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Hey, y'all remember Arc? It's back. 

After using [God Step] a second time, we were far from Ranedale at that point. Instead, simply surrounded by the Black Forest, and the twinkling of the vast welkin that was the night sky. However, just as I was about to use [God Step] a third time, Ceylon stopped me by tugging on my jacket.

“Can we take a break…?”

I blinked, noticing she looked slightly pale. “Yeah, are you alright?”

“I think I am…” She nodded. “It’s just, your skill is quite an experience, that is all.”

“Right, I understand.”

We stood in the middle of the road shimmering under the moonlight. All while Ceylon collected herself, but it only made sense. Unlike me, she was the lowest Tier; F Tier. Expecting her to be able to keep up with my skill usage was unreasonable.

While [God Step] did have a cooldown of about a minute, it was basically teleportation with a distance limit. So, for the normal person, as Ceylon had said, it was quite an experience.

It took a few more moments, but Ceylon eventually recovered, as she started to move forward.

“Let’s just walk for a bit.”

I nodded and followed after her, feeling a bit guilty. “Sorry It's so taxing.”

She shook her head. “It’s fine, I mean, the skill literally has the word god in the name, it’s ought to be powerful.”

“Right, I guess so.” I looked down the road.

“What I’m saying is.” Ceylon pulled on my sleeve to get my attention, meeting my gaze. “It’s not your fault I’m weak, Arc. So in reality I should be the one apologizing.”

I slowly nodded, unsure of what to reply before Ceylon let out a chuckle.

“It’s a bit funny that a hero constantly apologizes to me even if they are not technically at fault.” And then she smiled. “But it’s fine, I understand, as you said, I’m the first person you had a real conversation with.”

“Yeah…” I scratched my head, but Ceylon continued.

“And well, I’m glad that that is the case, part of it is the selfishness to know that you saved my life.” She gave me a wry smile. “The other part is, I’m glad you’re looking out for me, and that hopefully, I’ll be able to return the gesture in kind soon enough. I just feel lucky, that’s all.”

Towards the end, she sounded a bit insecure, and her expression kind of said it all. It made me smile.

“It’s fine, I help you because I want to; there is nothing to return Ceylon.”

“Well, then, I’ll return the gesture because I want to.” She stuck out her tongue for a moment. “Call it selfish closure.”

Her childish gesture made me smile before turning to the stars.

It was a pretty sight that I still admired from time to time when I had the chance. We continued to walk for a few moments before Ceylon spoke up.

“I am still having trouble digesting your identity, but it also puts me at ease,” she called from my side. “Even though we are traveling through the Dark Forest at night, I feel safe. Granted, we are at its edges, but still.”

I grinned. “Of course, no monster here can rival me⁠.” I thought for a moment. “But if they could, it’d be nice too.”

“Uh huh.” Ceylon gave me a weird acknowledgement. “Do you like fighting?”

“I do, it’s a realization I had in training.” I nodded. “Though I don’t seek it out either. But fighting is nice I suppose, it makes me excited, I guess? Saying it outloud does sound a bit weird…”

“I see.”

And then there was silence, she clearly wasn’t going to acknowledge it past that. Which well, I didn’t mind. We walked for another minute before Ceylon spoke up once more.

“I think I feel better now.” Ceylon nodded with certainty. “But just in case I’ll ask, do you have another movement skill that’s not so extreme?”

I thought for a moment before remembering a skill I hadn’t used in a long time: [Quick Step].

“I do, want to give it a try?”

Ceylon took a small breath before nodding. If I was honest, since [Quick Step] was fundamentally different from [God Step] I didn’t know if it would even work, but I still extended my hand for her to grab.

“Again, it’s my first time trying this, so brace yourself⁠— [Quick Step].”

In an instant we crossed a couple hundred meters with a gust of wind and an explosion of dirt. Rather than teleportation; it was closer to running there. Ceylon let go of my hand blinking.

“It still feels… weird, but it’s infinitely more bearable than your… [God Step], skill.” She paused for a moment. “Still, to have a skill with such a name, just what Tier is it even?”

“Do you want to know?” I smiled but she shook her head.

“No, I’m not ready to hear it yet.” Ceylon sighed. “I can barely wrap my head around the word hero, let alone your actual strength or Tier.”

“It’s fine,” I reassured her, extending my hand once more. “Shall we continue on our travel? We should arrive to the next town in an hour or two I think, depends on how far it is.”

Ceylon nodded and grabbed my hand with a small smile. “Let’s continue.”

“Alright, prepared?” I asked as I got a nod. “[Quick Step],”

Instantly we crossed a ludicrous distance once more, Ceylon’s hair was slightly messy as she arranged it. Looking around with some surprise.

“As I thought, it’s like… very fast movement is it not?” She asked with curiosity.

“It is, [God Step] is closer to just appearing in the destination spot. While [Quick Step] is closer to running.”

Ceylon nodded. “So that’s why we didn’t need to leave the inn.”

