

Its container was of intricate design, with its neck twirling as if it was a delicate flower while it’s bottom was rounded with designs except for circular windows that allowed one to see the liquid inside.

Regis’karr stared at the rich red-amber colored liquid, it almost looked like honey, and [Appraisal] indeed confirmed what it was.

[ Health Potion. Tier: S ]

It was indeed an S Tier potion which could be considered to be commendable, except when Regis’karr gazed into the container he saw it. A small black pile at the very bottom.

“Are those impurities?”

“Well given the grade, I think it’s impossible to not have impurities.” The man shrugged.

“That’s… isn’t this the bare minimum for a potion to be S Tier…?” Regis’karr asked, disbelieving of the sight. “Any more impurities and this would downgrade to A Tier, even though the ingredients used are more than sufficient…”

The man frowned. “I’m quite certain that the number of alchemists that are able to make S Tier potions in the world is less than ten, I’m sure I’d know what I’m doing.”

“That still doesn’t change my statement?” Regis’karr raised his brow. “In fact, doesn’t it mean that those less than ten alchemists can barely make an S Tier potion?”

“Barely able to make an S Tier potion?” The old man scoffed. “I’d like to see you do better, if you’re just going to waste my time like that then you’re banned from my shop.”

Regis’karr sighed. “Now you’re just taking offense to the truth, and yes I can do better, would you like me to show you?”

“Ridiculous. You, a kid out of all people? Trying to teach me alchemy?” The man scoffed. “Dream on.”

That statement made Regis’karr feel some level of anger as he replied back.

“I’m not a kid, and I think I’m more than qualified to do so.”

“Did your parents tell you that?” The man huffed as he put the potion back in the suitcase. “Get lost⁠—”

“Parents?” Regis’karr shook his head. “Nothing of the like, you just refuse to accept the truth. And you know what, I challenge you to an alchemy battle.”

The man paused as he was about to head into the backroom and Regis’karr continued as he pulled out a badge. It was the Token of Amity. It had been ignored in the past but at this moment he didn’t care. Arc disrespecting him was one thing, but a random alchemist was something entirely different, and he’d ensure the man was thoroughly humiliated.

The old man immediately turned and came in his direction as he continued to speak.

“I, the Hermit of Draliz, challenge you for the entirety of your shop to an alchemy battle, if I lose I shall offer you subservience…”

Everyone in the store had been looking at them, and now⁠—

Howling laugher erupted.

“Is this kid serious?”

“Claiming to be the Hermit? That has to be punishable by the law.”

“Someone arrest this kid.”

But it all fell in deaf ears as the man approached and grabbed the Token of Amity off of Regis’karr’s hands, and after just a single close inspection the man took a very deep breath, his eyes closing.

“These conditions are not something I can agree on.” His shoulders slumped as he handed the token back apologetically. “Instead I’d rather offer something that is much more fair⁠—”

“You want fair?” Regis’karr grinned. “Then how about we wager our lives.”



Now I get it... All dragons are suicidal, indeed. They jump in the first opportunity to throw their lives away.


cough, in Regis'karr's defense he is aware that there is no way he'd lose. After all, he only has one goal in mind. "Arc disrespecting him was one thing, but a random alchemist was something entirely different, and he’d ensure the man was thoroughly humiliated."


Thanks for the chapter 😊