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Why is she leaving folks alive who open declare that they want to kill her, have demonstrated the capability to out-level her and whose deaths will keep her companions safe and make herself also stronger ? Sorry, it doesn't make sense. A spear stab to the head and she gets a level and also gets a guarantee that she isn't stabbed in the back later. You are trying to making your character into some [Bleeding Heart Saint] to murder-hobo humans. And..it's just not making sense. This guy did not apologize, did not plead, openly declared his intention to murder her, deliberately sicced the previous dangerious beast on her, was also about to kill her current companions....and killing him also gains her a level. So..what bloody reason to leave this murder-hobo alive ? Does. Not. Compute. Sorry it just doesn't. Pulling out hair here since Blair's decisions and actions keep contradicting each other all the time.


I am willing to rewrite this event I just need to think how it impacts the overarching plot. But yes you're right , it's inconsistent, and I've said it numerous times in RR comments but this arc sucks. Though thankfully it basically ended this chapter.

Melting Sky

The prophecy thing has been a bit drawn out, but not so much that it's an issue. I didn't read the original version of this chapter but this version sounds superior to the original. There isn't much point in involving a group of characters in the story if group dynamics never come up, so this choice to have the bleeding heart human girl interdict on the prick's behalf is a nice improvement that ads depth to the characters and their interactions. Solid improvement.