I nodded.

“Wait.” She paused. “I just realized, that skill is called [Quick Step]?”

I nodded. “Yeah, is there an issue?”

She blinked. “The same E Tier [Quick Step]?”

“Yeah, it’s that same skill, mine is just a higher Tier,” I said with confusion.

“That is…” Ceylon looked behind us at the trail on the dirt, working her jaw. “I really can’t understand how [Quick Step] can be so superhuman…”

Her reaction made me chuckle. “It’s fine, you’ll get used to it.”

A long sigh left her. “Ha, I guess so. You’re a hero after all…”

I raised my brow. “Are you sure you don’t want to hear my Tier?”

Ceylon let out a dry laugh. “I’m good. But if I feel like shattering my reality, then I’ll ask.”

Her response was amusing, but I decided to leave it there as I extended my hand. However, Ceylon shook her head much to my surprise.

“Is it straining as well?” I asked slightly concerned.

“No, it’s not that.” She shook her head with a smile before skipping ahead, gesturing at the surrounding trees. “Look around us, we are in one of the most dangerous regions in the continent, and yet it’s nothing more than a pleasant trek.”

I gave her a weird look, but I guess there was no way for me to understand where she was coming from. Instead, I just saw she was enjoying herself and nature. I was too, but…

I looked at the lush trees, heard the chattering sounds and rustling wind.

Was this forest really that dangerous?

It was known as the Black Forest, but even as an A Tier I wouldn’t have been too concerned. It’s not like the Imera Spider was all that strong; not from what I could tell.

Ceylon kindly smiled at me. “This is my first time traveling alone actually, or well; with another person aside from my guards.”

“Am I not your guard?” I blinked in confusion.

“Perhaps, but it's different.” She shook her head. “You don’t treat me as if I’m fragile, don’t look up to me either, you just treat me like a human.”

I paused for a moment, thinking. “Was the life of a noble that bad?”

“It’s not that it’s bad, but the freedom isn’t there.” She turned to look at the road ahead, and at that moment, I felt a presence in the darkness, it moved fast and determined. “But now thanks to you, I don’t have to⁠—”

[Quick Step]!

I instantly appeared next to Ceylon, and raised my arm as a chittering noise echoed. And in an instant, the monster hit. My boots dug onto the ground, an explosion of dust billowed as Ceylon squealed, and before it could even clear, I immediately backed off with another use of [Quick Step].

I appeared dozens of meters away holding Ceylon. And finally, off in the distance, I saw the culprit. It had eight ghastly legs, reminiscent of blades. Its body was thin as it was aerodynamic, with sharp surfaces, and at its face, along with a pair of mandibles, there were four pairs of glowing scarlet eyes.

[Emera Spider. Tier: A]

“Why is it here?”

And Ceylon spoke up. “Every mother needs a partner to produce offspring…” She swallowed for a moment, regaining her wits. “An Emera Spider, the male counterpart to the Imera Spider, faster and stronger, much more aggressive.”

I blinked. “So that so-called hero brought two of them?”

The spider hissed and spat a ball of acid our way, but I quickly used [Quick Step] to dodge again. Meanwhile Ceylon blinked at what I had just said but she immediately recovered.

“Nevermind if it’s the machinations of someone, you have to kill it, Arc,” she spoke resolutely. “If it escapes from here, it could be a tragedy for Ranedale.”

I nodded. “I knew that, but, you know, it’s not very strong.”

“It’s an A Tier monster, of course it’s strong!” Ceylon immediately protested, and the Emera Spider hissed, immediately rushing towards us with an explosion of dirt. “It could spell doom for a small town like Ranedale, and even certain citieees⁠—!” Ceylon squealed as I jumped into the air, still holding her.

“No, from my perspective, it’s not really an opponent.” I shook my head and raised my hand, ice beginning to coalesce at the palm. “I’ve faced much scarier things, and this…” A spear of ice formed. “Is nothing!”

And I threw it. All while Ceylon screamed in my air. The spear blurred, and in an instant, it exploded⁠—impaled the Emera Spider onto the ground with an burst of flesh and gore, akin to a watermelon bursting.

Its ghastly limbs flew through the air, and into the forest, its core eviscerated, and as I landed, all that remained of the terrific Emera Spider, was a splatter of blood in the middle of the road.

Ceylon finally opened her eyes, only to immediately gape.

“W-Wait, it’s⁠— it’s dead?!” She looked at what remained of the Emera Spider. “I-I mean, I didn’t get to see what you did back in Ranedale, but I guess⁠— I guess…” She trailed off. “No what I’m saying, you’re a hero, that much is expected…”

And she went silent for a moment, choosing to murmur after a second.

“But, still, to think it’s just dead from a single spear throw…”

Ceylon was right, it hadn’t been fancy magic, or anything like that. But, if I was honest I didn’t enjoy her looking at me as if I was an alien either. I mean, I was willing to tell her everything.

After a moment. I spoke up.

