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보내주신 디엠 댓글 모두 잘읽어보았습니다.

투표자체가 1년중 다른장르를 적어도 한번이상 하는것으로 되있어서 약간의 오해도 있는것 같네요!

그래도 저는 NTR작가이기때문에 주로 NTR작품을 계속할것이고, 무조건 1년중 다른장르를 한다기보다는 가끔씩 분위기전환이 필요해 보일때 한번씩 하는것으로 하겠습니다! 댓글도 DM도 좋은의견이 너무 많아서 확실히 방향성이나 소재같은것들도 도움이 많이되었습니다!

제가 여태한 작업물들이 대부분 정석루트라 기회가된다면 초능력이나 최면, 또는 히어로 여자캐릭터 등등 여러가지로 다양하게 꾸려볼 생각입니다.

그저 믿고 잘봐주십사 ㅎㅎㅎ 늘 최고가 되기보단, 적어도 퇴보하는 작가가 되지않도록 그려나가겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Thank you so much for your responses and the DMs. I've read through all of them.    

 I think overall there might have been a slight misunderstanding about making a decision on whether or not I would pursue a different genre among one of the projects this year.     

So to clarify, since I'm a NTR writer and artist, I plan on continuing to produce NTR work as always. As for pursuing a different genre, rather than making a promise that I'll dedicate one project among the year on a genre other than NTR, I think it might be better worded as drawing a slightly different genre to switch up the pace from time to time! 

I'd like to thank everyone for their wonderful ideas, they've given me a lot of direction and possible stories for the future!     

Since a lot of my past works have been following a pretty standardized plotline, I'll try to incorporate some of the suggestions such as supernatural powers, hypnosis and super heroines among other things.     

Thank you always for enjoying my works and supporting me as a creator. I will do my very best to continue my works as a innovative creator.



I’m happy to hear your decision ☺️


my lord laliberte, SECRET has after?