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Chapter. 64: Dragon Queen of Frost

[ You have repelled the: C̶h̷i̸m̷e̴r̵a̴ ̴o̷f̵ ̴t̷h̶e̸ ̵E̴r̵_̷o̶_̶, from the world. T̴i̴e̶r̸:̵ ̴_̶_̶. ]

[ You have leveled up. ]

[ You have assisted to kill: C̶h̷i̸m̷e̴r̵a̴ ̴o̷f̵ ̴t̷h̶e̸ ̵E̴r̵_̷o̶_̶/ T̴i̴e̶r̸:̵ ̴_̶_̶. ]

[ You have leveled up. ]

[ You have leveled up. ]

The notifications shocked everyone, I found myself looking at them with a feeling of confusion too; repelling it back into the door was enough to get levels? For a moment I entertained the idea of re-opening the door and waiting for something else to walk out before trying to throw it back in, but it was just a thought.

I wasn’t as dumb as to actually do it. However, the notification that caught my attention was the kill assist. Because, while there was a chance it could just revive, it also meant that the thing had died.

And I wasn’t the one to kill it. Nor were any of the dragon elders. The chimera had died in the Forgotten Places, wherever the door lead it had been killed right then and there⁠— perhaps I had badly injured it, but it was still a weird notion to think that stuff within the Forgotten Places was hostile to each other.

However, the news seemed to stun the Grand Dragon Elders as they blinked, the tension in the air quickly died down as the atmosphere turned silent. Finally, I took my chance to speak by clapping my hands to draw everyone’s attention.

“So the chimera died, and well as we all know neither of us killed it.” I wasn’t going anywhere with that, but I had to diffuse the topic. “Which means all of our effort was paid off, we have successfully protected the world from a disaster that was unleashed. While it is unknown to me what happened during the era of oblivion, it is clear that the Forgotten Places should not be touched by anyone that isn’t close to SSS Tier.”

I was met with unanimous agreement in the form of confused nods. And so I made sure to continue steering away from the conflict.

“Which is why no one of us shall touch the Forgotten Places until then. However, I think it was necessary for us to know what we could potentially face if the monsters got unleashed into the world of Arlas.”

I was once more met with confused nods.

“That’s why I think we all should strive to grow stronger, all in order to be able to protect Arlas, our world.” I almost flinched saying that, but continued. “Because we have to be prepared for the imminent doom of the world. Down the line we will have to deal with the vestiges of the era of oblivion, and we have to be ready for it.”

I closed my eyes, taking a very deep breath.

“Which is why we should leave this place⁠—”

“Bullshit!” The Dragon of Wind screeched. “Stop trying to dissuade us.”

I frowned, feeling immediate annoyance. “I’m not dissuading anyone, I simply know that we won’t get anywhere because you all are hellbent on making me take all the responsibility when in reality, even if you do have the right to slightly scold me, it should be acknowledged that you all could have voiced dissatisfaction.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You declared yourself the queen, you established unanimous authority, even if we could have voiced out anything we were scared, but now⁠—”

“Enough,” the Dragon of Earth spoke. “Perhaps we should have said something, but the point still stands.” He turned to me. “Arc you endangered the world⁠—”

“Okay fine,” I sighed. “Yes I fucking did, but you know what else I did? I pushed that piece of shit back where it came from, if you all want to give me shit then give me shit about getting hurt, not about the fact that I dealt with the problem I caused,” I scoffed.

To be honest, it was annoying. I didn’t think I was blameless, but the fact that they themselves didn’t do anything also made them contribute to the problem, me being Queen of the Dragons or whatever didn’t matter either, even if I was forcing them to do it, it didn’t fucking matter. If they were so against it, then they should have voiced it out even if they were risking their lives.

“It doesn’t matter that I was the Queen of the Dragons or whether I am the queen now,” I said glaring at the Dragon of Wind. “If you want to blame me because it’s the “right thing to do” then fine, as pathetic as that is I’ll accept it. But if y’all decided to not stop it when it was against your principles, not even voice it out then…”

I looked at all the dragons present.

“That can only mean that your ideals and principles are worth less than your life, and if that’s the case then there is nothing to respect about any of you. So which is it?” I asked, irritated as the tension rose again. “Are you all just doing this out of moral obligation or being completely against it? Because if it’s the latter then that makes you all worthless.”

My voice came with a venomous hiss that gave every single dragon present pause. Malz blinked, Regis’karr’s eyes grew wide, and even the Dragon of Earth looked at me in astonishment.

I was done. Even if I had to fight all of the dragons I wasn’t going to entertain this, I wasn’t going to let the dragons try to blame me while washing their hands. Not in this manner.

I prepared myself to fight sensing the mixed feelings around,  including hostility, however one stuck out more than the others:


The Dragon of Wind screeched. “Then how about I kill you⁠—”

I pointed my finger before she could react.

“Then disappear.”

And I flicked.

Ice exploded and a shriek of pain echoed through the wind, the rock walls exploded into pieces as a white line of ice was made from where I stood to where the impact was. I glared in her direction.

“Either accept reality, disappear from my sight, or die,” I said coldly. “I’m not going to deal with this.”

The dragons stood there, frozen in shock. Then a moment later every single dragon changed to hostility, but before anything happened the Dragon of Earth spoke up.

“That is enough, everyone. Let us not attack our queen.”

There was another pause, before the Dragon of Nature turned.

“Are you acknowledging her?!”

The Dragon of Earth nodded. “What she says is correct, and even if her actions were rash and endangered the world.” He glared at me for a moment. “We also enabled her and did not even dare to voice out a complaint. I am a judge and a mediator, and after hearing her side and her resolution I determine that, from where we stand; we are being unreasonable children.”