“Do you want to know my Tier?”

Ceylon opened her mouth before closing it again. I was sure this was strangely bizarre to her, but I didn’t want her to fear for her life every encounter we had. For better or for worse, through hellish training, the System had turned me into a hero, and through it, I became strong. And that was a fact Ceylon had to understand.

Finally after a second of waiting, she nodded and spoke up.

“I think I’m ready to hear it, Arc.”

“SS, that’s my Tier, above S Tier,” I kept it short and sweet.

And at that moment, her mouth opened only to not close. “That⁠— that…” And she went into silence once more. I could see her look at me before turning to the spider on the ground, the process was constantly repeated until finally she swallowed.

“I don’t…” She began. “I don’t think there is a single publicly known SS Tier. I mean… it is said some heroes are SS Tier, and some ancient monsters too…”

“So, I’m not the strongest?” I asked with increased curiosity.

“No, but you’re pretty close…” She scratched her neck. “Above SS, there is SSS, but it’s a Tier of legends, and nothing more than a hypothetical thing. In the history of the world, nothing has been confirmed to be that Tier, no person, no beast, no item, no⁠— nothing.”

“Huh…” I titled my head. “Well, I think that’s something to be excited about, at least for the future. Running into another SS Tier should make for a fun fight.”

My comment made Ceylon deeply sigh. “Ha, I don’t understand you, Arc.” And after a moment she turned to look at the spider. “Still, you saved my life once more… I appreciate that.”

I nodded as she continued.

“And well, I won’t tell anyone your strength Tier, you have my word.”

“Thanks, I guess?” I looked at the spider as well. “I’m just telling you the whole truth, that is all.”

“I know.” Ceylon sighed.

“Still, so not all heroes are SS Tier?”

“I don’t think they are, but I would take my information as non factual.” She shook her head, as I nodded. “And well, as for the supposed hero that brought these spiders into the Black Forest. I am glad you dealt with them.”


I thought for a moment.

“Do you feel better knowing everything now?”

Ceylon slowly nodded. “It does feel better to know how strong you truly are. I’ll try to relax next time a big scary monster appears.”

A laugh left me hearing that, and she smiled at me, clearly in a better mood.

“Let's continue to the next city?” She asked with a small smile.

I nodded, and instead of offering my hand we just began to walk, taking in the atmosphere once more. This continued for what felt like an eternity, no words were spoken as we just appreciated the forest.

“You know,” Ceylon began. “I feel even safer now.”

And then she laughed, and I just smiled, finally offering her my hand.

“Alright, we can’t just walk all the way there or it’s going to take multiple days. Are you ready to go?”

Ceylon immediately nodded and took hold of it.

“Let’s go.”

I nodded. I’m using the skill now⁠— [Quick Step],”

Instantly we crossed a ludicrous distance once more. We stopped for a moment, to rest before I extended my hand towards her.


And screams echoed in the distance. We both paused, as the presence of people entered my senses as well as…


There were multitudes of them. I hesitated for a moment, but Ceylon quickly grabbed my hand as she made a plea.

“Can we save them?”

My hesitation turned into resolution as I smiled.

“Of course. Get ready.” My smile became a grin. “[Quick Step].”

* * * * *

Nightmare Wolves.

One of the apex predators in the outer edges of the Black Forest. Unlike other dangerous threats in the Black Forest, their terrifying nature relied on numbers. Master hunters with a keen sense of smell. Their fame far and wide, well known amongst adventurers for their terrifying teamwork and unrelenting nature.

And today, it was no different. The Nightmare Wolves surrounded the travelers, attacking their carriages and quickly disposing of the guards, carefully herding them together in order to swiftly take all of their victims at once. Every Nightmare Wolf was well coordinated, working like a well oiled machine to achieve their goal, each and every one of them serving their purpose, and just like its kin, it also followed.

The Nightmare Wolf snarled, herding a human man towards its ending destination. Nightmare Wolves were careful to a fault, and this carefully woven plan was the key to success. The Nightmare Wolf growled, goading the man closer to its final position.

The screams of the humans resounded in its ears, as its fellow kin also did their job.

“I told you all this was a terrible idea!”

“Why did I even agree to this!?”

“We’re all going to die!”

The man before it was quaking, shivering in fear, aware of its own mortality looming so ever closer. The Nightmare Wolf took another menacing step forward, just a bit more and⁠ everything⁠—

Two female human travelers appeared from thin air. Intruders?! The Nightmare Wolf readied itself to fight and⁠— it was punched. Its maw broke as it was sent flying through the air at ludicrous speeds shrieking in pain, unable to understand what happened.

Its kin quickly gathered to take down the intruder, all while the crackling of knuckles and a small harrowing chuckle resounded through the air.

“This is going to be fun.”

And the Nightmare Wolf died crashing against a rock.


Tyler Machado

Arc will be the first SSS around book 3 I'll bet. Thre for 3 esses would be appropriate LOL.