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Chapter. 145: Harboring Resentment

Elasia let out a long breath.

Meanwhile, I turned. “What do you mean by freedom?”

“They feel unsafe.” Elasia elaborated, but Sun continued.

“They are claiming they were deceived. Zac, Victor, and Shao Yun are trying to stop them, but we need to go there fast to calm them down.”

“Deceived?” I felt boiling rage. “After the shit they tried, I forgave their life and yet? What did I even deceive them about? I just fucking accepted what they did as a sacrifice to get the city, and now? What? What did I deceive them about?”

“About you being the highest level.”

I frowned as I looked at Elasia, she did a small shrug. I had sort of gone along with it, so I couldn’t exactly blame her. Plus, who would’ve imagined there would be a planet wide notification about C Grade? Though I still found it to be something that angered me. More than just angering actually.

Turning to Elasia I asked.

“It’s a city now, will it downgrade if the Humans are gone?”

She tilted her head, meanwhile Lumina smiled at me, and The Light Maker simply looked in horror. After a second of thought, I finally got my answer.

“No, it won’t.”

I nodded. “Good, then it doesn't really matter, I might just kill them…”

There was some silence after I said that. Elasia just nodded, Lumina shrugged and well The Light Maker just shook his head with obvious disapproval. Being honest, I did not want to deal with some sort of human rebellion, if they wanted to leave they could, why was I even being dragged into it? I had better things to do such as trying to kill the dragon and learn Essence skills. The people were technically part of my pack and my home, but aside from the loyal ones such as Zac they didn't actually care for me or the situation. They were selfish, and my leniency had now been surpassed.

Sun spoke from behind.

"You should at least try to not kill them, you know, out of respect for those that have believed in you."

I turned to Sun and met his eyes. He was evidently upset about the things I had said, he was looking at me with some disbelief too, enough for doubt to settle in. I held his gaze but he didn't look away, after a few seconds I finally sighed. I wasn’t planning on killing them, it was a waste of time, but I definitely did not care for them to stay around any longer.

"I'll try to get them to accept the situation…"

Sun nodded, clearly relieved. "Then let us go."

"I'll come along." The Light Maker said.

Lumina glared at him before also speaking. "Me too."

Elasia sighed. "Then let's deal with this."

I felt some internal relief at the situation, even in turmoil it was evident that I wasn't alone, and that made me glad. With a small smile, I began walking towards the entrance, not alone, but with my family.

* * * * *

Victor expected it. He knew how ungrateful humans were, he knew of the selfishness that hid within people’s hearts. He had witnessed it first hand. Even though he had almost forgotten, this was a grim reminder. There were people in this world he could trust, such as The Light Maker, such as Blair, but these people weren’t it.

He drew back his bow, ready to fight to the death. He held gratitude close to his heart, and he intended to repay it. In his own mind, he had already died once, he owed his life to the elf, to Blair. He owed hope and happiness to the city.

He owed everything.

His lungs burned of fire, and yet all that was within his mind was gratitude.

* * * * *

Zac couldn’t believe what he was seeing, what was happening before his very eyes. He had done his best to save people, he had saved a few people even, and yet the very same people were now⁠— A glass vial was thrown at him, he ducked out of the way.

The same grateful people were now standing against the same person that had saved their lives. Not once, but twice. He just couldn’t believe it, it was wrong. At that moment, as he stared at the angered faces of the people before him, he only saw aliens, and that’s when he realized.

They were never grateful in the first place.

He bit his lip, and simply bared the anger. Right now, he had to prevent the worst from happening. He didn’t want more lives to be lost, even if these people were vile, he didn’t wish for bloodshed.

He just wanted normalcy.

* * * * *

Shao Yun tasted blood, all he saw was red. He couldn't believe these people that dared to call themselves 'humans', he had ignored it at first, their vile ungratefulness, their hideous tendencies and selfishness. But this had pushed him over the edge. He did feel a little bit deceived over the fact that Blair, their Savior, the Realm Breaker, wasn't the highest level out there, but so what?

She had fended off the dragon! A Herald!

Shao Yun was aware that most people didn't understand the might of a Herald, he was sure he didn't completely understand it either. But nonetheless, he saw his life flash before his eyes, he saw carnage and slaughter, the unbridled destruction that it unleashed. However, he also saw it run, get injured, the dragon was repelled by their Savior, and yet…

"Shao Yun, you traitor!" Aria, the woman shouted.

He gritted his teeth. He was the Unbreakable Blade, he was the beacon of hope for the so-called humans, everyone idolized him and yet… Right now, standing before the furious mob, he was their enemy.