I raised my brow and the dragons nearly gasped as the Dragon of Earth continued.

“Which is why I shall support this argument no longer, those that were injured are free to call Arc a dumbass, but anything further is off the table. As for the Dragon of Wind and Arc…” He shook his head. “That is for them to resolve.”

There were some meek nods, the Dragon of Nature gave me a death glare before shaking their head. Regis’karr looked at me strangely, Malz meanwhile walked up to me but before she could say anything the ice exploded with a gust of wind. The earth was sliced all around as a deep bellow shook the land.

“Heroine of Frost!”

* * * * *

Faral was angry, she was fucking pissed.

She had never been quite sold on the idea of Arc, Miss Queen of the Dragon Elders, or Miss Frost Dragon Queen, it was all stupid to her. She wasn’t even a dragon! Sure she had consumed the flesh of Lars, the Frost Dragon, but she had no identifying draconic traits past her scent.

Yet she dared to claim herself a dragon above everyone else?

That was bullshit. It was a completely dumb thing, and she was done indulging this manchild. Faral knew that she was weaker than Arc, but at this moment, she wasn’t. Arc had used her only card to push the beast back to the Forgotten Places, so that only left her⁠— a tired heroine that she could easily deal with.

Faral rose from her spot, she was lightly bleeding in some areas, but it didn’t matter. In a single moment her eyes snapped in Arc’s direction, Mally was right next to her. Faral had liked the Dragon of Shadows not too long ago, but now she saw her as nothing more than Arc’s puppy.

However it didn’t matter, Malz wasn’t going to intervene in this battle she could tell. This was between her and Arc, the Heroine of Frost.

Faral stared at the white-haired woman, they met each other’s gazes for a moment. Faral had clearly heard what the Dragon of Earth had said, this was between the two of them which meant that no one was going to intervene.

Which also meant that she could also go all out.

Unlike the Heroine of Frost, Faral had more than one SS Tier skill and she intended to put it to use. In a single moment she used a movement skill and appeared right behind Arc, and she swiped her talons a gust of wind shot and⁠— an ice sword broke through everything.

Arc met her gaze and Faral clicked her teeth.

She wasn’t going to go easy, in fact; she had to end this battle as soon as possible.

In a blink she appeared in front of Arc and called⁠ in her mind— [Silencing Updraft]! The Heroine of Frost was thrown into the air, her skill oppressing the heroine, and now it was time for her to do it, to use her SS Tier skill.

She faced up.

“[Malefic Malestr⁠—]”

And Arc appeared next to her, Faral’s eyes went wide. What⁠— and she was hit. The world spun around her as she flew before a painful rattle went through her being as she impacted the stone wall of the cliff. The entire land shook, but she hastily opened her eyes as she sensed the incoming hero.

With a swipe of her claws she tried to defend herself but it hit empty air before a deep pain traveled through her sides as her scales were torn by a painful gash.

Faral hadn’t even seen her!

She flipped, standing on all fours in a single moment, swiping her tail in a single motion as she chanted another skill.

[Wind Tornado of Protection]!

In a single moment she was enveloped by a defensive current of winds.

Now, she thought. I can use my strongest skill.

Her mana pushed, her muscles tensed⁠—


And a pillar of ice exploded from the ground, Faral was sent flying into the air past the tornado, her eyes growing wide. Then before she could flap her ears to stabilize herself Faral saw it⁠— a gigantic dragon of ice, much larger and imposing the the Dragon of Frost itself⁠, and it attacked. It’s talons dug into her neck as it dove straight down with her⁠—

The Dragon of Wind flapped, struggled as she was pressed with an explosion of rock.

Why was the ice so strong?!

How could a non-dragon do this?!

So many questions passed in her panicked mind as blood was drawn from her neck, but then at her final moments she noticed her, the Heroine of Frost standing over the shoulder of the dragon of ice. She had a one-handed sword planted on the ground, her hand over it, and her expression was cold, it was condemning, and it was as if she was looking at trash.

The talons of the Dragon of Frost grew tighter, the Dragon of Wind croaked in pain as she stared back at the woman⁠— at the heroine at the fake dragon⁠— meeting her cold eyes the Dragon of Wind glared back, they were inhumane, unfeeling, alien.

Almost slitted⁠—

She blinked, noticing Arc’s skin against the sun almost looked scaled, patterns shining within the hero’s eyes, and at that moment it finally clicked.

Arc was the Dragon of Frost, and the Queen of all Dragons…

In a single moment she squealed, pleading.

“I’m sorry⁠—”

And the grip of the dragon of ice tightened one last time. The Dragon of Wind thrashed as her throat fully closed, unable to form words. She looked in terror at the queen, at the heroine, at the dragon before her.

Was she going to die like this⁠—?!

She squirmed once more, her mind racing for answers and at that moment Faral realized⁠— with the manipulation of mana and the wind, she spoke through the vibrations of the air⁠—

‘SpAre Mee⁠, I'll do⁠—’

The grip loosened, Faral broke into a coughing fit as her magic came to an end, and she felt it. A light tap on her face that brought her attention. She faced forward only to be met with the heroine queen, the woman was within breathing distance.

“Were you going to say, you’d do anything if I spared you?”

Faral slowly nodded, too panicked to even dare to speak. The woman before her, the queen. At this distance her draconic features were unmistakable. It was undeniable now… The queen continued meeting her gaze before nodding.

“I’ll take that nod as confirmation, yes?” she asked, her voice cold.

Faral nodded once more, her heart palpitating as the queen looked deep into her eyes with nothing but an unfeeling gaze. Seconds passed, and she found herself trembling⁠— fearing for her life, for the judgment that was about to come. Even the other elders seemed nervous now.

And finally, the queen spoke.

“Very well, then you’ll be my servant.”

And everyone paused.


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