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Heya all, I was hoping to make this announcement after finishing Amber book 3 but uhhh, yeah we see how that's going. The book has two more chapters to go, and I have two written chapters after latest but I want to have them all before publishing.

Anyway, so I'm pausing Patreon for September and there is a chance that I pause it for October too.

What does this mean? (For the unaware).

Well it means you won't have to pay to maintain your subscription for the entirety of September, or if I pause October as well, same thing. Meaning that there is no need to cancel and whatever I post will still be readable to anyone that remains subscribed even if Patreon is paused. So technically it's free content.

Anyway yeah, I hope I can get back on my feet soon but honestly I really don't know. So in that regard I have no update. But there should hopefully be more chapters after Amber book 3 ends.

Thank you all for your concern, I appreciate it. <3



Thanks for the update! Your health and well-being come first, so take all the time you need. I wish you a restful recovery and sending lots of positive vibes your way. We'll be here whenever you're ready to continue. Take care of yourself! ❤️