It’s what he would’ve asked himself, but he simply just understood. He had understood it as soon as it happened, it wasn't his morals that were liked, it was because up until this point he had been on the side of the people. On the side of these things that dared to call themselves humans. He found it disgusting, repulsive, that he had been on the side of these people, and now the very same people that praised him refused to listen to his words of reason. There was no gratitude from the get go, they just wanted everything without a price, to them the so-called oath, was a contract in which they had lost, but in reality, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

And yet, here he was. Raising his sword against the ‘humans’ he had sworn to protect. He simply raised his sword in anger, anger with himself and the things before him. He had deceived himself, he had believed in the sanctity of the human heart, but at least he wasn’t completely alone.

He looked next to him, there was Zac, a young man who was a Wizard. He had seen his bravery, and he respected him deeply. There was also Loid, Victor, and almost unexpectedly, there was Sonia too⁠— the same woman that had tried to kill their Savior was now protecting them, and there was also:

“Shao Yun, why are we even bothering with this?!” She cried in anger.


Of course, he could see it in the crowd, there were people that refused to do anything, simply heads lowered in shame. He understood that there were still humans out there, just not the people before him. He closed his eyes, and finally made his choice. He gripped his sword.

If they weren’t humans, then he had no reason to hold back⁠—

He heard claps behind him, and a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Let us put the weapons down.”

Blair, their Savior.

* * * * *

As I stepped out of the cave, I saw a line of six humans. Some familiar faces, even the woman that had attacked me, were trying to put a stop to the mob. It was a surprise, though there was something that surprised me.

Shao Yun, the Unbreakable Blade.

I had sensed his movements, his anger and disappointment with the humans before him. It was a bit of a theory, but I almost fully believed that he was willing to kill those in front of him. He was angry and disappointed. It was something that took me by surprise, I also didn’t think he was loyal to me either, he seemed just like a man that followed what he believed in no matter what. Soon, the gazes of the angered crowd landed on me.

“Give us our freedom back!”

“You deceiver!”

“You intended for all of us to die here!”

Stepping past Shao Yun, I stood before the angry group of people. I could see the hatred in their faces, the evident loss, the pain. And yet, all I could feel myself was anger. There was no empathy, they didn’t understand my predicament, and yet, I still did my best. I did my best to do justice towards those that had stood up for me. I coughed and raised my voice, nonetheless, I hid my rage.

“No one is forced to stay here.”

With those words, the anger of the crowd calmed, replaced with confusion. I saw their brains jumping for answers, and as they were about to speak ⁠— refute my claim with the oath I continued.

“The dragon, the Herald, a powerful beast that stands above Guardians. One that will be avenged, not for you but also for me. My home was hurt, my family was threatened. I was threatened. I will not rest until that thing is dead.

“The city will be rebuilt, and the dragon will be slain; we will enlist the help of the Woodland Elves to achieve so. However…”

Finally my rage spilled over as I looked at the crowd:

“You all are also threatening my home. Do it again, and I will…”

I gritted my teeth.

“Kill you all.”

There was only silence. No one dared to move under my gaze. I was angry. Not only had they taken my kindness for granted. They had dared to fucking threaten me. I could forgive their stupidity once, but twice. This was the last straw.

At that moment, the crowd shuffled and a familiar face pushed out.

“The Woodland will assist in taking down the dragon!” Elei stepped out of the crowd and bowed. “I, the ex-ruler of the Woodland will assist.”

Mutters broke out, there was only uncertainty.

I nodded. The elf in front of me clearly knew I wanted to use them as nothing more than cannon fodder, but she still went along with it. I was unsure what made her change that much, but it was good for me. Finally, I finished speaking, this time however, bringing my hatred and resentment as I looked at the remains of the city off in the distance. I took a deep breath and finally, I spoke.


I closed my eyes.

“Those that wish to leave, and let the dragon be, may leave.” I snorted. “Those that wish to avenge the place that they call home, may remain. The city does not need those that remain here and don't care, those that do remain and don't care...”

I glared at the crowd once more, taking their faces in as I finished my statement.

“... will be killed at my hands.”

And then, there was only silence. Shao Yun seemed to nod in approval. The silence was deafening and uncomfortable. Then, someone finally spoke up.

“The dragon killed Marley, he was a great wolf!”

Then another.

“It destroyed my home!”

And another.

“It killed my wife!”

Soon, all of the humans were shouting for the dragon to die. I smiled, drinking the sight. I held no hope, but as a temporary thing it was great.

Elasia coughed from behind as she stepped forward.

“The City of the Deep Dark shall begin rebuilding! The dragon will be slain!”

The humans cheered.

I smiled. That was the end of it. My home was going to remain protected. No one threatens my home.

If the humans tried something again…

I would kill them.



How many times is the MC going to say she will kill the human trash that turns on her at every opportunity only to find some stupid excuse not to do anything?


“Those that wish to avenge the place that they call home, may remain. The city does not need those that do not care, and those that do not leave, of the two and choose to remain here…” The second sentence doesn't really make sense. I think you meant to say something along the lines of "those that do not care and choose to remain here..."